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Perhaps a small hangout with Gareth was what I needed. In fact, with a guy like him as my friend it would truly make my life here a bit more barrable.

 After our butterbeer hangout I decided it was time to go back to my room. Today was tiring, and I don't know if it was because of my hangout with Gareth, who kept me on my toes every 5 seconds...(that boy is like a living magician act). Or perhaps I was just done with interacting with people in general. Either way I want to go to my bed and sleep.

As I am walking down the long corridors, I turn the corner and instantly ran face first into another student. Not even seeing who, we both fall causing us to groan out in pain. "Merlin's grey beard! Look where your going will you?"

I look over to the voice giving them an annoyed expression. "I could say the same for you!" I snap back, finally looking at who I had just bumped into. Of course it was Ominis. "Oh."

As soon as Ominis heard my voice his expression soured a bit. "You really have a way of making people dislike you, you know that?" Ominis yells at me. 

His reaction made my blood boil, so I use the fact that he couldn't see to my advantage and took off my mask. "Oh, its really a shame that you think so ill of me Ominis. I thought you were different from your family? That you didn't want to be associated with the name Gaunt for the fact that they are evil people? The fact they hate muggles, or mud-bloods?" I say with a glare, moving closer to his face. "Yet who am I to talk, I am just some dumb, mud-blood Hufflepuff?" 

The words that left my mouth seemed to perfectly hit his ears, because as I backed away from him his expression changed into a shocked one. And with that, I stand up and continue to walk to my room. It didn't matter if Ominis spoke of this interaction with Sebastian. It didn't matter if anyone heard it, because I know that none of the words I spoke would sound suspicious. Its just common knowledge. Kids just can't keep their mouths shut... can they?

"Stop." Ominis's voice echo's, but I ignore it, I want nothing to do with him. There is no way he can help- "Petrificus Totalus!" he yells at me, and instantly I was frozen. It was like my body had became stone, and every time I tried to move it felt like I was encased in a invisible solid. How this boy got my precise location was remarkable. That wand was a lot of talk, but his ears, his ears are the ones that deserved the hype. "How did you know that."

I can't look anywhere outside of my peripheral vision. So I myself was like a blind person as he spoke behind me. I wasn't sure if I was able to speak, so as I tried to open my mouth I was met with the same glue like feeling that covered my entire body. So like any person would I used this to my advantage and kept my mouth shut, not like I had a choice but at least I didn't have to respond to this blonde.

"Why are you not talking? I asked... oh Merlin." I hear Ominis sigh loudly before hearing his footsteps get closer to me. "Finite Incantatem." He mutters and I felt my whole body be released. For some reason it made me feel... relaxed? Its like the feeling I had a long time ago, a feeling of being controlled and the feeling of being... free. Suddenly I feel a jab at my back, knowing the boy was behind me. "I know well enough you didn't just figure that information out from thin air, how do you know all of that when we have not interacted once other then that time you left... the secret place." 

"Your right, we haven't met here yet." I say, almost annoyed at the questioning. "Yet people in school say a lot to each other. You are not the only one with exceedingly incredible hearing Ominis."

"Were... you in the hallway earlier?" He asks.

"Lets just say I heard nothing." I reply. "You have nothing to worry about when it comes to me Ominis." I slowly turn around and take a look at him. His neat platinum blonde hair fit his pale face perfectly. His icy, hazy blue eyes seemed to stare at me, but I knew they weren't. "You should worry more about how your best friend is practicing-"

"(Y/n)! Where in Merlin's beard have you been? I have been waiting for you.. oh hey Ominis." A voice interrupts. "Fancy seeing the both of you together."

I quickly force a smile and a laugh. "Oh! Sebastian, how are you?" I turn around and step beside Ominis. "I just ran into Ominis in the halls, his wand is very intriguing! I just had to stop him and ask how it works."

Ominis's face turned natural. " Quite bothersome if you asked me. It was... nice meeting you (L/n)."

"Likewise Ominis!" We both start to walk away when Sebastian stopped me.

"Where were you? I was waiting all afternoon." Sebastian starts.

I give him a raised eyebrow, "Oh? Sorry I guess I forgot, I was out with my friend."

Sebastian gives me a weird look, "Poppy said she hadn't seen you."

I give him a small giggle and put my hand on his shoulder, "Seb, you do know I have other friends right? Gareth and I went for butterbeer, but don't worry I did manage to make you one of these earlier." I toss him an item that he was looking for, for the past few weeks. "I wouldn't leave you empty handed you know. Family is everything."

He catches the item and looks back at me, his eyebrows furrowed. "You hung out with Weasley?"

"Goodnight Sebastian! I will see you tomorrow." I reply, continuing to walk back to my room. Hopefully now getting some rest.


"RORY!" I exclaim loudly, shooting up from my bed. A cold sweat soaked my body as I shoot my head around searching for someone, someone that wasn't there. That's when I remembered where I was. I rake a deep breath and look around my room to see if Poppy was awake. My gaze lands on her bed, she was not there.

I quickly get out of my own bed, heading over to my dresser to change my clothes. I don't know why Poppy isn't here, but usually she is always sleeping in, especially on school days. Its not like I was really worried... its just odd. 

Not bothering on putting my cloak on I make my way out of the common room and towards the outside of the castle. I have no clue what time it is but judging by the sky it couldn't have been later then 5 a.m. The feeling of the cool morning air engulfed me as I leave the castle, I look up and almost freeze. The sky was clear, there was no signs of clouds or signs of sun. 

The sky has millions of twinkling stars, they were bright and put me in a daze. The moon was a crescent and it barely shown on the courtyard. A feeling of regret began to form, starting from the pit of my stomach. There was only two nights... just two, in my entire lives.. and both ended so horribly, ending in me staring at the starry night.

"Found you." A voice announces. A voice I had hoped to never hear again in my life. "How is my little bird doing without me?" 

I quickly turn around, not wanting to have my back towards him; not now, never again. Yet as I did so I felt a drop of rain fall, and then multiple, and soon enough it was pouring down rain. No one was behind me. I look up into the sky to see that grey clouds were covering the entire sky, almost covering the starry sky I had just seen.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out here?" I hear Poppy's voice ask. 

I turn back to the entrance of the castle to see Poppy standing in the doorway in her pajamas. "I was searching for you, you weren't in your bed so I was worried!" I yell, walking back over to the Castle, my clothes now drenched in water as the sky kept pouring it down.

Poppy runs to me and grabs my arm, bringing me back inside with her. "I don't know what you are talking about (Y/n). I woke up from a nightmare... I went to check on you but you weren't there so I searched the castle and found you outside!" Poppy rushes us to a floo stone and then turns back to me. "Why would you think I would be outside after hours?"

I look at her for a moment, she was right. Why would Poppy out of anyone be outside the dorms at night? "Perhaps.. I slept walked?" I say with a shaky laugh, grabbing some floo-dust. "Sorry for worrying you poppy."

"Don't apologize! Lets just get back to our room and get you into some warm clothes." Poppy laughs. 

I laugh with her, and let her go first. As she disappears in a green flame I stare over at the door I was just standing at. I have never slept walked in my life... and there is no way he can be back. With a shaky hand I grip the dust in my damp hand, throwing it, watching the hallway disappear in a green flame.

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