Chapter 7

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Eg Ella and Eg Eva quickly jumped through the Yim Yum and into the cushion room,where the 10th session was about to take place. Two weeks had passed since that initial session when Eg Ella learned about the Revolution, and she had made remarkable progress in her training. However, Eg Ella couldn't sleep last night, which got her to thinking about those she knew that were part of the Revolution.

Redflash walked up to them, pointed at her left, looked at Ella, and said,"go."

At the beginning of every training session Eg Ella had to show Redflash her best Egspinjitsu. She spun like a whirlwind towards the indicated direction, doing it with near perfection.

"That was great! You have a natural aptitude for Egspinjitsu. Now it's time to incorporate those blades of yours!" Exclaimed Redflash.

Eg Ella smiled, excited to learn..but she really wanted her questions answered. "Is it ok if I ask a question about the Revolution?"

"You're in the Revolution now! You can ask whatever you want," replied Eg Eva.

Eg Ella nodded, grateful. "How did you two, Daniel Ocean, and Eg Rat Matt become part of the Revolution?"

Eg Eva gestured for them all to sit on the floor. "Guess its only natural that you would be curious."


Eg Duck Johnny was sitting on the couch while Eg Duck Sheriff paced back and forth in the council room. Two weeks later and they still haven't found a new council member to replace the Simp, Eg Duck Will.

Eg Duck Sheriff suddenly halted and raised his wing. "Aha! I have a great idea to attract potential council members! Eg Duck Johnny, how much do we have in our budget?"

Eg Duck Johnny suddenly seemed sheepish. "We don't have anything left in the budget, Eg Duck Sheriff. I spent it all on turkey sandwiches."

"That money was not meant for turkey sandwiches! The new recruit is going to help you with your finances, Eg Duck Johnny, because clearly you can't manage them on your own very well. What would Foot Eg think?"

What Eg Duck Sheriff didn't know was that Eg Duck Johnny was starting to have a sliver of doubt about Foot Eg.


Eg Eva started explaining how her, Redflash, Daniel Ocean, and Eg Rat Matt got into the Revolution.

"Someone from the Revolution approached each of us. All of us had doubts about Foot Eg that we hid from the world. They approached me because of my wings, Eg Rat Matt because he has some power as an upper class rat, Redflash for her Egspinjitsu skills, and Daniel Ocean because he is Mayor of Smoothtown. We each have a Tegta, that phone you've seen me carry around. It allows those in the Revolution to post information for the rest of us to see." Eg Eva paused. "You should probably know how Eg Rat Matt got caught. He was trying to see if there's more to the Yim Yum, and he needed help, so I came to assist. We were so caught up in the work that some of the Council's servants found us. I was able to fly away before they got a look at me, but Eg Rat Matt was too slow and got caught."

Eg Eva suddenly grinned. "By the way, Smoothtown leads to the Abyss."

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