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I find myself outside. The scenery was what was vaguely familiar to me. It was like I had  been here once before.

We were staying at a house by a small creek, along the creek were bushes of black berries. The entire property was covered in trees, all bellow a tiny hill. It was nostalgic in a way, like I was back at my grandma's house. Back before, I could've ever imagined being here.

I walk along the black berry bushes and pluck a black berry from the bushes. I inspect it, my mind not thinking about anything else but my home. I had no home here. Yes, I've always dreamed of being a wizard, meeting the characters of the games or book... yet the way I got here is not how I wanted it to go. Who I had to lose, and what I have lost matters way more to me than anything. With those thoughts racing my mind, I take my fingers and squish the berry, watching its dark liquid flood down my hand.

"(Y/n) what happened to you?" A voice I recognized as Carter's spoke. "Both you and Livio fell off of the planet!"

I turn to Carter, seeing he left Colleen running behind him. I move my hands to behind my back and give him my 'genuine' smile. "So the sealed the incident?"

"What incident?" Colleen asks, huffing from running. "We know Livio went to Azkaban, but we didn't hear what happened to you and Rory."

"Wait, Livio is in Azkaban?" Carter asks.

"Yes, now let her talk!" Colleen responds.

I stare at them and laugh a bit, whether it was because of their bickering or because of the answer I was going to respond with... I couldn't tell. "Rory died, and Livio caused that."

Then there was silence. The silence I hated the most, the silence of either pity or sadness. Yet knowing them, I couldn't tell which one they were feeling.

"Then why are you at Hogwarts? Couldn't your mom just let you stay at Ilvermorny?" Colleen asks, breaking the silence.

I roll my eyes. "You know my 'parents' favored Rory over me. My dad, being a Non-magic, played a key part in that. He thought our mom sent us to boarding school for him to learn how to take over his business. Once she knew he was gone, both of my parents kicked me out."

It went back to silence. The twins share a look before Carter stepped forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Perhaps we can find a way for you to stay with our family."

I shake my head. "That would be too suspicious." I reply. I'm looking around to make sure no one is nearby and silently cast 'revelio to make sure no one was sneaking and listening. "They think I'm an American Non-magic born who was left at an orphanage. These people know nothing about who I am."

"That's not good (y/n). The other Ilvermorny students will recognize you instantly." Colleen quickly says.

"That's why I'm hoping you can tell them to pretend not to know who I am. I'm a bubbly Hufflepuff who comes across as a pushover and gullible. Okay?" I warn.

The twins both let out a laugh, "That is nothing like you at all." They say in unison.

"Yeah, yeah. I got to go before the boys get too curious. Please let people know before dinner." I give a look, as I noticed Gareth running over to us. "Speaking of which, here is a test run."

I force a fake smile and quickly wave my hand over at Gareth, I know I let my mask go a few times around him, but it was only when I seemed sad. There is nothing to incriminate me at all. The twins look over at the ginger running over and then back at me, noticing my change of character, trying not to laugh.

"(Y/n)! Professor said we couldn't separate from our partner and sent me to find you." He runs to my side and looks over at the twins.

"No worries, your friend was in good hands." Carter says, with his monotone voice.

Gareth gives Carter a weird look. It almost seemed like he was suspicious. That was kind of out of character of him. "Right, (Y/n) we should hurry back."

I feel Gareth grab my arm, and I glance at the twins one last time. "Nice to hang out with you guys again, I am sure I will see you again soon!" I chirp, giving the twins a wink. I noticed Gareth's jaw a bit clenched as I spoke. "Is there something wrong, Gareth?"

Gareth quickly shakes his head and looks at the twins then smiles at them, "Well, I'm just glad you met some new friends, but let's hurry back to our room, I want to pull a prank on those Slytherins and have them crying after dinner."

He then tightens his grip and starts dragging me away from the twins, making them look at each other in a plotting way. As we walked away back towards the house, I noticed Gareth's hand had not left my arm yet.

"Why are you in such a hurry. I get you want to prank the boys, but Ominis is blind. He can fall for any quiet prank. Sebastian is too dense. I don't think -"

"What were you talking about with the Americans." Gareth interrupts. Seeming like he was angry. 

I glance at his expression. Instead of his usual mischievous smirk that rests on his face, it was replaced with a sour and upset one. It was odd, really odd, yet knowing this ginger all I could assume was that he was messing with me. So I did the only thing I knew how to do in this world. Lie.

"We were discussing me moving back here to America!" I chirp, giving him a forced giggle. "They said I would be a perfect fit for -"

"Bloody daft idea if I say so myself. You are perfectly fine at Hogwarts." Gareth quite literally growled out.

I was taken aback by the gingers sudden outburst. I felt his grip tighten more until we arrived at our temporary room. Gareth, let's go of my wrist and then plops down on his bed. I didn't utter a single word.

The room was silent, I stood there awkwardly as Gareth calmed down. He turns back to me and then gives me his usual goofy smirk. "So, shall we commence the pranks?"

"Is that really all you're gonna say after all of that??" I ask, glancing at him with a small frown.

Gareth pretends to ponder for a moment before pulling out what I could only assume were items for his little 'pranks'. "Yep! For now!" He says quickly, "Now hurry and hide these under Sebastian's pillow!"

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