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Recap- Rishi taking Priya to the hospital .

Priya was discharged .She was alright now, but was very tired due to the medicine that had been injected into her body.
Rishi and Priya were walking towards the car.But she felt difficulty in walking.She was about to fall , but Rishi saw this and supported her.

'Are you alright?' He asked her.

Priya nodded and started walking. Again she was about to fall on the ground.
Without thinking much , Rishi carried her in his arms and walked towards the car.Priya was shocked at his action.She was staring at him without blinking her eyes.She felt butterflies in her stomach.

Rishi opened the door of the car and gently placed her on the seat.
He noticed her while driving the car.She was thinking something and while fidgeting her fingers.Rishi already knew the reason.

Rishi's pov

I was driving the car.Tbe journey was very silent .I looked at her.She was scared about something and was nervous all the time.J understood the reason.
She will definitely be thinking of today's consequences.
Poor soul.....she is damn scared of her aunt.But iam there with her.Nothing will happen .I'll not allow anything to happen to her.I must tell her not to worry.

End of pov

'Priya...' He called her.

She was startled.

'What are you thinking so seriously?' Rishi asked her.

She shook her head.

'You're free to tell my anything. Come on , what's bothering you.?'He asked her softly.

'Iam very scared.My aunt , she'll not spare me this day.She must be very angry .Iam really scared about the consequences. ' She said in a worried tone.

'Why are you worrying her this much ?'

'Because...because....I've no one.If she orders me to get out of her house .....I've no place to stay.I'm an ..I'm an.......'

Before she could complete, Rishi interrupted her .

'Don't say that word again .Who told you that you've no one .Iam there with you...god is there with you.It was me who took you to the hospital.So let us face the consequences together.' Rishi said.

She nodded...although inside her fear kept increasing .
They reached home .Rishi helped her to come out from the car.Aunt and Divya saw this.She gave a death glare to Priya.
Priya saw this and he his hands lightly.He assured her not to worry.

'Where were you two all this while.?'Aunt smirked at her.

Priya's eyes started to well up; while Rishi was trying hard to control his anger at this disgusting words of the lady.He made himself calm and spoke,

'She had a high temperature this morning. So...I took her to the hospital.' Rishi said.

'You don't have to take her to the hospital. She is used to this .Don't bother her matters.

Many works are to be done here.Now go and complete it .'Aunt ordered her.

'Haven't you heard what I said you before ?' Rishi was serious this time.

'Just mind your business ....don't engage in our family matters...' the lady told him.

'Ohh....thats cool...when did you considered her in your family ..she is very tired .So.fkr two days Priya will be taking rest.' Rishi said .

' Why're you supporting this girl ? She is no one to you ...she is just an orph......'

'SHUT UP!!!' He yelled...

Priya was shocked to see this new version of Rishi .

His eyes were red suggesting that he was very angry.

'Don't utter a word again.'

Divya and her mother was dumbfounded.

'Today onwards both of you will be doing the works of this house.' He said.

'That's final.'

'No.It's alright .I'll do the works 'Priya said suddenly.

'Just shut up and take rest.Don't you dare do the works ....' He warned her.

'Now go and take rest.'

Priya started walking towards her room.

'Where are you going ?' Rishi asked her.

'To my room.' She said .

'Seriously ? Are you going to rest in that room ?'

She was silent .

' stay in your mother's room .Priya go and take rest in Divya's room.' He said.

'No...I'll not allow her to stay in my room.' Divya said.

'Divya....don't make me lose my patience. Just do what I said.' Rishi said calmly.

'She's dirty .She'll make my room dirty. I'll not allow her .'

Tears rolled down Priya's  cheeks hearing this.
That was the limit .Rishi slapped her across her cheek. Divya was really insulted.She was fuming in anger.

'How dare you slap my daughter?' The lady shouted at him.

'Aunty ...Iam respecting your age.So please don't provoke me .'Rishi tried to maintain calm.

Priya was hell scared thinking about the after effects she had to face.

Rishi held her hand and walked towards Divya's room.

'Rishi..I'll sleep in my room.I've no problem.'She begged him.

But he was stern in his decision.

'Take rest here.Don't do any of the works .I'll check you. 'He said and went outside the room.

Priya's pov
What is he up to ? Now I'll have to face my aunt's wrath for his actions.

Already aunty and Divya are very angry with me.How can i sleep in he room? No...i shouldn't..I've no right to sleep on her bed.

End of pov

Priya spread the bedsheet on the floor and laid on it.
Rishi's home

Prakash and Lakshmi were in the hall .Lakshmi was sad.It didnot went unnoticed by her husband.

'Why're you so sad , Lakshmi?' He asked her.

'I'm thinking about Rishi .He went two weeks ago....hadn't returned still.'

'I called Rana. He said that Rishi will be returning after two weeks .The meeting was postponed .' Prakash said .

She nodded ; but was still sad.

'Now please smile my dear.Or I'll tell this to our son that you're very depressed.'

Lakshmi smiled.

'Can you five me a cup of coffee , dear?' He asked his wife.

She nodded and went towards the kitchen.
Divya and her mother were doing all the works with anger.Divya  didnot know a thing about the kitchen.How to make a tea....or how to prepare a simple curry....even , she didn't know how to light a gas stove.

'Amma....who is he to rule our house. He took her to the hospital and moreover, he ordered me to give my room to that stupid girl.' She complained to her mother.

'I don't know anything . I'm totally pissed off  with him.I'm  allowing him only that he is paying money.' The lady said.

'I'll kill that stupid girl.She's thinking that she is the queen of this house.Doesn't she have a shame to sleep in my room?' Divya was cursing her.

Rishi took the medicines for her and walked towards the room.He opened the door and saw her laying on the floor.

Rishi s pov

I know that she'll be taking rest.Tbere is no one to give medicines to her.So i thought to give her the medicines. I took the medicines and walked towards the room.I opened the door and saw her laying on  the floor.

'This girl...she 'll not study .I told her to sleep on the bed .
I bent my knees and lightly shook her shoulders .She slowly opened  her eyes.
End of pov

Why are you lying on  the floor ? Didn't i tell you to sleep on the bed? ' Rishi asked in a serious tone.

She went her head down .

'Why are you not answering ?' He asked .

'That...i....' Priya stammered.


'I thought to sleep here .I don't want to be a burden to others .I'll make her bed dirty ' She choked with tears.

'Nothing 'll happen. You're not a burden to anyone.' Rishi made her sit on the bed.

'Take this medicine. ' He handed over a glass of water and placed the medicine in her hand.

She shook her head.

'Why ?' He enquired.

'I don't want medicine. ' She begged him.

' will you recover ? No more excuses. Take it .' He said .

She pouted.

She looked damn beautiful with that pout. He wanted to kiss her , but he controlled it.

Priya gulped down the medicine. But was  choked with water .

Rishi lightly tapped her head.

'Look there above .....a lizard..'

He said pointing towards the ceiling .She looked above and saw a lizard there.

'Lizard...noo ' She screamed and hugged him tightly closing her eyes .

Hope you enjoyed the update ...😜😜

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Your's lovingly,

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