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I slash at the oncoming attacker, stunning him with my staff.
The others all fall as well, and I heave a sigh of relief.
   Fighting hordes of goons are tiring.
   However, the corner of my eyes perceive a flicker.
   There are more.
   I try hard. I remember all of Bruce's training.
   Still somehow, the brutes get me down to the floor.
   And then the brutes disappear.
   I get up from the floor.
   The brutes were just holographic training exercises.
   I need to practice again, I need to perfect my skill.
Before I get to the console, however, a voice stops me cold.
"Not bad."
I turn. It's Arleen
"Your form's advanced. Good enough to beat up most thugs. And you have a quick brain at that. What you need to do is to asses the situation in detail," she says.
   Oh god. She's helping me.
   She brings up the holograms again. "I know what you tried to do. You tried to use your size to your advantage. That's all good. But the thugs are heavier than you; their balance is harder to break. So you incorporate a new element: speed."
It dawns on me. "Of course. Speed. Why didn't I think of that?"
She smirks. "Bruce doesn't know a thing about what people of our build can't do. He relies on strength. At your age, you have to rely on something else."
"Care to show me an example?"
She confidently draws her flamesword. The thugs race at her, trying to surround Arleen. But she's too quick and agile. She jumps away in time for a thug to crash into another. She uses her speed to accent her strength. She's using all she can to conserve her energy and time. But still beat up the thugs.
The holograms fade. "I think I get it now."
"'Course you do. You're a visual learner."
God, she knows that too?
Guess she didn't hate me after all.
Well, right now, I think she's trying to establish a bond.

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