Chapter 9

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"For your third session, we will try to manipulate the blades," Said Redflash.

It had been only two days since Eg Ella started Egspinjitsu training with her blades, and already she knew how to utilize them while in a whirlwind. It was clear that Foot Eg would need to be a very experienced fighter in order to take her down. Eg Eva sat by the side and observed as usual while Redflash explained the technique.

"You will need to feel separate parts of your skull at once in order to bend the blades to your will. Close your eyes and focus."

After about half an hour, Eg Ella could bend her knives to the left.

Eg Eva felt her Tegta vibrate, took it out, and read what was on the screen.  She looked up at Eg Ella and Redflash, who stopped what they were doing as they saw her expression.

"We need to go to Smoothtown right now. Our revolution superiors want us to have an emergency meeting."


Eg Duck Sheriff had practically looked all over town for Eg Duck Johnny, but there was no trace of him anywhere. Eg Duck Johnny never strayed far, so this was very suspicious to Eg Duck Sheriff, but he figured that Eg Duck Johnny might just be worried about all the budget money he spent. He would just have to go to daily tea time with Foot Eg without him.


Eg Ella gasped. "I get to go?"

Eg Eva nodded. "Yes, the meeting is in 10 minutes, so train as much as you can before then!"

10 minutes later, they all stood at the portal to Smoothtown.

"Alright, let's go in,"said Redflash, as the three of them stepped through.

Eg Ella gasped in awe as stepped out of the portal. She saw a place so smooth, so was hard not to be entranced by the sight. All the colours of the rainbow were smooth textures, present throughout every building.

Suddenly she saw Eg Rat Matt by a fountain. Eg Rat Matt looked up and almost fell back in shock to see Eg Ella. They ran up to greet each other, smiles wide, and eagerly started chatting while Eg Eva and Redflash caught up with them. Daniel Ocean popped out of the fountain intantaneously. "Welcome to Smoothtown! Population: Daniel Ocean."

Eg Ella was very elated to see both Eg Rat Matt and Daniel Ocean, but she had to ask the one question that plagued her mind.

"Did you see Eg Duck Will?" She asked Eg Rat Matt.

He nodded sadly, explaining to her how Eg Duck Will refused to believe anything he said and was simply wandering in the Abyss. Eg Ella agreed that it was strange for him to not believe such obvious facts.

One of the Revolution superiors walked up to the group and announced, "we have a new Revolution member."

As the newest member of thr Revolution stepped out from behind the nearest house, everyone gasped.

It was Eg Duck Johnny.

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