Chapter 5

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"Why are you part of the revolution? What makes you useful?" Eg Ella asked Eg Eva.

"I'm part of the minority of egs that have wings. I can go places most egs can't,"Eg Eva simply replied.

Eg Ella thought of the egs in her life. Who might have been recruited? "Do I know anyone that's part of the revolution?"

Eg Eva nodded. "Redflash, of course. One of the Revolutions best fighters. Daniel Ocean, Mayor of Smoothtown, is also part of the revolution. He allows everyone in the Revolution to meet up through the Smoothtown portals. And...Eg Rat Matt, since he is part of the affluent group of Rat egs. He got caught during an investigation, which is why he was thrown into the abyss. Not some bullshit that he committed a heinous crime. " Eg Eva rolled her eyes. "He survived and is just waiting until we can get him out. Since Eg Duck Will was thrown in, hopefully he survives and Eg Rat Matt will convince him to join the cause."

Eg Ella froze, mouth gaping. Of course Eg Rat Matt didn't commit some horrible crime! And Eg Duck Will might be alive! She should have known that Eg Rat Matt was innocent!


Eg Duck Will shook his head vigorously and slowly backed away from Eg Rat Matt.

"I thought you had something there. I heard you out.  But all you are is a conspiracy theorist who is helping to overthrow our superiors! This can't be real!" Eg Duck Will desperately looked around the cave for somewhere he could go.

Eg Rat Matt was shocked. "I've shown you proof! How can you not believe me? We used to be friends, don't you remember?'

There was a flash of sorrow on Eg Duck Will's face, but it left as quickly as it came. "You should have thought of that before joining a revolution."

Eg Rat Matt sadly watched as his former friend walked away, not turning back to even say goodbye.

"I can't believe that all of you are part of the Revolution! But...what does that have to do with Redflash?" Asked Eg Ella.

Eg Eva plucked the toilet plunger right off of Eg Ella's head and pointed at the knives.

"Once you learn Egspinjitsu from Redflash, those knives will come in super handy for fighting," explained Eg Eva.

Eg Ella looked back and forth between Eg Eva and Redflash. She couldn't believe her ears! "Wait. I'm going to fight? I can't fight!"

Eg Eva smiled. "Yes you can, you just don't know it yet. You are the hero that will strike down Foot Eg, as written in the book of prophecies called the Holy Eg."

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