Protecting the One I Love

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Alright. I'm going to introduce a few characters in this one. And I want educated guesses. :) Enjoy!


Osoro opens his eyes and finds himself in the incinerator area. But something feels off. As he looks around, he notices that the sky was pitch black. Despite there being no real light source, he can see everything around him. "What the fuck?" Osoro says to himself. He then hears the incinerator doors creak open, and watches as Aso Rito crawls out. Despite his arms and legs being twisted and broken, and his body burnt, he stands up and walks up to Osoro. "Osoro, man. Why did you kill me? I thought we were buddies!" He widens his eyes as he looks at the misshapen blonde before him. This is when he realizes he's in a dream. "Buddies? Fuck off. You were unfortunate enough to develop feelings for the one I love." Aso stands there, disappointed as Osoro turns around, and starts to walk away. "But Osoro, how can you be sure that she will love you back?" Aso asks. This angers Osoro. He turns around, and briskly walks towards Aso. "I SAID FUCK OFF!" He yells, as he pushes Aso back into the incinerator. He activates it and walks off, smiling to himself as he listens to Aso's bloodcurdling screams coming from inside the incinerator. 

He wanders around the school, and as he keeps walking, he suddenly finds that he's in his basement. "What? Why am I here?" He asks, to no one in particular. He then looks at the chair in front of him, and sees his father's dead body in it. All of the stab wounds, and everything. Osoro smirks as he looks at them all. It's almost nostalgic. All of a sudden he opens his eyes, and looks around. "Wow, you really can contact people in their sleep, huh? I'm still not used to being dead." He says, as he then notices his son standing over him. "So. You really did have the guts to kill me in the end." He says. Osoro looks down at him with resentment. "Yes, and I enjoyed every damn second of it." He says, not an ounce of remorse in his voice. His father looks him in the eyes. "I raised you, Osoro. I raised you, and this is how you repay me? You little shit. You've gone crazy! Do you not feel bad for what you've done?" He says, angrily. 

Osoro smirks and breaks into a low, dark laughter. "Raised me? You abused me! If anything, you're the reason why I'm like this! Why should I feel bad for doing what I did to you? You're a horrible father!" Osoro yells. Osoro's father stares at him in shock, and stays silent. Osoro calms himself down, and chuckles. "You know.. This is the the most sober I've seen you in a long time." Osoro says. His father stays silent for a moment, and thinks about Osoro's words. "Son-" He is interrupted by Osoro slapping him across the face. "Do not call me that. I hate you, Orochi. I would rather be dead than be known as your son." He says, coldly. "Osoro.." His father begins again. Osoro growls, and a katana materializes in his hand. "We're done here. Get out of my head." He says, as he lifts the katana. "I'll see you in hell, Osoro." His father says, looking him in the eye. "Fuck you." Osoro swings the blade, and chops his father's head clean off. He spits on his body, and walks away. 

This time, as he walks, the basement morphs into a bright and sunny field of flowers that stretches for miles. Ahead of him, Osoro can see a singular tree. A weeping willow tree. Under it, he sees a lady in a flowing white dress. Her hair is adorned with a crown of flowers. It was his mother. "M-mom?" He stutters, tears forming in his eyes. She turns around, and smiles at Osoro. "Hello, Osoro." She says warmly. Osoro continues walking to her, and hugs her. He starts crying. "You sure have grown, son." She says softly. "Mom.. I've missed you.. You have no idea what life has been like since you left.." Osoro says, quietly. "I know, son.. I saw everything." Osoro steps back and widens his eyes. "Everything..? Including..." He starts. "Yes, son. Including the things you have done." She says, sadly. "Oh.." Osoro says to himself, looking down. "That girl has changed you. You aren't yourself, son. That's not how I raised you." She says, taking a step towards Osoro, who takes a step back. "Mom.." He whispers, as more tears fall. "Osoro, you know it's not too late to change your ways." She says, reassuringly. Osoro shakes his head. "I'm sorry, mom.. But even if I wanted to, I can't turn back.. I love you, but.. I need to move on from you.. And I need her to be with me.." He says, as he turns around, and starts walking away. "I love you, son." He hears her say, before she fades away along with the tree, leaving him alone in the vast field of flowers.

Ahead of him, he sees a dark, and shadowy area. Ayano appears in front of him, dressed in a white dress, like the one his mother was just wearing. Osoro smiles at her, and she smiles back. "Come with me, Osoro." She says, with a seductive, yet soothing voice. Without realizing, he automatically starts to follow her as she leads him towards the shadow. Osoro starts to feel a little bit worried, but the feeling goes away as he looks into her eyes. As they start to walk into the shadow, Ayano's dress turns black. She holds out her hand to Osoro, and he instantly takes it, and walks in with her. He feels happy, and at peace, as he holds Ayano's hand. Nothing could compare to this feeling. All of a sudden, Taro and Budo walk out from deep within the shadows, and start to drag Ayano away. They both laugh as Ayano cries out, and reaches for Osoro. He tries to run to her, but he can't move. "NO!! AYANO!" He tries to scream out, but he doesn't make a sound. Tears start falling down his cheeks as he watches the love of his life get dragged away from him. 


Ayano wakes up, and looks at her phone. "2am.. Might as well grab something to eat." She mumbles to herself. She puts on her dressing gown, and walks around Taro, who is on a mattress on the floor. She walks down the stairs to see Osoro, who is sleeping on the couch, mumbling in his sleep, and by the looks, crying. She runs over to Osoro, and kneels down by the couch. "No..." He mumbles, as more tears fall. Ayano puts her hand on his cheek, and caresses it. "I'm here.. It's okay." She coos. She wanted so badly to kiss him right then and there, but she knew she couldn't. It wouldn't be right. Osoro's eyes flutter open as he looks up at Ayano. He blushes as he realizes that her hand is on his cheek. He sits up, and Ayano stands up and immediately sits next to him. "I couldn't protect you, they took you away.." He whispers to himself. "It's okay, it was just a dream." She says softly. Osoro looks at Ayano and widens his eyes for a moment, realizing what he was saying. He instantly blushes. "I hate to see you cry.." Ayano says, as she wipes one of his tears away. "I'm sorry." Osoro says, as he looks into Ayano's eyes. "There's nothing to apologize for. It's 2am, and I think you should sleep. We have school tomorrow." She says. Osoro nods, and yawns. Ayano gets up. "Goodnight, Osoro." Ayano says, as she yawns herself. (I yawned upon typing that.) "Ayano.. Wait.." Ayano turns around. "Yes, Osoro?" She asks, blushing. "Would you mind staying with me for a while?" He asks, as he looks into her eyes. Ayano smiles, and sits back down. "Of course." Osoro smiles, as he lays his head on Ayano's lap. "Goodnight, Princess.." He whispers. Ayano blushes and hums as she caresses Osoro's cheek as he falls asleep.

Once she's sure he is fast asleep, Ayano slowly and quietly gets up, and gently replaces Osoro's head on a pillow. She looks at him for a moment, and smiles. She lightly kisses his forehead, and heads to the kitchen. She grabs a glass of water before heading back upstairs to her warm bed. "Ayano.." Taro whispers. "Yes, Taro?" Ayano answers. "Where did you go?" He asks, sleepily. "Oh, I was just grabbing some water. Go back to sleep, Taro." She says, softly. Taro smiles, and closes his eyes. "Goodnight, Ayano." He says, before falling back asleep. Ayano closes her eyes, too. "Goodnight, Taro." She responds. She went to sleep thinking about how Osoro had wanted her to stay, like she did with him the other day. And about how she had just kissed his forehead. She was a little disappointed that he wouldn't know, but it wasn't a big deal to her. She smiles to herself as she drifts off to sleep again.


Ayano and Taro groan as they are woken up by Ayano's alarm. Taro grabs his uniform and heads to the bathroom to change, and Ayano locks her door so that she can change. Taro, who finishes getting ready first, goes downstairs to see Ayano's father at the table, while her mother and Osoro are in the kitchen making breakfast. Taro walks to the table, and Kyosei smiles at him as he sits in a chair across from him. They both say good morning. "Oh, Taro dear you're just in time! Osoro and I are making breakfast. Is Ayano still getting ready?" Ryoba asks, sweetly. "Smells good, Mrs. Aishi. Yes, she's still upstairs getting ready." Taro says, with a smile. Ryoba nods and goes back to cooking. Taro and Kyosei sit in silence for a moment, before Taro speaks. "So.. How was it yesterday?" Taro asks, with a smirk. "Hmm? Oh, that.. It was.. Interesting.." He says, awkwardly. Taro nods, and again they both are silent. "...What about you? How do you do it? How do you deal with what you do?" Kyosei asks, curiously. Taro smirks. "Well.. You just.. Do it, I guess. At first, you will feel a little guilt, but it passes. Just try not to let it get to you. That adrenaline rush you get is worth it.. Tell me, Mr. Aishi. And be honest. How did it feel when you plunged the knife into that woman's flesh?" Taro asks. Kyosei thinks to himself for a moment. "Honestly? It felt good, even though I know it wasn't right.." He admits. Taro nods. "And why did it feel good?" He asks. "..Because.. I was able to protect the woman I love.." He says. 

Ryoba smiles hearing this. "Oh darling, that is so romantic!" She says as she runs over to Kyosei, and hugs him from behind. Kyosei smiles and kisses Ryoba's cheek, causing her to blush. Osoro thinks about those words Kyosei had just said about being able to protect the woman he loves. It pained him as he thought about the times he could not protect Ayano. Every time he thought about it, he felt angry. He sighs to himself, and starts serving up everyone's breakfast. Ryoba returns to the kitchen area. "Don't worry dear, I can take it from here. You go sit down." She says. Osoro nods, and sits at the table, two chairs away from Taro, so that Ayano can sit in-between the two boys. "Hey, what did I miss?" Everyone turns around to look at Ayano, who had just walked down the stairs. They notice that she has her hair down, and the boys blush. "You look lovely with your hair down, Ayano." Osoro says. Ayano smiles, and blushes. "Thank you.." She says, shyly. She sits down in the chair between Osoro and Taro. Ryoba giggles as she gives everyone their breakfast, and sits down next to Kyosei. "Eat up everyone." She cheers as everyone digs in. 

As soon as everyone is done, they get up and place their dishes on the bench. "Thanks for breakfast, Mom." Ayano says. "Yeah.. Thank you, Mrs. Aishi." Taro chimes in. "You're welcome, dears. I couldn't have done it without Osoro here." She smiles. Osoro blushes with embarrassment. Ayano smiles at Osoro, and he smiles back. Taro notices this, and raises an eyebrow, now curious as to if Osoro likes Ayano, or the other way around. He must admit, it worried him to some extent, but for now, he would shrug it off. "You three should get going! You don't want to be late." Ryoba urges. The teenagers nod, grab their bags, and start walking to school. "Your dad is pretty badass." Taro says, smirking. Ayano giggles. "Yeah. That surprised me, I've never seen him act like that." She says, as she looks at the scenery ahead. Osoro laughs. "You should've seen Budo's face when he grabbed him." He says, laughing some more. Ayano and Taro join in on the laughter.

The trio walk into the school gates, and stop to face each other. "Thank you guys again.. You don't know how much it means to me that you stayed." Ayano says, smiling. The boys blush and smile back. "Anytime, Ayano." Taro says. Ayano looks at Taro's armband. "Wait.. Is that the vice-president armband?" She asks, surprised. Taro smirks. "Yep. Megami offered me the position since the other vice president is transferring schools." He says. She smiles. "Nice." She says. Ayano then notices a male student nearby, with messy dark bluish black hair that reaches this shoulders. When he realizes she sees him, he blushes and looks away. She tilts her head out of curiosity. "Ayano?" Taro asks. He turns around to see what Ayano is looking at, and is not impressed. "What're you two looking at?" Osoro asks, before also seeing the boy. All of a sudden, he notices that all three are looking at him. He widens his eyes, and runs away. "Strange.." Ayano says to herself. "Isn't he the vice president of the occult club?" Osoro asks. "Oko Ruto.." Taro responds. "Maybe we should pay him a visit during lunchtime." Ayano says, with a suggestive tone. Taro smirks. "I like that idea." He says. "I agree. I want to know what he's up to.." Osoro says, as he stares off into the distance. 

"Alright, well I have to go meet Megami in the student council room. I'll see you two in class." Taro says, as he walks off. Ayano and Osoro wave him goodbye, as they walk around. They both walk by the occult club. Ayano looks in and notices Oka Ruto, the president of the occult club, putting a dagger into a skull, and then mention something about a sacrifice. She walks out of the room. They make eye contact, as they walk in opposite directions. Ayano thinks nothing of it. Of course, both Oka, and the two yanderes were both going to the rooftop, just simply using different stairs. As the pair reach the top floor, Ayano looks over to where the Basu sisters are standing. She also notices Oka spying on them. "Strange.. I wonder why she spies on those two?" Osoro asks himself. "Apparently she thinks that they're demons or something.." Ayano says. "Those occult freaks give me the creeps." He says, as he continues staring at the scene. Ayano chuckles. "You're one to talk." She says, laughing as she nudges his arm. Osoro chuckles. "I suppose you're right." He admits. Sakyu makes eye contact with Ayano, and smirks. Ayano responds with a small smile. Something about Sakyu intrigued Ayano.

The pair sit down on a bench, in a secluded corner of the rooftop. They sit in silence for a moment. "Ayano.." Osoro says, breaking the silence. "Yes, Osoro?" She asks. "Thank you.. For last night.." He says, blushing. Ayano blushes and smiles. "You're welcome.." She says. "Osoro?" She asks. "Yes, Ayano?" Ayano looks into Osoro's eyes. "What did you dream about?" She asks, out of curiosity. Osoro thinks for a moment, before speaking. "Well.. I found myself outside the incinerator, and then all of a sudden the incinerator doors open, and Aso crawls out." He says. "Aso? Why would he be in your dream? Speaking of which, I haven't seen him in weeks.." She says, looking at Osoro suspiciously. Osoro rubs the back of his neck, and tenses up. "Heh.." Ayano nods. "You killed him didn't you?" She asks. Osoro grins awkwardly and nods. "Yes.. Please don't hate me.." Ayano smiles, and Osoro calms down. "Why would I hate you? I hated him if anything. How did you do it?" Ayano asks, curiously. "I broke his arms and legs with my crowbar. And then I drowned him." Osoro admits. Ayano giggles. "I wish I was there to watch." She says. Osoro chuckles. "Anyway, back to the dream!" Ayano interrupts. Osoro nods. He goes on to talk about what happened, and his interaction with his father, and his mother. When it comes to explaining the part with Ayano, he doesn't mention anything about the seductive tone she had used, and when it came to the part where she was dragged away, he only mentions Budo, and not Taro. 

Once he finishes explaining, Ayano nods. "What an interesting dream. I guess I'm not the only one who has been having weird dreams like that.." Say says to herself. Osoro looks at her with curiosity. "You too? Would you like to tell me about one of these dreams sometime?" He asks. Ayano smiles. "Maybe, sometime.." She says shyly, as she reaches for the treble clef pin in her hair. Osoro nods, and smiles. "We should head to class." Osoro says suddenly. Ayano nods, and the pair get up and make their way to their classroom. 


Ayano, Osoro, and Taro meet up by the storage closet next to the occult club. "Ayano, I think you should go in first. He seemed to have an interest in you." Taro says, with a smirk. "Okay, but if he tries anything creepy, I will scream." Ayano says. Taro chuckles. "Don't worry, we'll be right outside, listening. Just leave a small crack in the door." He says. Ayano nods, and walks into the occult room to see the boy, alone, with his back turned reading a book. She closes the door behind her, and leaves a small crack in the door, as instructed. "Hello.. Is your name.. Oko?" Ayano asks. He turns around, and looks at her, surprised. He blushes. "It's you.." He mutters to himself, as he stares into his eyes. Ayano tilts her head. "Hmm?" She questions. He walks up to her, looks around, and place his hand on her cheek. "We need to talk.. You're not safe." He says, in a low voice. "What?" Ayano asks, confused. "You need to stay away from those two boys.. I've witnessed them doing horrible things." He says. Ayano widens her eyes. More acting. "Things? Like what? Why are you telling me this?" She asks. Oko looks away for a moment, and then looks into her eyes again. "I think you have cast a spell on me.. I.. I don't want you getting hurt.." He admits. Ayano puts her hand on Oko's cheek. "Oko, tell me. What is it you saw them do?" She asks, in fake desperation. Oko widens his eyes. "I.. I saw them.. I saw them commit murder.. A few weeks ago.." 

Ayano looks at Oko, shocked. "M-murder? Oko, why haven't you told anyone?" She asks. "I.. I don't know.. I'm too much of a coward.." Oko admits. "And.. Is this why you were following us this morning?" Ayano asks. Oko nods. Taro and Osoro walk in, and close the door behind them. They also lock both doors from the inside. Oko widens his eyes. "No.. N-no.. You're not welcome here.. This is b-bad.." He stutters. Taro smirks, and chuckles. "So.. You know our true natures, hmm?" Taro asks, with a dark grin as he stares into a shaking Oko's eyes. "This isn't particularly good now, is it? What should we do with him, Osoro?" He asks, chuckling. Ayano, who is behind Oko, looks at the dagger in the skull, and remembers Oka touching it. She smirks to herself. She pulls out the gloves Taro had given her, and puts them on. Taro glances at Ayano for a moment, and smirks before looking back at Oko. Osoro was looking at Ayano, and also smirked. He also saw Oka putting the knife in the skull, and had an idea of what Ayano was up to. "I don't know, Taro. You think we should kill him?" Osoro responds, still smirking. Ayano silently takes out the dagger and walks up behind Oko in the middle of the circle, still unaware of what she was doing. "No.. Please, I won't tell anyone.. I promise.." He says. Ayano lets out a dark chuckle as she brings the ritual dagger to Oko's throat. "Sorry, Oko. No witnesses." She says, in a dark tone. He widens his eyes before she slits his throat. Thankfully, no one gets blood on them. 

Ayano smiles as Taro and Osoro walk over to her. Taro chuckles. "Nice job." He says. Ayano chuckles in response. "You know.. Oka was the last person to touch this dagger. Everyone will think she killed him for some freaky ritual. None of us will be associated, it's perfect!" Ayano says, smiling. She turns around to face the skull. "Might as well put it back." She says, shrugging. As she puts it in, the trio disappear in a puff of smoke, and get transported into a strange black void. "What? Where the hell are we? Ayano, what did you do?" Osoro asks, as he looks around. "I don't know, I just put the fucking knife back in the skull!" She exclaims. "You're in the demon realm." They hear a voice say. They look for the source of the voice, and see some figures ahead. They walk up to them, and observe them. Ayano walks up to a female looking demon, with barely anything covering her parts. The boys walk to two other demons. The succubus looks at Ayano, and smiles. "My my, you're a cute little thing! There's something special about you." She says, as she circles Ayano, observing her. Ayano blushes with embarrassment. Secretly, she is intrigued by the demon. "I can sense your feelings, little one. And I also sense your confusion. But don't worry, you'll eventually have your answer." She says with a playful voice. "And although you're young now, maybe one day, you could become one of us!" She says with a smile. Ayano nods slowly. "I see.. Thank you.." She says. The succubus giggles in response.

Osoro looks at the flame demon before him. "What're you looking at, mortal?" The demon speaks up. "You want my power or something? Ha ha ha.. You're not worthy." He says again. Osoro looks at the demon coldly. "Your power? Fuck off, fire boy. You're a flame in school uniform. I have no use for your power." He says, annoyed. The demon laughs. "Well, you remind me of myself back in my youth. Come back when you've proven yourself." He says. "Tch. Whatever." Osoro says as he walks over to Taro, who's conversing with some other demon. "Yes, I'm rather familiar with your work, all of you. You've been 'feeding' me quite well. I was supposed to make my debut before you all did. You've caused some.. Delays.. But no matter. You all have a lot of potential. I look forward to seeing how you deal with future problems. And I look forward to seeing you again in the future." He says. Taro smirks. "Interesting.." He says to himself. "You mortals should return to your realm. Step into that circle over there, and it will take you back. We shall meet again, soon." The death demon says. They nod, and step into the circle, and in another puff of smoke, they return to the occult room. Ayano looks at her phone. "Interesting. Not a minute has passed." She says. "That was something.." Osoro says. "Indeed. Ayano, Osoro, you two should head out. I'm going to go report this unfortunate event to Megami." He says with a smile. They nod, and run out. 

Taro makes his way to the courtyard, where Megami is. On the way, he bumps into a younger looking student with white hair. "My apologies! Let me help you up." Taro says, as he holds his hand out. The student looks at him for a moment, before accepting his hand. "It's fine.." He says. "You must be new here, I've never seen you before. You also look like someone.." Taro says. The student smiles. "Yes, I just started today.." He says. "I see, well I'm in a rush, so I will see you around." Taro says, before walking off. The student watches him walk away, intrigued. He had seen Taro hanging around with Megami. He didn't know what to think of him, but he was hoping that he wasn't in love with Megami like she was in love with him. If he was, that would spell doom for him. The student turns around, and walks in the other direction. 

Taro walks up to Megami, with a 'worried' expression. "Taro, is something wrong?" She asks. "Megami, something bad has happened.." Taro leans into Megami's ear, and whispers so that no one around would hear and freak out. "I found a body in the occult club.. It looked like Oko, the vice president." He says. Megami widens her eyes. "What? Take me there." She says. Taro leads her to the occult club, and shows her the body. She looks at the body, angered and shocked. "Oh my god.. We need to call the police right away. Stay here, and guard the body. I'm going to go grab a teacher." She says sternly. Taro nods, and smirks as she runs off to find a teacher. 


Alrighty! That was a fun chapter to write. Who do you think the mystery student is? Share your thoughts, lovely people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will now get onto writing the next one, since I'm energized, and want to continue writing, lol. I had to stop myself from going over my normal chapter limit on this one. Have a lovely day/night, and as always,

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'. <3

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