Chapter Thìrtėëñ

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"To your room!" I shake my head in amusement and dart off to my room, with Malachi, who is holding tightly onto my fur, laughing. Once we are at my room, I bend down so Malachi can get off. I shift to my human form. "So, whatcha want to learn?" I ask. "Do werewolves have powers?" Malachi asks. "Kinda, they have faster healing and they have mates. Also we have a wolf pretty much as our conscious. We also can turn into our wolf," I explain. "What are mates?" He asks. "Mates are your other half. You find you mate at 18, it's suppose to be the most magical moment of you life. You can get rejected by them, which will cause you to go into sever depression, which you'll die soon after. This can also happen if your mate dies," I state. "Have you found your mate?" He asks. "No, I can't have a mate, since it would be considered unfair since I can choose who my mate is. But I learned that the previous Moonn-Goddess gave me a mate, because my mate is Aaron. I bet he can feel it too..." I say, curiosity lacing my voice. "Don't you guys say something that will signal you that you are mates?" Malachi asks. "Yes, mates usually shout 'Mate!' at them then go into their imbrace, but he didn't because I have a wall up on my scent. So once I put down my wall, he will be able to recognize me as his mate, which he'll become overprotective of me because I'm his mate, and he doesn't want everyone to try and take me," I finish. "W-Will I be able to do anything that you can do?" He asks, stuttering at first. "Maybe, I don't actually know," I respond. "Will I have a mate?" He asks, making me think. "Ummm, I think, yes but you won't find your mate until you're 18," I respond. "Oh..." He says, sounding slightly depressed."Hey! You're only nine! You'll be 18 before you know it!" I say, trying to cheer him up. "Is there ranks? Like King and Queen?" He asks. "Kinda, there's is a King and Queen. But there are also Alphas, Lunas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, pack members, Omegas, and rouges. Alphas and Lunas are powerful and lead their packs. Betas are like a second in command, if the Alpha and Luna leave the Beta is in charge. Then if the Beta leaves, then the lead goes to the Gamma, the third in command. Then if they all are gone, it goes to the Delta, the fourth in command. Omegas are the the lowest rank in a pack. Finally, rouges are werewolves that don't belong to a pack," I finish, again. "Wow!" He says,"Are you an Alpha? Or Queen?" "Nope!" I respond,"I'm more powerful than that! I'm the most powerful person in the world! I'm the Moon-Goddess! Worshipped by most werewolves!" I explain. "Awesome!" He responds. I look at the time to realize it's about 9:00 at night! "You need to get to bed!" I say to Malachi. "Awww! Fine!" He says, getting up and walking out of the door, making me chuckle. I follow close behind. "May I get water?" Malachi. I nod and put my hand behind his back, ushering him forwards.

Once we get into the kitchen I notice a change of power in the air. I look around to come face to face with a woman. I sense a magic aura coming from her, a witch. "What do you want?!" I shout, using my powerful voice. She winces but speaks,"I have come to say something to dear Malachi..." She look at him and begins chanting,"Khuṇ xāyu mālā khī! Meụ̄̀x h̄nùm s̄āw ca klāy pĕn kèā! Khuṇ ca pelī̀yn xāyu meụ̄̀x khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h h̄ā khū̀ k̄hxng khuṇ! C̄hạn thả t̄hāwr nī̂! Mæ̂ krathạ̀ng phracêā mị̀ s̄āmārt̄h ykleik dị̂! Nī̂! Nī̀ khụ̄x chokh chatā!" While she is chanting, I am screaming trying to stop the curse, knowing what it will do. "Stop. Stop! STOP! Stop! STOP!" I keep yelling stop, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Once she's done Malachi passes out, leaving me crying for not being able to stop it and for my passed out son.

I hear footsteps running to me. I look up from my postition of holding Malachi's head to look at Aaron coming in. "I heard screaming and I came ru- OH MY IRENE! What happened?!" Aaron asks, coming over to comfort me. "T-There  was a-a witch t-that p-put a c-curse on M-M-Malachi..." I stutter out. "Do you know what the curse was?" He asks me, concern rolling off of him in waves. I nod and say,"He w-will be t-turned i-into a 18 y-year old..." I respond, shutting too. "Hey hey hey, it'll be alright! I'll be here for you," he says, trying to calm me. "I-I'm going t-to visit a neighboring Pack, the DarkMoon Pack," I say, walking to the door, then shifting to my wolf form and running off to the pack.

Once I reach the border of the pack, I make sure there is no one around, and shift to a different wolf and change my eyes too. The wolf is pure brown, with a white spot on the tip of the tail. The eyes turn to a chocolatey brown. I hide my sent to they don't notice my power, I also turning me sent to smell like a rouge. I start to jog up to the pack house. I bark, making the Alpha and Luna know I'm here. "Rouge! What are you doing here?!" I hear a powerful voice boom.p, must be the Alpha. 'Beta Collin! Gemma Ryan! Delta Isaac! Come to the pack house, now! There is a rouge!' I hear Alpha Shawn yell in his mind link. A few seconds later, the Beta, Gemma, and Delta come running up to their Alpha. "Shift rouge!" All four yell at the same time, which doesn't effect me since I'm the Moonn-Goddess. The four boys' safes turns into shock and confused, since rouges cannot defy a Alpha, Beta, Gemma, and Delta, maybe on alone, but not all together. 'How is the rouge not shifting? We commanded to do so!' Beta Collin says into the link. 'Because I'm not a rouge,' I state into their link. "D-Did the r-r-wolf j-just talk inside o-our mind link?" Gamma Ryan stutters ask. I do a wolfy nod and shift to my human form. "Yes I did," I say. "H-How?" Alpha Shawn stutters. "Alpha Shawn, Beta Collin, Gemma Ryan, and Delta Isaac, I would like to talk to you in private, please," I say, watching all of their faces turn to shock. "How do you know our names?" Alpha Shawn asks. "I will tell you, let's go to your office, Alpha Shawn," I say. I turn, sensing a familiar smell, I look around and find Emma, running to me. "Hello, Emma," I greet her. She bows and says,"Hello, M-" she begins, but I cut her off by saying,"Selene." She nods and asks,"May I come with you?" I nod and say,"Let's go!" I start walking to Alpha Shawn's office.

"How do you know where my office is?" Alpha Shawn asks,"And how do you know Delta Isaac's daughter, Emma?" He asks, once we reach his office. "Hello, my name is Aphmau, or more commonly known as Moonn-Goddess. I know Isaac's daughter because I meet her in the woods, and I have come to talk to her and the Alpha," I say, looking at Emma and the Alpha. "Why?" Delta Isaac asks. "My son is cursed by a witch that I can't reverse it because she made it so a God can't even reverse it," I say,"So I have come if Emma wanted to come with me, and her parent wants to come too," I finish. "Yes, if she wants to, I will be going, in, if she wants to go," Delta Isaac says. "YES! YES! YES!" Emma screams, making everyone whimper at her tone. "Hush!" Beta Collin snaps. "Sorry..." Emma says. "We should get going. Get packed for about a week, we'll come back if need be," I say, Emma and Delta Isaac nod, making their way to their rooms.

Do you think Emma will find her mate? (She's 18 also! A newly shifter!) Will the DarkMoon Pack be attacked? Read on to find out!! Have a Rossome day and stay Rossome!!! Bye!!! \(^W^)/

1446 Words!

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