My Sunshine

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((I wrote this for my girlfriend ))

Away,away gose the sun

Now to rest it's golden rays of warmth fade to black

What's hidden,what's hidden in the dark

Now thoughts and doubt come to rot
My already damaged mind

That no longer thinks clear thoughts

But my heart, the heart
No longer fights, Damaged like the mind

It shatters at the thoughts,the mind screams

Oh The heart,  The heart
Still in faith fixes it self up

Just to repeat it's sorrowful fate

Once the sun awakes,Its rays

Oh wait!,But wait!
The dark still lingers
What is this warmth ,My heart so desires

The thoughts,The thoughts
Dig their own graves

As the dark,Oh the dark
Fades away "I love you" "i love you"

Calls out this light 
I reach out, I cry out!
To feel the warmth of this
Golden sun

"I care" "I love you"
I'm wrapped in these words
My heart now fixed

Within the light,That now warms me.
In its embrace

But now I see my sun has a face, A face of which I know

Of which I love
She smiles,Her smile
Now so precious to me

"Your my sunshine,My only sunshine. Who brings warmth to me"

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