CH39: King Of The Storm.

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Third POV:

Ahri woke up the next morning. She stretched and looked at her bed frowning at where Grey should have been.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan then went through with her morning routine. After she got dressed, she went to the living room where she found Nidalee sitting on the couch petting Silver.

“Good morning.” the Huntress greeted.

“Morning.” Ahri replied before taking a seat near her roommate. “So, do you have anything planned today?”

“Well, I have a match in the afternoon. And you?” Nidalee asked while still petting Silver.

“Nothing much,” Ahri shrugged as she relaxed on the couch. “I guess I'll watch your match and then see if anyone wants to go into town.” she said. The Nine-Tailed Vastayan then looked at the Huntress. “I have to admit, I was a little surprised when you agreed that Grey can sleep with me.” Ahri admitted.

“Oh, I'm definitely not okay with it.” Nidalee chuckled. “But it is better than having him sleep on the couch. That doesn't mean I'm not going to try and make my move.”

Ahri rolled her eyes “Figures.” she then stood up. “Well, we should get some breakfast.”

The Huntress nodded and stood up after putting Silver on her shoulder. The two of them came out of their room and headed towards the dining hall.

When they entered the hall, they were about to get their food when two summoners came towards them.

“Hi, Ahri and Nidalee, right?” the first one said.

“Listen, we are big fans, and we were planning to have a private party later on tonight. We were wondering if you could be the guests of honor?” the other one continued.

Ahri sighed while Nidalee rolled her eyes. The Nine-Tailed Vastayan can see the lust in the summoners, even without her magic.

“Sorry, but we're not interested.” Ahri replied trying to walk away, but then the first summoner got in front of her.

“Come on, I promise you'll enjoy it.” He argued back.

Ahri and Nidalee glared at him, but then the nine tailed Vastayan smirked noticing both summoners have their eyes on her. Ahri's eyes then glowed as she activated her magic.

“You're right, it might be fun.” Ahri said before pointing behind her. “But I don't think he'll agree.”

Both summoners looked confused before looking behind Ahri. Their eyes widen and they took a step back in fear.

Standing behind Ahri and Nidalee was Grey. The Abyss Watcher was giving them a cold glare with his eyes glowing red.

“A-Abyss Watcher!?” the first summoner said with fear obvious in his voice. “I-I thought you were in Demacia.”

Nidalee raised an eyebrow and looked behind her… to see nothing but the empty hallway.

‘Grey’ then started reaching for his weapons and the summoners got the message. “Look, w-we'll leave. We don't want any trouble.”

The summoners left and Ahri chuckled deviously. Nidalee then understood what happened and smirked. “You used your magic on them, didn't you.” it was more of a statement than a question.

“That's right,” Ahri nodded as they continued their way to the food. “Since the summoners fear Grey, we might use that fear for once.”

“True, but I didn't know that you can make people see things.” Nidalee said as they both started picking their food.

“I can do a lot of things that you don't know about.” Ahri said as they finished picking their food.

The two roommates walked through the tables looking for either a free one or a table that has someone they know.

They found a table that had Ezreal and Lux sitting at it. The two of them were looking at a newspaper… with shocked faces.

“Hi, you two, what's up?” Ahri asked while giving Silver some food before sitting down at the table.

The two blondes tensed and started fiddling with the newspaper. “Uh… nothing.” Ezreal said suspiciously.

“What's with the newspaper?” Nidalee asked.

Lux immediately started trying to hide the paper. “What newspaper?”

Ahri raised an eyebrow. “Lux,” she then extended her like a scolding parent. “give me the newspaper.” she demanded.

Lux looked hesitant before bringing the newspaper and giving it to the fox Vastaya. “You're not going to like what you see.”

Ahri took the newspaper and held it to look at the front page while Nidalee also took a look from the side.

However, when they read it… ‘WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS!?!?’ They both thought in anger and disbelief.

<New League of Legends power couple. The Abyss Watcher and Maven of the strings seen dating in Demacia, and today the Abyss Watcher is fighting for her hand in marriage against a noble of Demacia.> was written in the front page. And below it was a picture of Grey sitting in the Café with Sona.

Ahri can feel the fur on her tails stand from anger, she even set the paper on fire with blue flames. Nidalee wasn't doing any better. Anyone near her can hear the inhuman growl she made as her eyes turned to slits.

“What is this suppose to be?!” Ahri asked as the paper was reduced to ash. “I thought Grey was being a bodyguard?!”

“He is,” Lux started explaining, “But… he's apparently Sona's bodyguard.”

“Well, tell him to get back here!” Nidalee ordered.

“I can't, Garen isn't coming back for a day or two.” Lux replied.

“Well, do something!” Both girls yelled.

Lux was obviously nervous and was looking for a way out. “H-How about I go and ask what's going on? I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.”

“What are you waiting for then?!?” The girls asked which made the young Crownguard jump from her seat and go head to the transport station.

Ahri and Nidalee turned their glares at Ezreal, who immediately froze from their looks.

The Huntress and fox Vastayan wanted answers, fast. Otherwise, someone is going to get hurt… and right now, Ezreal is the only one around them.

In Demacia:

Sona was walking through the hallway of her home. She had already showered and dressed up, and now she wanted to wake Grey.

The Maven entered the guest room and found the Abyss Watcher sleeping on the bed. She walked up to him noticing that his equipment was by the nightstand and started shaking him by the shoulder.

After a few moments, Grey woke up. “Ahri, what is…?” he stopped when he realized who was shaking him. “Oh, morning, Sona.”

Sona ignored that he confused her for someone else. [Good morning, Grey. It's time to wake up.]

“Alright, give me a second.” the Lord of Cinder said setting up and getting off the bed. He went to the bathroom as Sona sat on the bed to wait for him.

The Maven took the chance to Grey's equipment while he was in the shower. Looking at Grey's Farron Great-sword, she realized how big it is compared to the ones she saw before.

Garen had a Great-sword as well, but it still wasn't as large as Grey's, which could be the size of a normal person.

However, something then caught her attention. Sona got off the bed and walked to the nightstand picking up what she saw.

It was a deep green medallion with the crest of a wolf's head on it. Sona's eyes widen recognizing it from her dream.

The Abyss Watcher then came out of the bathroom and saw Sona, “Something wrong?” he asked and Sona just gave him the medallion. “Oh, my pledge.”

[Can I ask what it is?] Sona signed with her hands.

“It's my pledge, it's a sign of being one of Farron's Abyss Watchers and his watchdogs. It's only given to those the Old Wolf of Farron deems worthy, and it was given to me when I was just a baby.” Grey explained putting on his armor while talking.

Sona smiled finding something else she has in common with Grey. [I have something like that too.] she waved her hand and her instrument floated beside her. [My Etwahl had been with me since I was very young. It's somehow connected to me.]

The Abyss Watcher chuckled. “More in common for us, I guess.” he said as he finished putting on his armor.

Sona made a silent chuckle and started making signs with her hands, [Anyway, your duel should be today afternoon. But right now my mother wishes to see you first. She heard of what happened last night.]

“Alright, lead the way.” Grey replied as they came out of the room and started walking through the hallway.

While walking, Grey took the chance to look around at the mansion. He noticed that there weren't only paintings but also a few statues and some walls had their own coloring patterns.

“I suppose your mother is a fan of art?” Grey asked breaking the silence.

Sona nodded and started making signs, [Yes, but thankfully, she isn't into the kind of art that Jhin is into.] Grey nodded in agreement. Suddenly, Sona stopped in front of a pair of double doors and looked at Grey. [Also, she might seem a bit… odd.]

The Maven then opened the doors to what seems to be a living room. “No, a little to the left.” someone said from the inside.

Two maids were holding up a painting and moving it around the wall. There was a woman apparently giving them instructions.

It was a middle-aged woman with brown shoulder length hair that ended in a yellow shade. She was wearing a white shirt under a blue vest with a dark blue tie. She had black pants with dark blue heels that had golden trimming. She was also wearing sunglasses and a beret.

“Yes, a little more… perfect!” the woman said while the maids were adjusting the painting.

Sona turned to Grey. [That's my mother, Lestara Buvelle.] she signed.

The two champions walked inside and the woman turned towards them, “Now, let's see who's-” Lestara stopped when she saw who her daughter was with. “Oh… YOU'RE fighting for my daughter?”

Sona became worried. It was already known that the Abyss Watcher was an undead. She never brought one to her home, add the rumors about Grey being a heartless killer, so she didn't know how her mother would react.

“Wearing THAT?!” Lestara continued motioning to Grey's clothes making Sona's face go deadpan. “Oh, no, no, no! Sweetheart, you are not fighting for my daughter wearing THAT atrocity.” she then snapped her fingers and two maids walked up beside her. “Get him a new set of clothes, something stylish but not too flashy. We're not the Crownguard with their suits of armor.”

The two maids nodded and went to the Abyss Watcher with measuring tape. Sona meanwhile rolled her eyes and sat down at a chair on the side.

‘I should've known from the beginning that she would worry about his clothes more then what he is.’ Sona thought resting her head on her palm.

Lestara moved beside Grey while the maids took his measurement. “First, I want something that isn't as old as Demacia itself.” she said as one of the maids took notes on the clothes Lestara wanted. “Second, that cape has to go. Capes are so last decade. And third, I want something that doesn't make him look like he came out of a bloodbath-of-a-battle.” she said walking around Grey in a circle. The Abyss Watcher decided to not comment on the last one.

The Lord of Cinder looked at the mute girl that was sitting on a chair. She gave him a look that said ‘Just go with it.’

Grey decided to do that, but he wanted to ask something. “Can I, at least, keep the hat?”

“Actually, your hat is the only thing stylish about your clothes, so yes.” Lestara replied as the two maids stopped taking notes and measurements. “Now, get him some actual clothes.”

The maids nodded and started guiding Grey out of the living room to get him something that the owner of house Buvelle would approve of.

Meanwhile, another maid offered Sona a cup of tea, one she accepted and needed. She started sipping while her mother walked up to her.

“So that was the Abyss Watcher? He's calmer than I thought,” Lestara said standing beside her daughter. “So? Are you going to marry him after the match?” she asked.

Sona did a spit-take with her tea. She gave the cup to the maid and started making signs with a blush. [No! He's just doing it to get Ferio off my back!] she signed so quickly that her mother almost didn't understand her.

Lestara raised an eyebrow and brought down her sunglasses. “But I thought the winner was going to marry you.”

Sona made a very tired and silent sigh while burying her head in the palms of her hands.

Time skip: (Brought to you by chibi Ahri looking at the newspaper. She puffed her cheeks in anger before throwing foxfire at it.)

Sona was waiting in the living room for Grey. Her mother already left to where the duel would be, and she just has to wait for him to come out.

The Abyss Watcher then came out wearing his new clothes. He was now wearing a black shirt under a dark blue button up, long sleeved jacket with black pants. On his left shoulder and arm was a silver armor with golden trimming, not unlike the one that Garen and Lux wear. Other than that, he was still wearing his signature pointy metal hat and his sword was on his back with his knife on his waist.

Grey spread his arms and looked down on himself. “I feel… out of my element. I don't believe this is my color, as Ahri would say.”

Sona smiled and stood up. [Don't worry, you look great in blue.] she assured him.

“Thanks,” The Abyss Watcher replied. He then started looking out the window and noticed the same storm from last night still in the mountains.

The Maven noticed him spacing out so she snapped her fingers to draw his attention. She then started making signs. [Is something wrong?]

“Nothing, it's just…” The Abyss Watcher sighed. “That storm,” he said making Sona look at the mountains from the window. “Something doesn't feel right. As if I'm supposed to be there.”

Sona was looking at the black clouds as golden lightning cracked through them. She had to agree that something didn't feel… natural about that storm.

She then smiled having an idea and started making signs, [Why don't we go and check on it after your duel? I'm sure we'll be able to.]

The Undead smiled at the mute and nodded, "Thank you. Now let's not keep your mother waiting."

Sona nodded and they walked out of the living room. The two champions went through the hallway and entered an entirely new hall.

This hall was specifically made for Sona's concerts. It was a big hall with hundreds of chairs in rows. In the far back was a circle stage with red curtains at the sides that were open now.

Waiting at the stage was Lestara. Sona's mother was also in the company of a few other people and Ferio. From their clothes, Grey guessed they were Nobles.

However, someone amongst them caught Grey's attention. Because that person was the only one that looked like a real Warrior.

It was a woman that had chin-length black hair with a single dark pink streak on the front. She was wearing a black bodysuit under a white shirt with shoulder armor and a short cape on one of her shoulders. On her waist was a rapier in its sheath.

That woman was speaking to Sona's mother, who noticed their presence. "Oh, there you are!" she said making the other woman look at them. "Abyss Watcher, I got to say that you fixed up good."

"Thank you, Ms. Buvelle." the undead replied. Looking at the other woman, he noticed that she was looking all over him.

"So you are the Abyss Watcher." The woman said with a French accent in her voice.

"That is correct, but my name is Grey Ashnex." he replied to the woman. He looked at her weapon and took a wild guess. "You're a duelist?"

The woman smiled at the question. "That is correct. In fact, I'm also a champion of the Institute, but we've never met. I'm Fiora Laurent, the Grand Duelist, and the current head of house Laurent." Fiora then raised a curious eyebrow. "May I ask, how did you know I was a duelist?"

"Your weapon of choice is a Rapier. Personally, I don't use it, but I had a friend who had it. He was a sorcerer and only used it for self-defense so he wasn't a duelist, but still he did share knowledge about the weapon." the Abyss Watcher explained. However, he then noticed something about her name. "Your name is Fiora, are you related to Ferio?"

The Grand Duelist sighed and brought a hand to her forehead. "Yes, he is my cousin. He may not be close, but he is still part of house Laurent." Fiora then turned to the Maven of the strings. "Sona, I'd like to apologize for the troubles he caused you."

The mute girl simply waved it off before bringing out her board and started writing. <Don't worry, Fiora. You already apologized enough.>

Truth is that this wasn't the first time that the Grand Duelist apologized for her cousin's behavior, especially to Sona.

However, the Maven never held anything against Fiora or her family for what Ferio does. They weren't as close as Garen and Jarvan as friends, but they were still friends nonetheless.

<What are all these people doing here?> Sona wrote down and showed it to the Duelist.

"They are people who Ferio bragged to about winning your hand in marriage. They just came to observe." Fiora replied making the Maven sigh.

"So you came." Ferio said walking up to them. "Now I will show you that you should know your place, undead."

"Ferio, enough." Fiora said silencing her cousin. She then looked at the Abyss Watcher. "Now, if you are ready, then let us begin."

Grey nodded and he stood up on the stage with Ferio standing on the other side. The noble pulled out a sword decorated with gold and jewelry.

'It's been a while since I've been to a duel. The last one I had was against Prince Lorian when the Dancer bragged about my abilities to him... Come to think of it, we never did finish that duel' the Lord of Cinder thought to himself recalling his past.

They were expecting the Abyss Watcher to pull out his Farron Great-sword, but instead, he pulled out his knife.

"What are you doing?" Ferio asked. He thought that the Abyss Watcher was doing some trick.

"Sorry." Grey shrugged while holding his knife. "But this is the smallest blade I have. So I'll have to make do." he said making everyone surprised.

"Are you mocking me?!" Ferio asked enraged, but the Abyss Watcher paid him no mind.

The noble then started the match by swinging his sword at Grey who simply blocked with his knife.

Ferio started swinging his sword left and right trying to strike the Abyss Watcher, but he would always dodge or block without a problem.

Meanwhile, the Nobles sat in the front row seats to watch the match. "Do you think that your cousin will win, Lady Laurent?" one of the Nobles asked.

"No, the Abyss Watcher will win." Fiora replied without a shadow of doubt causing confusion between the Nobles except for Sona and her mother. Fiora wasn't voicing her thoughts, she was stating facts.

First, the head of house Laurent had to agree that Ferio was just a spoiled child. He had no talent in fighting to speak of.

Second, Grey was a champion of the Institute, which only takes the best warriors. Not to mention she heard from Jarvan and Shyvana that he managed to break to the royal castle.

But what really made Fiora sure that the Abyss Watcher will win, is what she saw in his eyes. She saw battle.

The Grand Duelist realized that Grey was a battle veteran. He saw real battle, killed in it, and survived it.

Back in the match, Grey was still in the defensive. Not because he couldn't fight back, but to see Ferio's fighting abilities.

In all honesty… the Abyss Watcher was immensely disappointed. Ferio's sword-wielding is the general basics, at best.

Grey decided it was enough playing around. He blocked downwards strike and moved it to the side making the sword hit the ground.

The Abyss Watcher stepped on the blade and then punched Ferio's stomach with the back of his knife.

The noble fell to his knees. Grey moved behind him and grabbed Ferio by the hair lifting his head while putting his knife at Ferio's throat.

Grey was about to paint the stage red, but he was stopped by the Grand Duelist. "Enough!" she yelled which made Grey let go of the noble and walk back.

The Nobles were mostly shocked, with the exception of three of them. Sona was happy showing a grateful smile while her mother simply looked impressed.

Fiora, who was slowly clapping, stood up from her seat. "Excellent match, Abyss Watcher. The victory goes to you." she said before looking at the Maven. "Sona, as the agreement goes, Ferio will no longer ask for your hand in marriage or bother you again." she said then glared at her Cousin. "Will you now?"

Ferio, who felt incredible shame, kept his head down and grumbled. "No."

"Good." the Grand Duelist then gave a bow of respect. "Till we meet again, Abyss Watcher."

With that, every noble from house Laurent took their leave. The only ones left were Grey, Sona, and her mother.

"Well, That was something." Lestara said breaking the silence. "Thank you, Abyss Watcher, for freeing my daughter from that idiot."

"I was simply helping out a friend." Grey replied sheathing his knife before looking at Sona. "Now, should we leave?"

Lestara smirked. "Oh, is the young couple going on a date?"

Sona rolled her eyes not falling for her mother's teasing. [No, we're just going to check on something that's been bugging him.]

"Whatever you say." Lestara shrugged and decided to leave.

"Uhmm, can I change first?" the Abyss Watcher asked making the Maven look at him with a raised eyebrow. "No offense, but your mother's taste in clothes doesn't suit me."

Sona silently chuckled while shaking her head before nodding. They both walked out of the concert hall.

They went to the guest room where Grey's clothes were. The Abyss Watcher entered to change his clothes while the Maven waited outside.

While waiting, someone was walking towards her. "Hey, Sona!" yelled none other than Luxanna Crownguard.

The mute girl smiled at one of her best friends and took out her board. <Hi, Lux. How are you?>

"Pretty good." The light mage replied as she stood beside the Maven. "Hey, have you seen the newspaper this morning?"

Sona shook her head at Lux's question. The young Crownguard then explained what was in the paper which made the mute girl blush.

She didn't mind some people thinking that she and Grey were dating, but what she did mind was that the paper basically announced that they were engaged.

<So what do want me to do?> Sona wrote down asking.

"Well, Ahri and Nidalee aren't exactly happy, so I wanted to ask what's this all about?" Lux replied scratching her head.

The Maven knew who she was talking about. Grey already told her about them, and she still thinks that they just ditched him yesterday.

Sona then smiled innocently at the light mage before she started writing. <Don't worry. I was just treating him to breakfast yesterday, and this fight thing was just something he was doing as a favor. I'll take care of the newspaper.>

"Thanks, Sona. You're the best." Lux said before she turned around to tell her friends what happened.

When Lux turned around and started walking away, Sona's innocent smile turned to a sinister one.

However, she immediately regained her innocent look when she heard the door behind her open.

Grey came out of the room wearing his Abyss Watcher attire. He noticed someone turning away at the end of the hallway. "Was that Lux?" he asked getting a glimpse of her armor.

The Maven nodded, [Yes, she asked me to do an errand for her. I hope you don't mind.]

"Of course not, I'm happy that you're doing this at all." the Abyss Watcher replied.

The two champions then started making their way towards the exit of the Sona's home. When they reached the front door, they found a maid waiting for them.

"Lady Sona, are you going out?" the maid asked.

The mute girl nodded before she started signing her hands, [That's right, and I might be late for dinner. Maybe I won't even come.]

"Very well, I'll tell Lady Lestara." the maid replied before opening the door for them. "Have a safe trip."

With that, the two champions exited the house of Buvelle and entered the streets of Demacia again.

Inside the Institute:

Ahri, Nidalee, and Ezreal were sitting in the same table with Aki and Brite, who joined them a few minutes ago.

Ahri was juggling an orb of deception between her tails looking ready to throw it at anyone. While Nidalee was using a stone to sharpen her spear.

Ezreal was playing with the collar of his shirt every chance he got. Brite and Aki didn't know why, but they knew that disturbing the two roommates was not a good idea.

"S-so?" Aki said clearing her throat trying to break the tension. "How are you today, A-Ahri?"

"Not good." the fox Vastaya replied.

"Aw~ is the fox feeling bad." if Ahri wasn't mad before, she definitely was after hearing that voice.

She looked behind her to see Maia standing there looking at her clawed gauntlet like they were nails.

"What do you want?" Ahri asked harshly.

The Tengu smirked. "Oh, I'm just here to check on you. I heard the latest news, and it seems Grey finally realized that you are not worth spending his time with."

"And you're supposed to be good enough?" Ahri replied crossing her arms. "Last time I checked, no one was willing to spend their time with you."

Maia chuckled. "At least people don't see me as the sl*t of the Institute alongside Evelynn." she responded making the fox Vastaya, along with a few others to glare at her. The Tengu then looked at the Silver Knight. "So you're the guy from Grey's world?"

"That's right, and who are you?" Brite asked in a cold tone surprising some people.

The Warrior of Sunlight might have been cheerful, but he wasn't an idiot. He can tell that Maia was not a good person, but someone to be compared to the people of his world.

"Just someone who was curious about the people of Grey's world." the Tengu replied looking at Brite all over. "And honestly, I was hoping for another hunter, but all I got is an idiot."

"A hunter?" Brite asked confused.

"This psycho wants to be the best hunter, so she wants to kill Grey to prove she's better than him." Ahri explained glaring at the winged Vastayan.

"You… want to be a better hunter than Grey." Brite concluded. "Pfft-Hahahaha." before he broke into a fit of laughter.

Everyone looked at the laughing Silver Knight in confusion, while Maia started glaring at him.

"What's so funny?" the Tengu asked.

"Hahaha- You- hahaha--want to beat an Ashnex- hahaha - at hunting!?" Brite said through his laughter. After calming down, he started speaking normally, "Let me tell you something, there are no better hunters than the Ashnex." Ahri remembered Grey saying the same thing. "That was proven by Grey's father, the Moonlight Hunter, and then Grey proved it himself by beating his father."

They all stared shocked at Brite after he told them that Grey fought and defeated his father. They wanted to know what happened to make them fight to begin with.

"But wait, Grey says that his father is the best." Nidalee pointed out.

"That's just him being modest." Brite replied waving his arm. "It gets annoying, honestly. I'm starting to think that he doesn't know how to take credit for himself."

Ahri and Nidalee rolled their eyes agreeing with Brite completely. The Fox Vastayan then stood up.

"Well, whatever." she said before turning to Maia. "Listen, I am not in a good mood, and the last thing I need is to talk to you psycho. So as Grey would say, Why don't you go lose whatever shards of your sanity left alone and leave us in peace." she finished before walking away with Silver following her. "I need to play some video games. If I can't kill a real person, then I'm going for a virtual one."

They all just looked at the Vastayan walk away apparently to the arcade. "You know, the funny thing is that I'm sure Grey would have actually said that." Brite said breaking the silence.

In Demacia:

Grey and Sona were climbing the mountain for a while with the Abyss Watcher helping the Maven most of the way.

After they left house Buvelle, they stopped at a building where Sona had to do that errand for Lux before they exited the city and entered the mountain range.

They climbed the mountain until they entered through the clouds. They were surrounded by fog and some rain but everything was still visible.

Grey raised his hand making Sona stop. "Something… is coming." he said.

Suddenly, the heard a loud roar when a figure landed from the sky in front of them. It was a dragon with feathered wings and a beak-like mouth. On the dragon was a man with long wild hair and in his hands was the combination of a sword and a spear.

The dragon roared before jumping and flapping its wings making sure it lands behind the two champions.

The man swung down his Sword-Spear at Grey and Sona who immediately moved away from the attack.

The Abyss Watcher pulled out his weapons while the Maven called for her Etwahl. The Undead jumped towards the person that was riding the dragon.

That person used the pole of his weapon to block the attack. The dragon tried to take a bite out of the Abyss Watcher.

However, a magical blast covered in musical notes hit the dragon's head distracting it enough for Grey to jump away.

Sona floated beside Grey and played a few strings from her Etwahl. From the front of the instrument, a magical note shot off striking the dragon's head again.

The dragon roared in frustration before it started flapping its wings taking to the sky as it started circling them from above.

The person riding the dragon raised it's hand and, much to Grey's shock, golden lightning gathered in it before forming a big spear.

The person threw the spear at the two champions and the Abyss Watcher tackled the Maven to jump away as the spear struck the ground they were standing on.

Grey stood up helping Sona, "That was a lightning spear!? But I didn't see him holding any Talisman."

The dragon passed above them flying through the sky. The person on the dragon jumped from it and landed on the ground in front of the champions.

The man waved his Sword-Spear and sent a wave of clouds and wind at Sona and Grey. The Maven moved away while the Abyss Watcher jumped over it.

The Lord of Cinder stood up and immediately blocked the downwards strike from the man's Sword-Spear.

The man started putting pressure on his weapon and Grey started skidding back. However, before he moves too far away, he heard a musical note before he was covered in a blue aura.

The Abyss Watcher stopped being pushed back. Sona kept supporting him with his magical music.

The man jumped back and raised his Sword-Spear in the air pointing at the sky. Lightning struck the blade and it ran through the weapon.

The man swung his weapon down striking the ground making lightning explode where the blade hit.

The two champions jumped back avoiding the lightning. However, the lightning suddenly spreads around the area of the explosion.

Sona was hit by the lightning and it caused the Maven to stop from the pain. The man saw her vulnerable and reeled back his Sword-Spear.

The man dashed forward thrusting his weapon at the dazed Maven. Sona would have been stabbed if it weren't for Grey pushing her away and taking the hit.

The Abyss Watcher stabbed and the Sword-Spear went through his chest. The man raised his weapon with Grey on it and lightning exploded striking him.

The man threw Grey's body towards Sona, who could only stare in shock and horror at what happened to her friend.

The man stepped forward and was about to start attacking the mute girl. But he stopped as the sound of a wolf's howling was heard around the area.

Blood started floating from the ground and gathered above the Abyss Watcher before vanishing into his body.

Grey's sword caught fire and the Abyss Watcher started standing up and taking a battle stance while the man and Sona looked at him.

The Maven was amazed seeing this ability for the first time. She heard about it, but it was the first time witnessing it.

Meanwhile, the man stood there absolutely shocked about what he just saw. "You're…" he mumbled.

The Lord of Cinder dashed forward swinging his sword along the way. The man dodged the strike but he was struck by the fire explosion that followed afterward.

Grey turned around and started swinging his sword with fire exploding after every strike. The man managed to block the sword but the fire would always hit him.

The man then jumped back with smoke coming out of him but not much damage was apparent. "So you really are one…" he mumbled.

The Dragon then landed behind the man while Sona floated beside Grey ready to support him in any way.

The dragon reeled back its head ready to breathe fire. "Stop!" but it immediately stopped upon the man's order. The two champions were confused as the man pointed at them, more specifically, Grey. "You, you are a Lord of Cinder."

The Abyss Watcher was surprised that the man knew what a Lord is. As far as he knows, only people that he told know what it is.

Grey relaxed and started turning off the flames, but he was still on guard. He may not be able to use the flames of a Lord for a while, but he still has the Soul of Death.

The man waved his arm and the storm around them settled down. They finally got a good look at him.

He was a man that was slightly taller than Grey. He had long white wild hair, yellow eyes, and on his head was a crown with pointy tips. He was wearing a scale like armor with rags connected to the top for a make-shift scarf and on his wrists and ankles were golden bracelets covered in bandages.

When the man got a good look at them, he saw Grey's attire. "You're also an Abyss Watcher?" he said before putting a hand on his chin. "I thought they had all vanished."

"You know what I am?" the Abyss Watcher asked surprised.

"Of course I do. The Abyss Watchers are the followers of Artorias and the only people brave enough to fight the Abyss." the man said.

"Does that mean you're from my world?" Grey asked which shocked Sona.

The Man, however, looked confused. "Your world? What does that mean?"

The Abyss Watcher and Maven looked at each other before Grey sighed. "This is going to need some explaining." he said to the man.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this, please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.

A friend of mine (In real life) asked me why don't I make a Patreon account and ask my readers to support me in it.
Honestly speaking, I don't like the idea of writing only when People pay me, I also don't think my stories are worth paying for. As long as I get to write what I want, and People enjoy, I'm good enough.)

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