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"In todays class, we are going to learn how to make the Felix Felicis potion." Professor sharp begins. "Also known as-"

"Liquid Luck!" Amit interrupts. 

Sharp looks over at Amit and nods, "Correct, 5 points to Ravenclaw." He then takes out the potion books and begins distributing them to everyone. "These are new books, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully; and due to the limited stock I will pair you all up."

A book flew over to me and I gladly take it. It was eerily similar to the ones I have seen before, so it should be the same? I open the book, and yes, it was the same book from the Half-Blood prince. So if I remember correctly I can brew this better then my peers.

"Excuse me Professor, can we pick our own partners?" Gareth asks. "I want to work with my friend (Y/n)." The loud red head exclaims from beside me. 

I look over at Professor Sharp, then back over at Gareth who had a huge smile on his face. I return the smile, but before anyone could say anything another voice spoke out. "Sorry Weasley, if anyone is gonna be her partner its going to be me." 

Everyone turns their attention over to Sebastien, his arms were folded and he had a cold expression to Gareth, which was kind of odd to me. To be honest the fact that they both wanted me as their partner made me feel warm. 

The two boys began bickering for awhile when a sigh was heard from Sharp. "Have your lover's quarrel outside of class please. (Y/n) is going to be working with... wait where is Miss Onai?" His words made me cringe a bit, I would defiantly not wanna be in a lovers quarrel with kids at this age.

"She is sick today Professor." A Gryffindor girl responds. 

Sharp hums then looks back at me. "You will work with Mr. Gaunt, usually I pair Miss Onai with him yet it seems she is unwell. We will find your permanent partner afterwards." He the turns back to Gareth and Sebastian. "I suppose you two will be great partners this semester." 

Sebastian and Gareth both look at each other and groan, making the students laugh. I glance over at Ominis who seemed annoyed, to be honest I didn't wanna work with him either, but I can just use his blindness to my advantage to make the potion the easy way. 

Once the class was sorted, I make my way over to Ominis. We didn't speak a single word to one another unless it was absolutely necessary. Yet I really needed to try and fix our 'relationship' quick so he doesn't suspect me more then he already does.

"Sorry about last time." I say while stirring the brew. "I guess I was a bit salty from overhearing the conversation, but I know better then to take it out on people like that. I am not normally like that." 

Ominis stays silent for a moment before responding. "I... could tell, normally you sound happy, but yesterday you seemed off." He continues to grind the Occamy Eggshells together. "I should be the one apologizing. What I said was..."

"Don't apologize for the way you feel Ominis." I interrupt. "I am just an outsider, and if I am being completely honest.. I really don't belong here. Yet don't apologize unless you mean it." I take the eggshell mixture in the pot, and turn on the heat and continue to stir. "I don't think you mean it, and that's ok. I know that not everyone is going to like me. Next time just tell it to my face alright." 

I start to sprinkle powdered common rue on top of the mixture and then stir a bit faster. I noticed everyone was basically still trying to juice the squill bulb; and at this moment I thanked my other world knowledge for sticking around. I stop stirring and heat up the pot for the last time, turning to look at Ominis. His face was blank, but it seemed to always be that way whenever I see him. 

"Almost done." I say quietly, glancing over at Professor Sharp who had been watching us carefully the entire time. I take my wand and place it over the cauldron. "Felixempra!" Then with a poof, it was done, the mixture for Felix Felicis. Sharp gives us a smile then takes the cauldron we made to his desk, of course not trusting kids with something as strong as a Luck Potion.

I know Ominis most likely won't talk to me again, so I thank him and start to walk back to my seat. "I don't dislike you." He speaks. His words were quiet, but I could hear them as clear as day. I glance back at him to see him with a small smile. For the first time since I came here, I have finally seen it. A smile from Ominis. 


After class I made my way back to my room, I wanted to get a bit more sleep before dinner. It seems like I will be awake all night either way. I still need to find that book, or maybe even a person who could give me some information. 

The halls were packed today, it was like the whole school was heading to the same place. In fact, as I got closer to my dorm, it was even more prominent that they were. The students were gathering to the outside of the castle. As much as it made me curious, I was told nothing about a gathering, so with that I will assume I don't have to go. I make a turn from the sea of people and head to the Hufflepuff common room. 

Immediately Poppy comes running out of the door and runs out, bodying my to the ground. "Oh! I am so sorry (Y/n)!" she exclaims.

"You're good, but why are you in such a hurry?" I ask, getting back up and helping her up as well.

"Have you not heard? Something strange is happening in the courtyard! Isn't that strange after what happened last-" I quickly cover her mouth and glance around.

"Weird? What is so weird about the courtyard?" I ask taking my hand off her mouth.

"Well, that's what we are about to find out." She grabs my hand and starts dragging me back into the sea of people. 

I try and break her grip, but it was as strong as a kid who had their favorite candy. "Poppy I want to sleep, whatever this is can wait; someone will just tell me later."

Of course Poppy ignores me and we finally leave the castle to notice.... nothing. There was nothing going on in the courtyard. Everyone was just standing idly as if they had just missed a important announcement from their favorite performer. I take my wrist back and glance at Poppy who seemed equally disappointed.  

"What is that?" A student yells, pointing up at the sky. 

Everyone seemed to simultaneously look up at the sky. The stars... the starts were out at broad daylight. I feel a chill engulf me, as I stare up at the clear sky. A single owl flew down, with a piece of paper in its beak. It flew directly to me. Everyone watched as this black owl dropped a letter into my hands. The envelope was black, and it was sealed with a red heart wax. 

Anxiously I open up the letter when a dark smoke emerged from the letter. "Little bird thinks it can survive by itself. Little bird outside of the cage. Little bird can't be alone... Little bird needs to come home." A dark voice uttered.

Then as quickly as the letter appeared, it disappeared in a black smoke. I feel someone shake my shoulders, and I blink. In front of me was a worried Poppy. "What is up with you and this courtyard (Y/n)?" she asks.

I give her a perplexed expression. "I told you I wanted to sleep, your the one who dragged me out here with everyone?"

"(Y/n). You came into our room, fell asleep, and then randomly ran out of our room. I chased you out here and you just stopped and stared at the sky." Poppy's voice was shaky, almost like she was scared.

Poppy's words make me automatically look around the courtyard. There was only the few students around, and they all seemed pre-occupied with sports or conversations. I look over at Poppy, feeling my eyes widen at the fact that not once.. but twice I had slept walked in the same week.

"Poppy... I... I'm scared." I mutter quietly. It wasn't a lie, I was terrified and it wasn't because of the sleep walking.

"(Y/n)? Poppy? Why were you guys running to the courtyard?" A familiar red head asks. Gareth walks over to us with a worried expression. Gareth and I have been hanging out a lot these past few weeks, in fact our friendship grew really fast. Despite all the books, and things I have heard about him, I can honestly call him a trusted friend here; well in a sense.

I glance over at Gareth and shoot him a smile. "Oh! Hey Gareth, Poppy was telling me there was some cute creatures outside so I couldn't help but rush out to find it." I lie.

"Is that so?" Gareth looks over to Poppy who also quickly nods and puts on a smile. "Well, I am curious too now, can I come along with you guys?"

"Sure!" Poppy quickly says, quickly grabbing my arm. "Follow me!" 

The three of us began to walk towards the entrance of the forbidden forest. As we are walking in silence I took this as time to distract myself from the events that had just occurred. I look over at Gareth and begin to study his face, his freckles dotted his pale skin like a constellation. His green eyes shined like... emeralds. His fluffy red hair was getting messed up in the wind, kind of like a wave that was reflecting the setting sun. I was always a fan of Weasleys, and now I am actually in the presence of one. Yet its in a world and time where I can't enjoy it. Not with a mind and past like mine.

"Like what you see?" Gareth interrupts my thoughts, giving me a big smile. 

I laugh at him and shake my head. "I am just curious, how did you and Seb not rip each other's heads off?" I ask. 

"Trust me, we almost did. Those stupid things wouldn't stop bouncing around... between the two- well three of us, I think Sebastian was about to cry." The ginger begins to laugh at the image.

"Hey, that's not nice, I feel like Sebastian is an emotional boy." I reply, trying to contain my own laughter. "He is stressed with his sister, give him a break will you?" 

"Yeah, leave my name out of your mouth Weasley." The one and only Sebastian growls from behind us.

All three of us jump as Sebastian spoke. I turn to look and see Sebastian with folded arms looking down at us from the slope we were all walking down. I quickly smile at him and begin to wave at the boy. Yet he seemed to be angry, more angry then I have seen him in person. 

Sebastian stomps down the slope and walks directly towards me. "You forgot again didn't you?" He asks. "And of course your hanging out with Weasley again. (Y/n) are you forgetting who actually wanted to hang out with you? Did you.. did you forget our deal?"

"Sebastian, of course I remember... I just-"

"For fucks sake Sallow, she is not your dog." Gareth interrupts. "She heard your conversation with Ominis in the hall, she knows your just using her for your own convenience." 

It suddenly became silent, Sebastian looks between Gareth and I with a wide eyed expression. "That.. look I didn't mean for it come out like that." He glances back at me and locks his brown eyes with mine. "(Y/n) I truly didn't mean it like that."

I look at Sebastian and then at Gareth, then finally at Poppy. "Honestly," I start, looking back at Sebastian. "I am fine with you using me. I want to help you, help your sister." I slither my arm out of Poppy's grip and give her a smile. "Why don't you show Gareth the cute creatures? I think you two can be good friends." 

Poppy looks over at me, then over at Gareth. I am not one of the shippers, especially when it comes to people like them. Yet I feel like Gareth should befriend a person who is his own age. I know nothing between me and Sebastian will ever be more then 'business' so who am I to befriend someone who will more then likely never see me after the school year. 

Gareth looks at me for a moment before Poppy grabs his arm. "Come now Gareth, lets go see some Puffskein's."


I smile as Poppy drags Gareth to the forbidden forest. That's how it should be, two people that belong... I look back at Sebastian who was staring at me. Almost like he was studying me. So to release the tension I let my impulsive ideas loose and slowly lift my pointer finger to his face. Slowly, I moved it forward, inching closer to his face. 

"What in Merlin's name are you doing." He asks, breaking his eye contact to my finger that was inching towards his nose.

"Boop." I say, as cringe as that was, it was the only thing I could think of to distract the boy. I pressed his nose and he looks at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on now." Sebastian grabs my wrist and starts taking us back to Hogwarts. "and... I really didn't mean it you know." He glances back at me, "You aren't a friend of convenience."


A/N: Hey sorry if the chapters haven't been making sense. I have been posting these late night when I have time. But once I have a day off I will go back and re-read and make the proper edits. 

The story may seem rushed, but I just want to make it to year 6 where more romance could happen, right now its just your first meetings and interactions with everyone so its not supposed to be romantic at all yet.

I also will go back and edit the book title and description soon, to specify this is an alternate reality and not all the events in the game will occur in this world. There is more to your story, and I am open on tips and recommendations. I've haven't written a proper x reader since 2018.. so if the story is boring or repetitive at all I would really enjoy hearing some feedback.

Also this story will have daily chapters because I wanna go back to writing more often, so if you like daily chapters WOOOOO. (Sometimes I will upload multiple a day depending on how busy I am.) 

Anyways I hope you are enjoying the story so far... there is a lot coming your way.

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