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What if I were to tell you that your English teacher was a so called witch or wizard?

You would probably scoff and call me one of three things. A fool, insane, or funny.


An amazing concept really. The thought of a way for the impossible to be possible. Who or what decides what is and is not possible. God? Gods? Science? Superstition?

Some may answer with a simple I don't know. The truly close minded would answer logic. It is the open minded who are the true masters of logic for they answer these questions with more questions for the fact of the matter is that our world holds no answers.

So now if I were to tell you your English teacher's secret, you may pause.


Nowadays witches are either portrayed as hags or great magical beings come to save us from demons.

When did the term witch come into play? Well if you like, I'll tell you. It is, after all, a story of logic and magic but what's a witch story without a witch?

And what is a witch...

...without a wand.

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