Chapter Føürtėëñ

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"We should get going. Get packed for about a week, we'll come back if need be," I say, Emma and Delta Isaac nod, making their way to their rooms.

A few minutes later, we are ready to go. We walk outside of the pack house. "Are we shifting?" Delta Isaac asks. I shake my head 'no' and say,"We fly! ENDER!" "Who's Ender?" Alpha Shawn asks. Ender starts flying over head, his size makes everyone have fear coming off of them. "Ender! Take Emma and Delta Isaac to our place! I be allowing side of you, take it easy." Ender nods, Emma and Delta Isaac get on and Ender starts to fly up. I touch their stuff and teleport it to our house. "I'll make sure Delta Isaac and Emma are safe! It is my promise!" I say to the pack, who has gathered near. Everyone nods and bows. I form to my Irene form and start to fly. I fly up to Ender and say,"Let's go!"

"That was AWESOME!" Emma shouts, making us whimper. "Sush!" Delta Isaac snaps. "You'll be staying in our guest room for visitors, in my house," I say, leading them to my house. "Do you have a mate? Do you have kids? Do you live alone?" Emma fires questions at me. I laugh and say,"I have a mate, that doesn't know yet. I have two kids, Malachi, who is the one that got cursed, and Levin. And to answer your last question, I live with Malachi, Levin, and Aaron, my mate that doesn't know it yet..." "Wow," Isaac says. I nod and say,"Here we are! I'll introduce you to my family and friends tomorrow, once you have a goods night rest. I'll be serving dinner at 7:oo!" "Thanks, Aphmau," Isaac says. I show the. Their rooms and I leave to give them peace. Emma's room is next to mine, and Delta Isaac's is next to Emma's.

At 7:00 I have dinner done, Isaac has come down. "Where's Emma?" "She's sleeping..." I laugh and say,"It has been a big day for her." "Yes, yes it has..."

After we finish eating we say good night and we go to sleep...

I wake up to someone shoving me off my bed. "Hey!" I yell. "You wouldn't wake up!" Aaron retorts. "Is anyone else up yet?" I ask. "Yea, some guy who's name is Isaac?" "Mmm.. Yep, tell him I'll be down," I say. "Who is he?" He asks, he sounds a bit... Jealous? "His name is Delta Isaac, his daughter, Emma, and him are staying here. Emma found me after Ein, and she's wise," I explain. "Oh... I'll go tell him," he says, walking off. I get dressed and go to Emma's room to wake her up. "Emma. Emma!" I begin shouting. "Y-Yes?" "Time to wake up!" "OK, I'm going to get dressed," she says sleepy. "I'll be outside," I say, walking out.

About five minutes later she walks out, fully dressed. "Ready?" I ask. "Yep! But first may we get breakfast?" She asks. I nod, walking to the kitchen, her following. "Morning," I say to Isaac and Aaron. "Morning," they reply. "What's for breakfast?" Emma asks. "Eggs, bacon and, toast," Aaron replys.

«Time skip, after breakfast»

"That was delicious!" Emma exclaims. "Thanks, Aaron," I say to Aaron, making Emma's eyes go wide. "Emma, Delta Isaac, I'm going to show you the place, friends, and family. "Yay! Let's go!" Emma exclaims, again. "Follow me," I say.

We are almost done with the tour and introducing, all we have left is Malachi. I knock on his door, getting a mummbled,'Come in!' from him. I open the door, ready to introduce Emma and Delta Isaac to Malachi when the words 'Mate!' lingers in the air, and a gasp. "M-Mom, w-who are t-they?" Malachi stutters. "This is Emma, and her father Delta Isaac," I introduce them,"Emma, Delta Isaac, this is Malachi, my son." "Y-Your m-my m-m-mate?" Emma stutters out, Malachi just nods. "Delta Isaac, let's give them some alone time,"I say, Isaac nods, following me out the door, shutting it behind him. "Vylad!" I scream his name, after covering up Isaac's ears. I hear footprints run up the stairs, and then come Vylad. "Malachi found his mate! His mate is Emma!" I exclaim. "Really?" Vylad asks, disbelief laced in his voice. I nod frantically. I open my mouth to ask something to Isaac, but interrupted by Dante yelling,"Attack! O'kasis is attacking!" "Grab Emma, Malachi, and Levin and bring them downstairs!" I tell Isaac and Vylad, running downstairs.

I whip open the door to see blood, but also wolves, rouges. Just when I'm going to attack a rouge, I'm hit with pain, meaning either I'm hurt or Aaron is. Knowing I'm not, I teleport to Aaron, finding him stabbed. "Aaron!" I yell, pain lacing my voice. "W-Watch o-o-out," Aaron stutters, making me growl, loudly. I put a protective shield around Aaron, then darting around, summoning a sword, stabbing a guard of O'kasis in the heart. I pick up Aaron, teleporting to my house, setting him on my bed. "This is going to hurt," I say, before ripping the knife out of the wound, making Aaron scream in pain. I heal I'm right away, where he lays. "I hate seeing you in pain, mate..." I whisper to him, forgetting he doesn't know. "M-Mate?" He stutters/asks. "Crap," I say outloud. "I-I'm y-your m-m-mate?" Aaron asks. I sigh and start to put down my wall, so Aaron will know that we are mates. "Mate!" Aaron yells, making him gasp. "Y-You are my m-mate! Why didn't you tell me?!" He demands. I put my head down and start explaining. "Everyone I have ever loved either dies or leaves me. My parents died in an attack. Ein left me for O'kasis. Vylad broke up with me. Katelyn lied to me, breaking my trust. I didn't want you to leave me like them. I'm just scared that you'll reject me, or die... I don't want that to happen..." I finish, starting to cry at the end. "Aphmau, I will never reject you, and if I did die, I would love you, forever. I wish what happened in your past never happened, but at the same time I'm glad it happened," Aaron says, sitting up in bed and pulling me close. I laugh,"Did you just quote what I had said earlier in the forest?" I choke out. "Maaaybe?" He says, extending out the 'a' in maybe. I laugh. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was just afraid." "It's fine Aph, because now I know. And now I can say I love you," Aaron says, making me blush. "I love you too," I say to him. "Promise me to tell me everything from now on? Please?" Aaron asks me. "Promise, unless it something big," I snicker, causing Aaron to blush. "Even though I would tell you eventually," Aaron says through his blush. "I'm going to go check on the people. I'll be back," I say to Aaron. "OK, Aph. Just remember I love you," he responds. "I love you too, Aaron," I respond back, leaving him behind for a while.

Once I'm done making sure everyone is OK, healed, and the O'kasis guards that are alive are behind bars, I head back to my love, Aaron. I walk into my room, to find....

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry not sorry!! What do you think Aphmau will find? Is Aaron killed? Is Aaron gone? Is he already cheating on Aphmau? Or is someone waiting for her, patiently? Read on to find out!! Have a Rossome day and stay Rossome!!! Bye!!             \(^W^)/

1302 Words!

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