8: "Preparation"

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In my oneshots book I wrote the full version of Jelsa'slemon scene from the last chapter. Just for any older readers that might want to read that. It's called "8: Game Night" and it starts right when they switch from playing Mario Kart  to Just Dance. Also I have finals coming up in two weeks and I need to study so I probably won't be updating until then. If I get any free time aside from studying I will try to update but I can't promise anything.

Rapunzel got up earlier than everyone else just like she always did. She jumped out of bed, debating whether or not to wake Flynn up. But seeing as that he wasn't a morning person, she decided against it. She walked out of the room and slowly opened Elsa's door. Rapunzel was going to do Jack a favor.

Jack and Elsa were naked, but luckily cuddled under the askew sheets of the bed. Clothes litered the floor and Rapunzel couldn't help but giggle at the mess they had made.

She walked over to the side where Jack was. She pinched his ear and he would've yelped in pain had she not covered his mouth with her hand.

He jerked her hand away, "What are you doing?" He whispered angrily.

"Trust me, I'm helping you. Get decent and meet me in the kitchen."


"Just do it, Jackson," She glared at him.

"Ahhg, fine. But get out." She was one step ahead of him, already heading for the door the second he said "fine."

° ° ° ° °

Anna woke up to the smell of chocolate. She sniffed like a bloodhound, making her way to the kitchen. Rapunzel and Jack were standing there making pancakes. On the counter behind them was a plate with a few chocolate pancakes on it. Anna walked over and grabbed the plate.

"You know, Jackson...I was planning on killing you today for doing my sister last night, but these pancakes have saved your ass." She grabbed the syrup and a fork, and went back out into the living room.

"I told you it would work!" Rapunzel boasted.

"Yeah..." He sighed. "I honestly didn't think it would, but thanks." She could tell he was relieved. Though Anna was little, she was fierce...and would have kicked his ass in a heartbeat. She did last time and nearly sent Jack to the hospital with cracked ribs and a broken nose. Luckily for Jack, Elsa got there just in time to stop Anna from doing further damage.

Rapunzel flicked flour at him.

"What was that for?" He shouted.

"Doubting me!"

He threw more flour at her and they started an all out war.

Hiccup yawned, rolling over to face the girl whose arms were wrapped around his torso. Her disastrous hair was splayed all over the place and covering her face. Desperately wanting to see her better, he slowly lifted his hand to the mass of hair. In one slow motion he moved it so that it was behind her shoulder. 

He admired her. Not just her beautiful pale skin and rosy cheeks, or her careless fiery hair. Not even the fact that he could now brag about being taller than her because when they first met he was short and scrawny. He admired her bravery and spirit. He loved that she didn't give a damn what other people thought about her and that she was just as stubborn--if not more so--than he was. And even though she wouldn't admit it, she would do anything for those she loved.

Merida could feel him staring at her. Resisting the urge to open her eyes, she kept them closed. He started playing with the ends of her hair. She badly wanted to open her eyes to see if she could tell what he was thinking about. 

His hand ran down from her shoulder to her hip, sending shivers down her spine. He pulled their bodies closer together and his warm fingers started tracing circles on her exposed hips; she was only wearing a sports bra and shorts because it was too hot at night for anything more. 

She didn't know if she could take it much longer. Merida wanted him like crazy. She wanted for him to own her and make her his--for them to be one.

Hiccup watched her nose scruntch up. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, blinking at him a few time. "Morning, sunshine." He smiled.

He expected her to get out of bed, but she curled closer against his bare chest.

"Let's stay in here all day. I don't want ta go downstairs." She whined. She kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth to persuade him. 

Flynn woke up and pulled a white t-shirt over his head. A thud came from the wall that the headboard was pressed up against. He ignored it and started looking through his suitcase for his swim shorts that needed to be washed.

Another thud came from the wall.

"What the hell is that?"

He walked into the hallway and went to Merida and Hiccup's door. He pressed his ear to the wood. Panting sounds came from behind it. He couldn't help but chuckle, "Yo, lovebirds! Get your asses downstairs or else I'll be in there in five minutes!" He threatened. Surely that would get them to come down.

He heard annoyed groans before making his way down to the kitchen. He opened the door and stared at the scene.

The entire room was covered in flour. The counters, the cabinets, appliances...everything. Jack and Rapunzel were hiding behind opposite ends of the island--also covered in the white powder. Jack threw another hand full and hit her right in the face. "What the fuck are you two doing?" He asked dully. This was normal for them; for everyone in the group.

Rapunzel stood up, "Uhh...Well I was helping him to--"

She cut off when Jack threw a handful of flour at Flynn's face. He scowled. "That's it, I'm getting Elsa!"

He left the room to walk upstairs. On his way up, Merida and Hiccup came down, neither noticing the powder on his face.

They sat on the couch talking with Anna and the just-waking-up Kristoff. A shriek came from the kitchen, "What's going on in there?" Hiccup asked.

Anna shrugged. "No clue. I went in there and Jack and Rapunzel were making chocolate pancakes. I took a plate and got out asap."

"I don't think dat's what dey're doing anymore." Merida said suspiciously. The four of them got up and stalked into the kitchen, gaping at the mess. "So dat's what Flynn seemed mad about."

"Whaaat are you doing?" Kristoff asked.

Rapunzel giggled awkwardly. Jack rolled his eyes at her and threw more flour, this time at Hiccup. "Hey! What was that for?" Jack shrugged. Annoyed by his behavior Hiccup picked uo a hand full of flour and threw it at Jack.

"Oh...it's on now."

"Elsa, you might want to come downstairs!" Flynn knocked on the door.

She groaned, "What is it?"

"Just come down. You have to see it to believe it."

Elsa sprang out of bed, quickly slipping on her underwear, bra, and white spaghetti-strapped dress. "Did Jack get his head stuck between the bars of the porch again?" She opened the door and saw Flynn's powdered face.

"Nope. Worse." He said.

She sighed, "Where is he?" She asked as they started walking down the hallway.

"The real question is where are they?" She heard screaming as soon as they hit the bottom step. She looked at him suspiciously. "Go on. I already tried."

She opened the door and was immediately enraged. Everyone excet Flynn was throwing flour acoss the room--turning the entire room white. They all stopped and stared at her. A moment of awkward silence passing.

"Jack started it!" Anna shouted, pointing at him.

"What? Rap did! She started throwing it at me before you even showed up!" Jack argued. Merida and Hiccup joined in the argument and Elsa stood there watching.

"ENOUGH!" Elsa yelled. The room was silent again. "Jack, Rapunzel and Merida are going to clean this mess up. Flynn and Kristoff are going to the snuggly duckling to get the beer. And Hiccup and I are going to clean and set up everything else, so we don't have to do anything for the party tomorrow except get the food. Got it?" she demended. 

They all nodded their heads.

"Good. Let's get to work."

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