Chapter 12

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"Eg Duck Sheriff? How would we get him to drink it? His whole body and soul worships Foot Eg!" Exclaimed Eg Duck Johnny.

"Because you will give it to him. But drink some of the antidote first, so that there is no chance of you accidentally betraying us," the Revolution superior replied, as she gave a small cup of the antidote to him. Eg Duck Johnny drank it and gave the cup back to the superior.

"But Eg Duck Sheriff is probably suspicious that I disappeared without saying anything. How will I convince him?"

The Revolution superior gestured to the group. "I'm sure your friends can help you come up with something. Redflash and Eg Ella, however, you must continue with the lessons."

Everyone nodded and went through the portal to the cushion room. Eg Ella and Redflash went to the side to train, while the others sat in a circle to create a plan.

"Well, we have to create a plan. Maybe bake the antidote into his favourite bread?" Said Eg Rat Matt.

"Or maybe I could just force it down somehow?" Said Eg Duck Johnny.

Daniel Ocean thought carefully. "I think I have a good plan. Listen to me..."


Eg Duck Johnny entered the council room, where Eg Duck Sheriff was sitting and reading a book on the couch. He looked up at Eg Johnny and frowned.

"Where have you been? You missed daily tea time with Foot Eg! Unacceptable! And right after you wasted the budget, too!"

Eg Duck Johnny stood there sheepishly. "I just felt sick and forgot to tell you, Eg Duck Sheriff. I'm so sorry! We can have tea time right now, I'll go make some tea..."

Eg Duck Sheriff raised his eyebrows. "Why not make the servants do it?"

" only seems fair that I should do the work since I missed tea time, right?" Responded Eg Duck Johnny.

Eg Duck Sheriff shrugged and looked back at his book. "Suit yourself."

Eg Duck Johnny went to the kettle and started boiling the water. After it finished, he made sure no one was looking, and put the antidote in the tea cup. Then he poured boiling water so that Eg Duck Sheriff wouldn't see it was tampered with. He took the tea to Eg Duck Sheriff and gave him a cup. As they were quietly drinking their tea, Eg Duck Johnny noticed that Eg Duck Sheriff looked slightly different now, like some sort of fog had lifted from him.

"Let's go observe the Yim Yum," said Eg Duck Johnny.

Confused, Eg Duck Sheriff followed him to the Yim Yum. Eg Duck Johnny made sure they were alone, got super close to the Yim Yum, then pulled him in.


Eg Ella was maneuvering around Redflash as she heard an "oof!" She turned around and saw Eg Duck Johnny standing there, and laying on the ground, to the side, was Eg Duck Sheriff.

Eg Duck Sheriff got up, wincing, then froze as he saw everyone in the room. Before he could do anything, Eg Duck Johnny quickly explained everything he knew. Eg Duck Sheriff nodded.

"I have made a fool of myself. I will help you all to take down Foot Eg." He said.

Eg Eva nodded. "Wonderful. Let's go to Smooth town and see if our superior needs us to do anything."

The group went through the portal to Smoothtown. What they saw shocked them all.

Standing beside the fountain, looking sheepishly at them...

Was Eg Duck Will.

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