Chapter 4

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Eg Ella squeezed her eyes shut in horror, then felt herself land on a cushion. She slowly opened her eyes, and saw that she was in an enormous room, with extremely high ceilings. The entire room was lined with cushions of red, blue, and yellow. She then turned to see Eg Eva laying there,  facing the ceiling.

"We've done something horrible! We desecrated the Yim Yum! And you are just laying there! Why are we in a room full of cushions???" Yelled Eg Ella.

Eg Eva got up and shook her head. "Right. Yes. I'll explain everything, I promise. But first you have to meet an old friend first."

Eg Ella was freaking out. What was happening??? She saw Eg Eva go to the left side of the room and place her hand on a yellow cushion. The yellow cushion and the cushions around it disappeared, then started to close in. A dark figure appeared in the opening. Eg Ella's eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock.

"Hey, Eg Ella. Remember me?" The figure smiled.


Eg Duck Will scoffed, but looking at the jar, he knew that Eg Rat Matt was telling the truth.

"How could Foot Eg even get that? The only way to get there is to be mayor of Smoothtown," said Eg Duck Will.

Eg Rat Matt nodded while he put the jar back in his fur. "He was chosen to run Smoothtown a long time ago."

Eg Duck Will's eyes widened. "He was mayor of Smoothtown?"

"Yes, for a while," replied Eg Rat Matt. "But the fountain of youth made him greedy and corrupted him. He was exiled, but secretly smuggled a jar of liquid from the fountain of youth with him. He appeared many years later and claimed to be our God, and everyone believed him. Except the founder of the Revolution, who died shortly after everyone started worshipping Foot Eg."

"The Revolution? What's that?" Asked Eg Duck Will.

Eg Rat Matt adjusted himself. "Let me tell you a story..."


Eg Ella couldn't believe her eyes! "Redflash? Is that you?"

The figure walked in front of her. "Yep! In the flesh!" Smiled Redflash.

"B-but you were chosen to be a master of Egspinjitsu! You're not able to come back to the World of Eg!" Exclaimed Ella, toilet plunger waving in confusion.

Redflash motioned for everyone to sit down. They sat in a circle, each with their own cushion. 

"I'm going to tell you about everything right now. Can you handle that?" Eg Eva asked Eg Ella.

Eg Ella thought for a moment. "Yes."

Eg Eva nodded and started to speak. She explained about Foot Eg, Smoothtown, the fountain of youth, and mentioned the founder of the Revolution.

"The Revolution is a secret movement in the World of Eg. Our mission is to expose Foot Eg to the world. We recruit those who will keep their secrets and have the ability to currently help the movement in some way."

Eg Ella felt a sinking feeling as she heard about their recruitment policy. Was she not good enough? Why was Eg Eva telling her this? And what did Redflash have to do with it?

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