59) Raavana's Mandodari

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Book: Raavana's Mandodari

By: virtueme01

If you think it's a reincarnation story or a period fiction, then you are completely wrong, because this is far from that! Wishing not to be a spoiler, all I'll say is give this book a read. This book deserves a lot more than its got! A story with such a different concept and such amazing vocabulary, surely does deserve a lot more. So do give this a read and please don't forget to vote!

Note from me to the author: Your story is so interesting and gripping, that agar mere bas mein hota, I wouldn't have  kept the phone down till I finished reading the last part! But my quarterly exams are going on, so I cannot do that! You should write more. You are really very talented and your vocabulary is amazing!

Lots of love,

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