Chapter 10

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Before anyone had time to react, the Revolution superior immediately started explaining Eg Duck Johnny's presence.

"Eg Duck Johnny has genuine doubts about Foot Eg. We can trust him."

Eg Ella and the rest of the group awkwardly walked over to Eg Duck Johnny.

"Just remember, you being here is a privilege," said Daniel Ocean.

Eg Duck Johnny nodded understandably. "The revolution superiors explained everything to me. I can't believe I didn't notice before! I feel like a cloud lifted over my head!"

Eg Ella sighed. "How did we get here? All of us split up like this?"

A somber atmosphere descended over the group as they remembered the old days, when none of them were council members, or part of the Revolution, and they would all hang out together by the fireplace and the ice rink...

A Revolution superior came, holding a small machine that had many wires coming out of it. "We need to analyze your brain activity," she said to Eg Duck Johnny. "To see if there is anything there that might have been clouding your judgement. Foot Eg may be involved in brainwashing."


Eg Duck Sheriff was quietly drinking tea with Foot Eg, when Foot Eg suddenly spoke up.

"So, want to explain where Eg Duck Johnny is?" Said Foot Eg, slowly putting down his cup.

Eg Duck Sheriff looked up at Foot Eg.

"I couldn't find him anywhere. I have no idea where he went," said Eg Duck Sheriff, calmly looking at Foot Eg.

Foot Eg felt suspicious about Eg Duck Johnny. Eg Duck Sheriff was in no position to betray him, but Eg Duck Johnny? He couldn't be doubting him..could he?


Eg Rat Matt raised his eyebrow. Brainwashing? It made sense. Maybe brainwashing was the reason that Eg Duck Will wouldn't listen to reason!

The Revolution superior placed the machine on Eg Duck Johnny's head, spreading the wires out to different parts of his skull. She pressed a button and the machine started a ten second countdown. Once the ten seconds were up, the Revolution superior looked at the results on the small screen located at the bottom of the device.

"His brain shows high levels of Noradota, which is a banned substance because of it's brainwashing capabilities. Does Foot Eg make you ingest certain things daily?"

Eg Duck Johnny nodded. "Every day we have daily tea time with Foot Eg. When we go in his home, the cups are already filled with tea, and he makes us drink it whether we like it or not."

The Revolution superior nodded. "We will create the antidote as soon as possible." She pointedly looked at everyone. "All of you need to go to the abyss and convince Eg Duck Will to get here so we can administer the antidote to him. Otherwise, he will stay in the Abyss and you will lose the friend you once knew."

Everyone nodded, determined, and started to walk over to the portal to the Abyss.

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