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"Hey! Stop falling asleep!" A voice yells, startking me and making my body jerk up from the table. I look around for a moment, forgetting where I was... for a split second, I thought I was back home.

I look around and see I'm in the Hogwarts library, I sigh and lay my head on my hand and look back at the book that was placed in front of me. 'Dark curses and what they do.' This process would have been a lot easier if I remembered the ending of the game.

"(Y/n) this is the third time you drifted to sleep. It's like you haven't even been sleeping!" Sebastian complains, slamming another book closed.

I laugh in my head at that statement. It is true I haven't been sleeping lately. Yet I'd rather be sleep deprived then find myself in the middle of nowhere.. let alone find myself at the gates of Azkaban.

"Uh." I start, trying to change the subject. "I hear there is a class trip to the muggle  world for our muggle studies class. Are you going?"

Sebastian looks at me with a studying expression before shrugging. "I don't really need to learn about muggles. It's not like I'm gonna be dealing with them that much."

"I'm going." I say. "I honestly miss the muggle world. Perhaps the professor will allow us to go out of the country, too. Gareth and I have this-"

"Weasley is going?" Sebastian interrupts me, leaning forward all of a sudden.

I look him up and down, giving him a perplexed expression. "Yea... me and him were paired up since we were the first people to show interest in the trip." I narrow my eyes and give him a sly smirk. "Why are you so obsessed with Gareth, Sebastian? Are you perhaps crushing on the red head."

Sebastian immediately gags and glares at me. "If you ever insinuate me crushing on the likes of him.. let alone another guy, you better watch your next meal." He growls.

I laugh at the brunette and shake my head. "I'm only teasing, I know you have no room in your heart for any sort of love, Sebastian. We want to cure your sister, and I know that is what's most important to you." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sebastian looks at my hand and then back at me. It seems like he is always studying me. "I'll go on that muggle trip. Even though it's unlikely, perhaps I can find something to help Anne." He then moves away from me, letting my hand fall from his shoulder.

His movement away from me made my heart tinge for a moment. I know I've had feelings for this boy before, but that was when he was... fictional. Yet now he is here, real, and right in front of me. I can't look at him in the way i used to, I am mentally older than most of the kids here, and for sure, wiser than Sebastian. I can't let myself feel things for these people again. That's why I'm going to leave soon, and once I do, I can go back to loving a fictional character with no drama from afar. I know from personal experience that no one has actually truly loved me, and I'm not taking chances with people I personally admire.

"I'm excited for you to come! The professor said it's recommended to bring a friend along as a pair so everyone is even." I look to him again, seeing that he found a new book. 'Cases of curses that can break realities.' I quickly get up and walk over to him. "Break realities?"

"It's just a metafor. There is no way curses can cross realities" Sebastian replies blankly.

I look at the book for a moment before speaking. "What about.. people?" I hesitantly say before looking at him. Sebastian isn't dumb, but he also isn't very perceptive. I just hope he doesn't catch on.

"Myths, if your interested in that sort of stuff look at the reincarnation books in the fiction section." He glances at me for a moment. "Why does that peek your interest? Hmm?" He asks with a smirk.

I look up at him, and give him a smile in return, not trying to act suspicious. "I heard some people talk about how people can end up in different realities after tragic accidents. Either they are dead and reincarnated, or they are in a coma like state living in a different world until they find their way back to their body... or die." I bite my lip to stop myself from frowning at the words I spoke. "It seemed interesting is all."

"Haha, you shouldn't be listening to random students (y/n). I'm sure they were just messing with you since your new to the Wizarding World." Sebastian laughs, turning his attention back to the book.

I nod, knowing fully well that I can't continue the conversation. Of course it sounds ridiculous. I thought this whole world was just a story by some random lady. I didn't think that I would be here in person... let alone be using magic.

"So, are you coming solo?" I ask.

Sebastian laughs. "Don't worry, I will bring a friend."

I nod, and turn back to my book. I wonder who he has in mind?


"Ah, I didn't know you were interested in visiting the muggle world Mr. Gaunt." The professor says.

Ominis was standing beside Sebastian, if I didn't know any better, it seems as if he was just dragged here with no explanation.

"I am just as shoked as you are professor." Ominis replys with a monotone voice. It honestly made me laugh out loud, which made the blonde move his head slightly to my direction.

"Well, since we are all here. I will be assigning your roommates for the trip." The professor quickly says, looking around. "Since your paired up, that will be your automatic roommate, but we are planning on 4 a room."

I look over at Gareth who was smirking, and I already know it's because he gets to bunk with a girl. Yet I am not going to let anything happen. I'm sure Poppy and Natsi will also room with us.

"Since you were kind enough to convince Mr. Sallow and Mr. Gaut, I'll just have them room with you aswell Miss (y/n)." The professor announced.

I widen my eyes, I am not sharing a room with 3 pubescent boys. I quickly raise my hand. "Excuse me, isn't it a bit inappropriate for 3 boys to room with one girl?" I ask. Looking around, hoping someone else would chip in.

"I don't mind sharing a room with you." Sebastian says with a smirk.

I shoot him a glare, and quickly look over at Gareth, hoping he will deny staying in a room with Sebastian. Yet he shrugs... he SHRUGS. "I honestly don't care, it's not like I plan to be in the room other then sleeping."

Great, thanks Gareth, now the Professor has more reason to keep the arrangement. I quickly look over at Ominis hoping he will speak up, he is my last hope to not be in a situation from a K-drama.

"Can we just go already?" Ominis says. "As long as we don't bunk with Dunken Hobhouse I will be happy."

I look at the Professor hoping they will understand my situation. Then I realized this is the 1890's. That with cultural differences does not help my case.

"I trust you Miss (l/n), you will be fine." The professor replied and continued to make room arrangements.

I know Gareth may jokingly play some moves on me. Yet sharing a room with him and the guys who are obviously not too keen about me.. this definitely is not how it played out in the game.

Yet this over dramatisized situation isn't my main concern. My main concern is how I'm gonna make myself stay awake, because without Poppy, no one knows my new sleep walking habits. Not only that but, these sleep walking dreams are starting to feel eerily similar to how I felt under the Imperious curse.

"(Y/n)!" Gareth yells. "You gonna just stand there being pretty? Or are you gonna join us for a muggle trip."

I give the ginger a playful glare. "Very funny Gareth." I go inside the bus and sit beside him. This is going to be a long trip.

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