A Little About Myself #2

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Heyo Everyone. I'm here to talk about myself some more. Anyways, um, what else can I say?

Well, I just wanted to say that, well, I am not the brightest or...even that smart. I usually say a lot of stupid things and even things that don't make sense. When usually people talk to me and they say something that I don't understand(depends on what they say), I might take it the wrong way. Anywho, as for my stories, I know I ain't perfect. I am no professional novel writer. I know that much. My grammer and spelling can suck, I know and I apologize. When I type my stories here, I have a phone; A Galaxy Note 5. I use a phone to type my stories, thats why it takes soooooo darn long. If I had a computer, I'll probably be faster. I use to have a computer, but its broken....until I get a new one ;^;

Let me also mention that I am hella forgetful. I have a brain of a darn moose. I even sometimes forget to mention some things in my story that I'll probably remember to add, hours later or less. Now, lets talk about the hateful comment I got on my dxd story(the one I talked about last chapter). I actually have to agree on him/her on putting too much effort on the harem list. I would like to apologize. But as I said before, I am forget and not that smart. I know what girls I wanted to add, but I always forget what girls I also wanted to add (I hope that made sense in a way). I also wanted to make the story very more interesting and add some girls I never thought about before, thats why I gave you(the readers) the permission to add any girl you want and I'll try to make it work. Usually, I didn't think it was gonna be that many girls in the first place, but I was gonna make it work.

I also thought it would be cool to give my saiyan oc...a rival(possible any rival). I did put a couple of Saiyans to see who would be Taichi's(my saiyan oc) rival. But some people....complained a bit...and it wasn't gonna work. I took what the person said the wrong way and my response was...."kinda dickish" in his way. It was my fault and I apologize(I apologize too much, its how I am). I didn't meant to be like that a first. I guess I was a bit tired of people "judging" my story that I worked really hard on. Its not easy trying to see on what path you want your story to go(like the plot and all that stuff). So, I decided to cancel Taichi's rival. I thought it would be cool at first, but as I did think about it...why do I want another saiyan rival...as I already got Saiyans female in his harem. Like I said, I ain't that bright and adding for Taichi's rival...was a last minute thing.

Also, I noticed that a lot of people keeps commenting "Please Continue" or "Continue" or even "Please Update". That makes me soooo happy. I loved that you guys actually enjoyed my stories, but I do soon realized that...Im actually get a bit tired hearing that...a lot, but I don't want to say anything. If I do say something, I'll put in the most kindest way I can(If Im not in a bad mood I guess). I'm also glad that you guys love my SMG4 story and how I write the story, seriously, positive comments makes me so happy that I can cry in joy. You guys are really making this girl feel like...she is at home. Thanks for all the positive comments and feedback❤❤❤. You guys are truly little angels (hope that didn't sound weird).

Anyways, I would like to say something to a couple of other authors and about their stories. These are 100% true of my words.

ChaosBlueNathanTH ; To be honest, I didn't even knew him at first and he was a complete stranger. I first found his smg4 story on someone's reading list and as I first read his story for the first time....I fell in love already with his work. He has true potential and a brilliant mind. If you guys dont see his writing potential, then I see it completely. His potential is growing everytime he writes. I kept reading his stories over and over again and quickly followed him. I could see his talent in writing, his brilliant ideas for future stories. He is a prodigy in my eyes. I wanted to be his friend and help him out. I even made him his first 2 book covers because people should actually follow and read his amazing stories and share them. I wont force you guys to read or follow him, but he does deserve some love and support, plenty of love and support. I wanted to help him get more followers and views. He is also a pretty chilled guy and a very kind soul, just don't on his bad side❤. He is an amazing friend I could ask for.

Tadayoshiscott ; I am a very big fan of Splatoon and will always will be. I was searching up for good Splatoon harem stories and I actually found his story named, well; "Splatoon Harem". I would read his stories for hours and hours. His writing potential is high and his mind is also amazing. Seriously, his plot in stories are amazing and he deserves so much love and support. He also deserves more followers. I know you guys can see his potential and its growing. He is actually the coolest dude every and pretty chilled(Dont know him that much). I know he is a kind soul and a lovely person. To be honest, I was inspired to make my own Splatoon harem story. My oc; Yami Akuma, was inspired by Tadayoshi's(His oc) personality and such. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier, but I did mention that the same book, his Splatoon Harem story, inspired me again to make a Splatoon Harem story almost like his. His inspiration as opened a world to me and I will always look forward in the future to see him reach for the stars and become number 1❤.

TrapMaster20 ; Omg, I dont know where to start. Ok, so I am a big fan of femboys and traps. I just find them so cute❤. Anyways, I was in a mood to read a trap story or male trap reader story, so I was searching up one and came across his stories and...

...His stories were SOOO AWESOME!!! I would spend hours and hours, reading and re-reading his trap stories. I was so glad to have found him. I soon followed him, he was *chef kisses* amazing. His mind and stories were just fantastic/cute. His potential of writing was off the charts. I was even inspired to create my own femboys/trap oc's and possibly go a little crazy with them (like I did with Kiyomi(my femboy oc)). I was so glad to have follow this...trap legend. I hope he never stops writing these stories because he is already loved by so many people(well, until he wants to retire, then we can all respect that wish and wish him luck in the future and beyond). His story plot and everything is 100+ and going up. Continue being lovely.

steplam402 ; (Sorry for mentioning you). I dont know were to start. I was in the mood for some kawaii stories and found her. And omg😍, I think I was in love. Her stories were sooo cute and amazing. Her art was just *chef kisses* perfect. I would re-read her stories for hours and would love it even more. I would also love to include her candy girl oc in my story called; My Kawaii Pop Idol Of Love [My Hero Academia](Only if she wants too, and I'll give credit). Seriously, this amazing, talented, adorable artist deserve so much love and support than she already is. I'll be her fan for the rest of my life❤❤.

I love other authors too. I can see their potential and brilliant minds. I don't want to add people without their permission if they don't want to be added. I respect people for that, I respect their decision. And I will always apologize if I did add them without permission, like all the time.

Anywho, back to me. I just love to give positive feedback to everyone on who I left a comment on their story. I dont like to be negative. It just...doesn't go well with me. Remember, not everyone is perfect. If I did see a story, that kinda sucks, Im like; "This person..has potential, I can tell. They are gonna go far and become awesome❤". I honestly don't care on how you write your stories. If its a small or long chapter, if its has a lot of grammer/spelling mistakes, if the plot(which I honestly dont care about) doesn't make sense, I would love it no matter.

I can't wait to see you amazing, talented, lovely, Kind-hearted, adorable, fantastic, beautiful, intelligent people to go so far with your stories. You have potential, you have heart, you have determination, you have soul, and you got smarts❤.

I can see your hidden potential in writing, could you see it in yourself?

Now, I would to talk more about myself, takk about things I like...since this book is becoming that, my phone is dying again. So, until next time. See ya❤.

Also, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. Just choose your words wisely, remember that I can take words the wrong way and I am sensitive.


December 5, 2021


Time: 8:26 pm

Words: 1677

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