Todoroki Father Son Fishing Trip

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2 days before the raid.

"Shouto, can I have a word with you?" Endeavor asks as he starts the conversation over their phone call.

"That was seven right there, but what is it." Shouto responds coldly and without much emotion.

"Natsuo and I are going out on a fishing trip for a couple days and I'd like for you to come along with us. I know I haven't been the best father in the world, far from it actually, but I want to mend our relationship." Endeavor says sighing at his own words and past actions.

"Well, I've got nothing better to do, I've already finished those make up exams from the provisional license so I don't have anything to do for the next couple days. The others wont be here because of their internships, so why not? You coming to get me?" Shouto says agreeing to come along on the trip.

"Yeah, Natsuo and I will be down there in an hour or two. Get a couple days worth of clothes ready and we will be staying at the lodge down there." Endeavor explains.

"Please don't burn anything down." Shouto pleads.

"Fire is off, I've even shaved the flame stache so as to not catch anything on fire." Endeavor replies causing Shouto to arch an eyebrow.

"I've never seen you without facial hair, this is gonna be interesting."

"I'll say, my face feels like it's naked. I'll see you in a bit." He says before clicking the hang up button on the receiver. "Natsuo? Uh... What's with the get up?" Endeavor asks turning to see his middle son in full fishing gear and an angler's hat.

"You said fishing and I already have this! This is gonna be great!" He says excitedly.

"I wonder how Touya is gonna react to seeing that." Endeavor says to himself under his breath.

"Dad wants to go fishing, this is probably the only fatherly thing he's ever done. Will he even fit in the boat? Heh, he's probably going to sink it." Shouto says chuckling to himself and taking down the last bit of his conspiracy board related to the Deku and All Might secret love child conspiracy. "Well that one was solved, but not in the way I wanted it to be." He mutters to himself before pinning the thumbtack into the board and covering it with a sheet. "Might need those for later, perhaps Togata is All Might's secret love child." Once he's finished putting away the board, Shouto collects some clothes he can wear outside and while in the boat. He adds an All Might hat into the suitcase seeing as he would be needing one out there on the lake. After getting packed he makes his way to the common room where Bakugou is munching on an entire pineapple like it's a regular apple.

"Taste good?" He asks sitting on the other side of the couch.

"Saw shitty hair eat one like this, figured I'd try it too but there's something about it that makes my mouth hurt after a while." Bakugou responds before taking another bite out of the side of the pineapple.

"He said that there's some sort of enzyme in the pineapple that bites you back calling the pineapple the manliest of fruits aside from the dorian. Yaoyorozu might know more about it than I do. I don't like dorians, they smell bad." Shouto says opening up a secret compartment on the center of the couch and pulling out a can of soda.

"I don't much like 'em either. There's something about them that rubs me the wrong way. You know it took me 12 years to realise that Broccoli looks like Deku's hair?" He says showing Todoroki a photoshopped picture of Deku's face with Broccoli hair.

"Huh? Guess you're right. It does look like broccoli. I wonder if he will have issues getting his kids to eat it." Shouto ponders watching the television waiting for his dad to get there.

"What's with the bags Half n' Half?" Bakugou asks.

"Oh, Endeavor wants to bring me fishing while I have some down time seeing as we don't have an internship at the moment. You gonna just stay here?"

"Yeah, got nothin better to do, though I might see if that blonde haired chick from the make-up exams is free. Might be able to score if you know what I mean." Bakugou says with a smirk.

"This conversation never happened." Shouto says handing Bakugou a square shaped object.

"The others will never know." He says agreeing with his statement. "You know if Hobo-sensei is against student relationships?"

"He didn't give a shit when he caught Yaoyorozu and I out around kashyyyk shopping mall, so I guess not. Midoriya and Uraraka are also getting pretty close recently so I wouldn't be surprised if they get together soon." He says opening the can and starting to drink his soda.

"Might be a whole, don't get anyone pregnant scenario. We could just ask him, but theres something I want to ask you."

"I'm listening."

"Do you think those villains did anything to Deku? They had to have done something aside from giving him that weird quirk." Bakugou asks Todoroki causing him to pause for a moment.

"No, we would have known from the moment he woke up. Midoriya is easy to read. We would know if something happened and we have the reports from the lab with that Dr Garaki guy. It said that Midoriya woke up, stole a quirk from a noumu then lost control of the power destroying the labs. Whether that All for One quirk affects his mind is a different story."

"I know that those villains turned him, he might not show it but he's plotting something to take us down. I'm going to get to the bottom of this whether I have to beat it out of him or not.."

"I thought you were supposed to be smart Bakugou, because that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say. You saw what his father did to All Might back at Kamino, Midoriya possesses more quirks than that guy used and isn't attached to a life support system. You got your ass handed to you on a silver platter the first time you tried to fight him with this new quirk. You really are a fool if you think that you have a chance in hell against him." Todoroki scolds before standing up and making his way to the door. "We'll continue this conversation never." He says closing the door behind him.

Getting to the gates and exiting campus, Shouto is greeted by his father, older brother and Dabi of all people. "How are we supposed to fit in this tiny thing Dad?" Shouto asks looking at the tiny Chevy cruz that his father owns. "I think the better question is how you even drive this thing." Dabi says doing an estimation of his father's shoulder span to the front of the car. "You're wider than the car." Natsuo replies before Endeavor sighs turning off his fire which, surprisingly, makes him less buff than he originally was. "Don't worry about it, I'll make some space... I hope." He says before taking Shouto's bag and heading towards the trunk. The three boys get inside the small car as their father tries to shove the suit case into the already cramped trunk. Incomprehensible grumbles and curses are muttered under his breath as he tries to get the suit cases back into the trunk.

"Alright, that should hold or an hour or two, before we go to the lake is there anywhere you all want to go?" He asks sitting in the drivers side and smushing Dabi against the other door with his bulky arm.

"A car dealership for a bigger car." Dabi says through a muffled voice.

"Why are you driving mom's car anyways?" Shouto asks.

"I usually don't drive and I kinda melted my keys by accident." Enji says with a slightly embarrassed voice.

"Mom always said you need to turn off your fire." Dabi says as Endeavor starts the car and pulls out of the parallel parking spot.

"Yeah, alright let's go get a new car then we'll get lunch and head to the lake." he says shifting into drive and accelerating towards downtown Mustafu to the nearest car dealership.

Shouto buckles himself into the new SUV relaxing into fabric of the seat. Dabi hands out the food from a drive through burger joint as they make their way onto the highway. "So, Dabi? Why are you here? Aren't you a bad guy?" Shouto asks, taking a bite out of his burger. "This is hush hush so don't tell anyone. I'm the pro hero Flash Point and the hero council asked me to go undercover on the league to spy on them." He explains. Shouto at first doesn't believe him saying that he could be lying but Enji shows him the file on Dabi/Flash Point and the reconisince that he has provided for them. "Touya is the reason why we found Midoriya's location a few weeks ago. If he didn't give us the information we would have attacked Midoriya on the spot not knowing that he was their capture and not the assailant." he explains.

The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet with a semi awkward atmosphere between father and sons. A couple hours later and a short nap from Natsuo, they arrive at the camp ground before parking the SUV and checking in to the lodge there at the lake. Enji rents a boat and a few poles before they set their things in their room and get changed into some lake gear. Dabi gets rid of his disguise pulling off the latex coverings on his face and arms that resemble burns. Shouto blinks a few times seeing Touya again before being pulled into a headlock and having a fist scratched into his hair by his older brother. The four of them put on fishing vests, Natsuo sporting an anglers cap, and shorts before heading down to the docs and to their boat. Touya drives the boat out towards an inlet from the river and ties off on a fallen branch. They prepare their fishing poles before baiting the lines and casting into the water.

"You know, I think this is the first father son thing we've ever done." Natsuo says watching his bobber float in the water.

"You're right, and I apologise for how awful of a father I have been. Let's just try to fix our relationshi- Oh I got one!" Enji says trying to explain himself before seeing his bobber go below the surface. He reels in the line only to pull up an algae covered boot causing the three boys to laugh.

"I don't think it can even fit you!" Touya exclaims, clutching his sides in laughter.

"Hold on, I got one." Natsuo says fighting with a fish that's swimming around in circles with his line. "Wow it's a fighter." He exclaims reeling in the line with all his might. As he gets the fish out of the water it turns out to be a small warmouth, a small fish with an orange belly that fights a lot, Shouto starts to crack up seeing this.

"I got another one!" Enji exclaims fighting another fish in the water, a quick yank later and a Lobster pops up from the water holding onto the line. "A Lobster!? How the hell?! How is that even possible?! What's in this lake???" He shouts trying to fight the lobster for the book back. Touya starts laughing so hard he falls out of the boat, this causes the other three to crack up seeing him fall in the water. For a couple moments he doesn't surface which worries them slightly before he erupts from the water holding a huge snapping turtle above his head and screaming. "I'M EATING THIS MOTHER FUCKER!!! BITE ME I'LL FUCKIN BITE BACK!!!"

"Fish." Shouto says trying to hold back laughter as he starts to fight with a fish that snagged his line. The others watch as he fights with this monster for several minutes reeling and yanking the line up fighting it trying to get it to surface. "Jeez, sucker must be huge." Touya says climbing back into the boat. A few minutes later Enji pulls out a net to assist Shouto as they finally get the fish into the boat. A massive 25lbs large mouth Bass is caught by the youngest Todoroki as the others celebrate. Enji proudest of all holding up the fish and screaming "SHHHHHOOOOOTOOOOOOO!!!" Towards the heavens holding the fish in the air. 

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