Honey Moon part III

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Evan pulls a hat out of his pocket and he gives it to me. "Put this on. I don't want people to recognise you when we go to the front of the ferry to take some photos." He looks at the body guards. "At least they will blend in with everyone on the ferry."

Of course they're going to blend in because you asked them to wear jeans and shirts earlier.

People start to step off the ferry and there's a barricade that won't let us enter until the passangers have enlightened from the ferry.

Once everyone is off the barricade is opened.

Evan takes my hand and he pulls me towards a set a stairs. We climb the stairs and go straight ahead until we're at the front of the boat.

I lead the way to the front seat that hasn't been taken.

Evan and I start to take photos of each other.

I sit down once the ferry pulls away from the wharf.

As the ferry leaves I see another boat and it has Royal Caribbean Radiance of the seas on it.

Looking at Evan I ask. "Isn't Royal Carribean based in Miami?"

Evan looks at the ship and he nods. "Yeah, it is. I had a friend that worked on the ship after he left Hollywood. He told me the best thing he ever did was get a job on a ship." He lowers his voice. "I think it's because he gets to sleep with whoever he wants."

Yeah, that sounds like Evan's friends.

I take photos of the harbour bridge as we go in the opposite direction of it.

Evan holds his arms out to me and I move over to him.

I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around me.

He turns my face towards him and he claims my lips.

It's a soft kiss at first and then he deepens it.

I wrap my arms behind his head and close my eyes as the kiss becomes heated.

Someone clears their throat from behind us.

Evan and I pull away.

We turn towards the person that cleared their throat.

It was one of Evan's bodyguards as their wasn't anyone else out here.

The ferry starts to rock side to side as it crosses the channel.

I see a whale close to the ferry and I hit Evan. "There's a whale."

He stands up and looks over the side of the ferry with me and we watch it as it jumps out of the water.

I pull my phone out my pocket and take photos of the whale. I take a video of the whale as two more join it.

They jump out of the water, putting on a show for us.

I'm glad that Evan came with me on this ferry ride or we wouldn't have seen the whales.

Twenty minutes later the ferry docks at the wharf at Manly.

Evan and I gather our stuff before we walk over to the doors of the boat.

We follow the passengers off the ferry.

Before we head anywhere I say to Evan. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Don't be too long."

I laugh. "I'll be as quick as I can." Looking at him I add. "It's you're daughters fault that I need to pee a lot more. She's sitting on my bladder." I walk towards the bathroom and one of the body guards follow me to the door.

He looks at me. "I'll be waiting here. If anything happens yell."

I push the door open and walk into the restroom.

All the doors to the stalls are open letting me have a pick of which one to use.

I walk into one and see toilet paper covered in poo in that one.

I'm not using that one.

I go to the next one and see pee on the seat.

That's disgusting. Don't people know how to pee properly.

Walking to the next one I see toilet paper in the toilet.

Come on. How hard is it to flush a toilet after you've been there?

I go to the next one and find nothing in the toilet. I lock the door before I sit on the toilet and pee.

Once I'm done I walk over to sink and wash my hands.

In the mirror I see a woman walk out of one of the toilets.

She by passes the sink and walks out of the restroom without washing her hands.

That's disgusting. Some people need a course in hygiene.

I grab a paper towel and walk to the door. I put the paper against the handle and open the door.

The bodyguard leaves room for me to walk past him and I head over to Evan.

He looks at the paper towel in my hand. "Why are carrying that?"

I pull a face as I take one last look at the restroom. "A woman walked out without washing her hands. I'm not going to touch the door after seeing her walk out."

Evan and I follow the signs to the beach.

Along the way I find a bin and throw the paper towel into it.

Pulling out a bottle of gel I clean my hands before I hold Evan's as we continue the ten minute walk to the beach.

When we get to the beach I see a sign with blue bottles on it and I look at the beach and see a group of blue things covering the sand. "Are those blue bottles?"

"Yes," Evan steps forward and points at a thin line connected to the blue bottles. "Do you see the lines on the blue bottle?"


"That's the tenticle. It's the part that wraps around you're body or legs while you're swimming and people can step on them if they're not aware that their on the ground. A guy I worked with got stung by one at Bondi and he had a huge mark on his leg from it. It took half an hour before the sting didn't hurt him as much. He was lucky to have first aid given to him while he was at the beach by the lifesavers."

I see a path that leads past the lifesavers shed. "Let's go for a walk." I take Evan's hand and pull him away from the blue bottles.

We walk pass the shed and follow the path that leads the way towards to the water.

As we continue to walk a guy on a bike zoom passes by and Evan starts to yell after him, but he ignores Evan.

"There's a lot of rude people here." Evan complains.

I laugh. "They're the same back home. I don't know why you thought more of this country."

A smile spreads across his face. "I've never had any problems with people here before. It must be because I chose to go somewhere else. Besides, I usually had a fill schedule when I was in Australia, but this time I didn't have a schedule to follow."

"Do you wish you had a schedule?"

He shakes his head. "No, it would take a lot of time away from you and I don't want that to happen.


At 4pm, the ferry pulls into the wharf. Evan and I are the first ones off the ferry and we make our way to the parking garage close to the Opera House.

The limo driver opens the door for us and we climb in.

It takes ten minutes to get to the shopping centre where Centre Point Tower is.

There's a small line and we wait in it.

Evan takes his hat off and he looks at me. "Do you want to get up there quicker? Or do you want to stay incognito?"

"Incognito sounds good to me. I want to feel normal for a little while."

"Okay," he puts his hat back on and wraps his arms around me.

The line slowly moves and we pay for entrance to the tower.

We get our photos taken before we go up the lift.

The door to the lift opens and it takes us to the top.

The group of people we go up with a talking about Evan and I being in Sydney.

A little girl tugs at her Mom's sleeve and the woman looks at her. "Whatbis sweetie? Mommy's talking."

She points at me. "Look, Mommy. It's Ariana and Evan."

The woman looks at Evan and I. She opens her mouth to say something.

I pull my hat off and get to the girls height. "Hey, cutie. Have you been good for Mommy?"

"Yes," she nods her head quickly.

I take a peak at the mother and she shakes her head and mouths "no," to me.  "If you're good for Mommy, you can get a picture taken with me."

She jumps up and down. "Yes,"

I laugh.

The mother holds her hand out to me. "That's nice of you. I'm Cindy and that's my daughter Cadie."

I shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

The door opens and we step out of the lift.

A group of people stop walking to the lift when they see us.

Evan's bodyguards walk over to us and they help us through the crowd.

Daniel the head Bodyguard clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "Tonight Ariana and Evan Wilson will be taking in the view from here first. Once they've finished you may approach them and get autographs and pictures taken. Please be careful with Ariana as she's pregnant." He points to Cadie and Cindy. "You two will be the first ones to see them."

Cadie tugs on my dress and I look at her. "Can I walk around with you?"

Looking at Cindy and then back at Cadie. "Sure,"

Cindy and I talk as we make our way to the first view point of the city.

I can see the harbour and streets below us.

Everything looks so small from up here.

After 30 minutes Evan and I finish looking at the 360 degrees view of Sydney.

A table is set up for us and we give out autographs and get photos taken.

Cadie sits on my lap for the picture and Cindy is kneeling between Evan and I.

I write a message to Cadie on a piece of paper.

Be good for Mommy. She's the only one you'll ever have. Take care of her and let her know how much you love her everyday.

- love
Ariana x

At the bottom I leave my phone number on it and a promise that I will see them the next time that I'm in Sydney.

Cadie hugs me. "Thanks, Ariana."

"You're welcome." I pull away from her and she walks over to her Mom.

Cindy waves at me as they leave.


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