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(Slight mention of death and blood)

I felt nothing. All around me was just darkness. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk. Perhaps I died again... perhaps this is just how everything is supposed to be. Me alone.. in darkness.

"(Y/n)." A familiar voice, a voice I thought I had forgotten calls out my name from the darkness.

I glance around in the darkness, feeling like I was encased in a dark goo. I was searching, searching for the voice that called my name.

Then my eyes suddenly burst open, I like I was in a paralysis I could only move my eyes, though my body seemed to move on it'd own.

I was in a tent. This tent was immediately familiar to me. It was the tent I had seen the night it had all happened. The night I died.

I watch as I get up from my sleeping bag. It was eerily quiet, I turned to the left, and Rory was gone. I turn to the right.... Stella was also gone.

I gaze around and then proceed to exit the tent, knowing what was waiting on the other side.

A lit campfire was burning in front of me. Beside it was Rory's phone. And on top of it was blood. Why was this memory popping up now? Why am I dreaming of this after so long? 'Because it's a hint.' Something whispers to me.

Who's voice was that?? As these thoughts race through my head, my body kept moving forward, I know where I was going, and at this point, it was inevitable to stop myself from reliving this nightmare.

As I got closer to a clearing in the woods, I heard the cries, the pleading of my Cousin Rory. It was terrifying, and I know whoever was inflicting this onto him was someone I considered my best friend.

I turn the corner to see the axe hit his head, and I turn to look at who had done it... yet instead of who I knew it was... it was Livio. He turns his head to me, face covered in scattered blood, and smiles at me.

"Found you, little bird."

Then I saw the axe thrown towards me, and I was back in the darkness.

After what felt like forever, I felt myself spring out of a bed, I was in a dark room, but I could make out 3 other beds around me. Am I in the hospital?

I felt free, more free than what I had felt moments... hours? Before. I couldn't really make out what was around me, but I made sure to get up quietly and walk through what I assumed was the door.

Upon exiting, I immediately knew where I was again. I was on a trip with people from hogwarts.. was it a dream? Or perhaps it...

"You're awake." A soft voice spoke. I turn around to see Ominis at the door. "You have been out for 2 days. We will be leaving in the morning.

I widen my eyes and shake my head, knowing that he wouldn't see. "No way, I.. I just got here. We can't be leaving today." I whisper.

Ominis quietly walks over to me, and using his wand drags me down the hallway. "I thought we should have left after you were poisoned. Yet the professor complained about the money, so we have just been sitting idly while you recovered."

"Poison?" I ask. I'm stopping in my tracks. "Who would poison me?"

"Who would you think? Those illvormony students have been nowhere to be found after you lost consciousness." Ominis replies, turning a corner. "What's weirder is this."

I take out my wand and cast luminous to see a brick wall. Ominis puts his head on it, pushing me to the wall as a sign for me to do the same.

As i placed my head on the wall, there were whispers. The whispers that sounded almost like a spell... or a poem. "From those I've touched, come back to me. Bring my bird, who was set free." I murmur in confusion.

"I assume that wizard Levio did something with those four. Willingly or not, they were under his control. If he truly is in Azkaban, then you're fine. Yet if not, he knows you're here and knows you attend hogwarts." Ominis explains.

I feel my heart drop as those words left his mouth. That made so much sense... to the fact I was sleep walking, hearing his voice.. even seeing a glimpse of him. This is too much, I should have killed him, and I should have...

"Your heart." Ominis interrupts my thoughts.  "Do you perhaps... know why this guy is after you?"

I swallow whatever lump was stuck in I'm throat, trying to calm myself down. I didn't need to worry too much about my facial reactions, just my voice. "No. I have no clue."

Little did I know, Sebastian was also a light sleeper. He followed us and watched everything unfold. He saw my true expressions... and I didn't even notice.

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