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{A Few Weeks Later}

"What are you thinking Sebastian!" A irritated voice echoes in the empty hallway. I stop my walking in a instant. The voice was familiar yet not at the same time, perhaps it was someone I have yet to meet yet. "Why would you show a that new student the Undercroft? You know that's our place, and we don't need outsiders... especially if it is a muggle-born Hufflepuff! Do you know how stupid you have to be to allow someone like that in our sacred place!"

"Oh come on now Ominis. You sound like a father, no a possessive girlfriend! Its not a big deal that I brought her to the Undercroft." Sebastian says. "Besides, there is more then she is letting on.. I got to gain her trust somehow."

"AND SHOWING HER THE UNDERCROFT WAS YOUR BEST IDEA?" Ominis exclaimed. "I know you are not a complete idiot Sebastian. If you can't think straight maybe consider the fact that you may be subconsciously replacing Anne with this new girl."

There was a silence for a moment, almost like the argument the two were having just became deeper. Even from the other side of the hallway I could feel the tension between the two. "No one can replace Anne, Ominis." Sebastian growls. "If you think my friendship with the new girl is anything more then a convince to saving her, then you are surely mistaken." 

His words echoed perfectly throughout the hall, hitting my ears and heart perfectly, like daggers. I don't know what I was expecting from him, in fact I already knew from his persistence that he was using me because of the ancient magic I obtained... and the fact that I probably have more information that I let on. Either way, it hurt. It hurt that this person I admired for a long time spoke those words. It only made my mission a lot more easier, if I am just a friend of convince then so be it. Sebastian Sallow is the same for me, all of these... characters mean nothing to me anymore.

The conversation continues, and I just sit there. I listen to every insult, every dagger, stabbing me again and again. This was nothing, it was nothing compared to what she did to me. After the bickering simmered down to normal chatter, I hear Ominis sigh. "Alright, Ill trust you this one time Sebastian. Its that Hufflepuff that I don't particularly trust." 

"I highly doubt she would say anything. I only ever see her with her roommate Poppy anyways, she is quite a loner like you Ominis." Sebastian laughs.

Ominis scoffs, and without another word between the two, they begin to walk away to what I assumed to be their next class. So after what felt like hours of holding in my shaky breath I let out a sigh. Looking down the hall as their silhouettes disappeared around the corners.

"Harsh." A males voice speaks, startling me. "Slytherins will be Slytherins, but even that was not cool. Not cool at all." 

I turn around and immediately come face to face with a red headed Gryffindor. "Gareth? How long have you been here?"

"Long enough, was standing by you since you left herbology! Glad my invisibility potion worked, I was gonna try and scare you but from what we just heard I decided to wait to do that on a later date." The red headed Weasley jokes.

I give him a deadpanned expression. "Thanks, really appreciate that." I say with a monotone voice. "Kind of odd you wanna scare someone you don't know, isn't it?"

Gareth gives me a smirk and shakes his head. "Not if you are trying to get to know said person." He rebottles, extending his hand. "No need for names, since it seems you already know mine. Nice to officially meet you (y/n)!" 

I force a laugh and take his hand. "Nice to officially meet you too, Weasley." I say with a smirk, starting to turn away. "Now if you excuse me, I am gonna go pretend that I never heard any of that conversation."

"Hold on now, don't tell me you're about to meet up with that Addle Pate are you?" Gareth asks, folding his arms.

"Addle Pate? Excuse my questioning but I am American." I ask, turning back to the boy.

Gareth laughs for a second, "My bad, I was asking if you were meeting up with that inconsiderate asshole." 

I look at him with a raised eyebrow then sigh. "Unfortunately, but its fine though. I am just a gullible Hufflepuff, and he has information that may benefit me as well." I explain with a shrug. 

"And are you sure he is truly helping you out after what we just overheard?" Gareth asks with a raised eyebrow.

I feel my expression go blank for a moment, "I... I am not sure, but its better then nothing." I mumble, but quickly smiled at Gareth. "I have a sibling too, so I get why he is so defensive-"

"(Y/n), I know we don't know each other but if your just hanging around him for his benefits why not change your loyalties to someone who will actually appreciate your kindness." Gareth interrupts me. This was kind of odd, I always mistook him for the same type of Sebastian, especially in that first encounter in potions. 

"Didn't you use me too?" Was all I could say. Yet as those words left my mouth Gareth's expression changed, it was more of an indifferent expression.

"I suppose so." After his response I nod, finally turning away from the ginger. "Yet I still appreciated it. You didn't have to, but you did. Now I owe you... so why don't we become friends?" 

Friends? A word I knew too well, but never understood the meaning of. I don't turn around and face forward. "I'd love to. Two loud, bubbly, students." I turn my head slightly, seeing the red head in my peripheral vision. "Two misfits, on a lonesome island." 

I know that all of the comedic relief characters are deep down sad, perhaps lonely as well. That's how I felt, living in worlds without love kind of makes a person numb to an extent. There was a long silence before Gareth began to laugh, "WOOHOO! I am friends with the New 5th year!" He exclaimed, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Who is better known as THE (Y/N) (L/N)!"

I felt a slight comfort in this boy's actions, knowing full well neither one of us were truly happy in this moment. I give the boy a... genuine smile. "And I get to be friends with the AWESOME Gareth Weasley." I say, looking over at him as he let go of my shoulders. "Well. I better get going."

"Hold on a minute (Y/n), we are friends now. And as your new friend we are going to get some butterbeer. That Sebastian isn't worth your time, and..." He walks in front of me, with a mischievous expression. "Once he realizes you don't need him, he will come, begging on his knees! How hilarious would that be! The perfect payback!"

I try not to laugh at that image in my head, "Perhaps you are right, yet I feel bad just leaving him."

"Then don't feel bad! You heard what him and Ominis said about you, even if I was in his situation I wouldn't have said none of those fowl things that he spewed from his mouth." Gareth then walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Lets go have some fun, alright?"

I stare at the gingers green eyes for a moment. I knew it was strange, and perhaps he was only using me too. Maybe Sebastian did something and he wanted to take his little 'dog' away from his owner. Yet there was something in his eyes, something I couldn't recognize. Something that gave me... hope.

"Lead the way Weasley."

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