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Our professor somehow managed to get a normal looking school bus into the muggle world. Flying in it kind of gave me the feeling I was guest staring in the Magic School bus.. in a sense, it kind of was. Yet instead of Mrs. Frizz and a bunch of elementary kids, it was a random teacher I don't remember from the game and a bunch of magical teens.

Surprisingly, after a lot of my pestering, the professor did finally agree to take our class on a trip to America. My only problem was that some Ilvermorny students were going to be accompanying us, and I really don't know if they would recognize me or not. It's been almost two years after all, and it's not only that.. I've taken on a whole new personality in general.

We arrive after a long flight  to America. Weirdly enough, we ended up on the west coast, which is where I grew up. Yet no one here knew this. All they know is I moved to London at the age of 7, my father died in war while we lived there, and my mom decided to leave me at the orphanage there. That's the story I have for these people. It was a fake story, of course. No one can know the truth.

"Welcome to America!" The professor announces loudly. "We are in the state of Oregon if you were all wondering."

Everyone starts talking amongst themselves, in awe of being able to have crossed continents. "It took so long to get here by magic. Why couldn't we just apparat here." A student complained.

"Because we have to follow the American Wizarding rules. That's why a few 5th years from Ilvermorny and some teachers are accompanying us this evening. So be on your best behavior, or you may be stuck here for a while." The Professor replies, keeping a straight face. "Now! Let's go find your rooms, shall we?"


Once we arrive in our room, I place my stuff on a corner bed. The room was set up with 4 beds, two on the right side of the room, two on the left. There was an open window that looked out into a bunch of trees, but I like my sleep.. well, did. I debated if I should move my stuff to the window for a moment; that was until both Gareth and Sebastian ran to that bed. 

"Back of Weasley, I called this bed first." Sebastian exclaims.

Gareth pushes Sebastian and tries to put his bag on the bed. "You seem to really want the bed? Yet you think so little about the person who is sleeping beside it. Why would you ever want to sleep next to her, huh?"

"Oh, will you shut up! I-"

"Merlin, how about you just let (Y/n) pick who sleeps next to her?" Ominis groans.

The two boys look at each other then to me. This was a difficult decision because it didn't matter to me who slept on that bed. It bothered me who would sleep on the other side closer to the door. I look at all three before crossing my arms. "Who is the deepest sleeper?" I ask.

The boys look at each other (not Ominis) before Gareth raises his hand. "I slept through a big earthquake once, and my mother says I snore like a hoard of -" 

"Okay, Gareth, you can sleep across from me. I can't sleep if you're gonna be snoring in my ear. Ominis, you can sleep next to me." I say finally, before grabbing one of my smaller bags. "Now that that's settled. I am going to explore."

With this layout, if I were to sleep walk, Ominis can't see me getting up from bed, and Gareth won't wake up. I am still unsure about Sebastian, but I feel like I don't need to worry about him all that much. Yet now that I am done with this drama, it's better to leave now before I see anyone from Ilvermorny. Only some professors and the headmaster of Hogwarts know what happened. I don't need the students to know.. I don't need the students to find out that this little happy-go-lucky Hufflepuff was once a Horned Serpent in the school of Ilvermorny. A Horned Serpent who got caught up in a dangerous game with a Thunderbird.

I quickly leave the room, ignoring the boy's asking me to wait up. Unfortunately for me, right when I leave my room, I bump into two people. They were both in uniforms, and I immediately knew  what school they were from. "Oh! Sorry!" I quickly say, giving the two a smile.

Upon taking a closer look at them, I noticed that it was the twins. Colleen and Carter Roses, they were recognizable by their almost luminescent blonde hair and bright sapphire eyes. We were very good acquaintances when I went to Ilvermorny. The worst possible people to run into on this trip. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Colleen asks. 

"I.." I pause for a moment. They recognized me instantly.. but I can't back down right now. "I am sorry? I don't believe I have met you! My name is Autumn, but this is my first time back in America since I was 7." I quickly reply, glancing behind me to see if one of the boys is approaching.

"Stop being silly, (y/n). I can recognize you from anywhere." Carter says, looking back towards where the boys are coming from. "Are you attending Hogwarts now?"

I give Carter a look before forcing an even bigger smile. I noticed it was not just one, but all three boys were in the hall now listening to our conversation. "Well, of course! It's my first time in a wizarding school! Who knew a muggle... Non-magic born people could wield magic?" I say with a slight voice difference. I know the twins weren't dumb. That's why we made the secret twin club back in 3rd year. We all knew how to read each other.. so please. Please understand what I am doing.

Colleen also glances over at the boys and then nudges Carter, forcing him to look at her. They share a look before turning back to me. "Nice to meet you (y/n)! Would you like us to show you around in a bit?" She asks.

"Would you! I would love to! Thank you both so much." I exclaim, relived they understood.. well, more Colleen than Carter.

"Of course. Let's meet up in 30, outside." Carter says, looking back at the boys. "Just you though, more than three is a crowd." His monotone voice has not changed since year 3, and it seems the only change between the two is their hight differences.

The twins continue their walk past all of us, making an opening for Gareth to run up from behind me and wrap hid arm around them. "Dang, you are good at making friends. I'm almost jealous."

"Maybe if you didn't give off a prankster personality, perhaps you would have made a good first impression as well." I retort. Giving him a smile.

We both laughed for a moment before Sebastian cleared his throat and walked right in front of us. "I find it a bit suspicious that they asked to show only you around. I don't trust that."

"Oh, come on, Sebastian, trust people a little more. You trusted me early on?" I say, knowing full well he didn't, and was just using me because I was 'new and gullible'.

Sebastian just stares at me for a moment, I knew he had nothing to rebuttal with, so I shrug off Gareth's arm and walk past him. "Its just.. you are too naïve (y/n). You can't go trusting these kids because they are also American." He quickly starts to walk beside me. "I don't think you should go to them."

"I trust them more then you." I snap, stopping in my tracks and glaring at him. "Both you and Ominis showed me your true feelings weather you liked it or not. Our friendship is souly to save your sister, and I get that. Yet I want to make real friends while I'm here, because someday I may just come back to America and stay." 

I am angry at the boy, not by the fact he is being nosy. Yet by the fact he thinks I am naïve, when in fact its the opposite. I am angry I have to hide myself and pretend to be someone I wish I was, and I am angry that I have to do it to the people I have admired.

"That.. that is not what I meant." Sebastian says.

"Enough Sebastian, your upsetting her the more you continue." Ominis interjects.

"Ill see you boys at dinner, sorry Gareth, we will explore together tomorrow." I say finishing the conversation. As I am walking away, I did hear them begin another argument. Yet their whispers were too loud because as I was turning the corner I heard. 'I cant tell if that girl is weird... or hiding something.'

They wont find out, I will make sure of it. I am back in America now, and with the twin's help... I can go back to a world where I belong.

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