Chapter 15

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Foot Eg stood behind his army and yelled using a voice amplifier, face bright red from anger.

"You will lose! Egs will crack! Surrender now, or be shown no mercy!"

One of the Revolution superiors loudly responded with their own voice amplifier. "We will not surrender!"

Foot Eg seemed to get even angrier.

"Attack!" He yelled.

A roar was heard as Foot Eg's army and the Revolution army charged forward towards each other. The sounds of guns firing and blades clashing rang through the air.

Eg Rat Matt and Redflash went full   offense on Foot Eg's army, running into the fray of the battle. Eg Rat Matt speedily attacked with his bostaff and Redflash strategically used her own body as a weapon. Daniel Ocean and Eg Duck Sheriff stood near the back, shooting at the enemy soldiers with near perfect aim. Eg Duck Johnny stood around the middle, supporting those in the front by shooting those who came for the Revolution soldiers from behind. Eg Eva speedily flew around to those who were injured, using a special elixir to quickly heal their wounds, and slaughtered those who tried to kill the wounded by using her concealed butterfly swords.

"We'll cover you! Just go get Foot Eg!" Eg Eva yelled to Eg Ella as she stood near the front, not sure what to do. She nodded in response and started running towards Foot Eg.

Everyone cleared a path for Eg Ella as she sped towards Foot Eg in an Egspinjitsu whirlwind. She stopped in front of Foot Eg and narrowed her eyes at him, removing her toilet plunger from her skull. Foot Eg's sneer fell at the sight of the exposed blades on her head. Foot Eg shook his head.

"I will defeat you, child! You think you can match me?" Foot Eg lept at her with a roundhouse kick.

Eg Ella used Egspinjitsu and quickly dodged, moving behind him. Foot Eg quickly turned around and started unleashing blows in a fury, but Eg Ella's Egpinjitsu acted as a sort of barrier.

"You'll stop ruling today, and that's a promise!" Eg Ella exclaimed.

The fight quickly became a blur as the two attacked and dodged until finally, minutes later, Foot Eg cried out. One of Eg Ella's blades had struck him, cracking him. The battleground became silent as Foot Eg's army realized that Foot Eg had been lying to them all along about his godlyness. Foot Eg then disappeared into dust, falling on the ground.

Foot Eg's army stared at Eg Ella for a few seconds before kneeling in reverence, ashamed at their actions. Eg Ella's friends came and stood beside her, faces full of pride at what she had done.

The reign of Foot Eg was finally over.

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