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Chapter one
Prince Anakin and the Sea
Anakin's POV:
"Aniiiii, how much longer must we be on this ship?" Ashoka asked me. I chuckled and said "not much longer. Don't you like to explore?" Ashoka shrugged and said "not really. I'd much rather be back on land." I patted Ashoka's shoulder and said "we'll be back soon. You worry too much." "Anakin." Obi Wan's voice said. I turned away from Ashoka to see him beckoning me over to where he stood. "Yes, master?" "The course. Aren't we to be going back to the kingdom?" I shook my head and said "again with this. I'll take you all back and then go out on my own." "Your mother would kill me! Let's just leave Ashoka on land with Kaia. The two of them can bond a bit." I sighed softly and said "Kaia was supposed to be here." "I know. But your mother needed her help." "Ashoka can do whatever my mother needs done. She's not learning much out here anyway." I looked at my padawan who stared out at the water. She flinched as a wave crashed against the boat. "You need to step up to the plate. Teach her the ways of the force." Obi Wan said. I nodded and said "I know. She's learned a lot." "But not everything. Teach her as I have taught you. And then one day, you'll find a girl to rule alongside you as your queen." Obi Wan put his hand on my shoulder. "You sound like my mother, Obi Wan." I groaned. My former master laughed and said "whoever you choose or whenever you choose, I'll be there to support you. I meant in the future. When you're ready." I smiled at him and the ship was slowly approaching land. I was only going back to drop off some of the things we had collected and I was going right back out onto the water. As we took smaller rowboats back to the shore, my mother stood there to welcome me. "Ani!" She said as she kissed my cheek. I gave her a hug and said "hi, mom." "Ashoka!" Kaia said as she hugged my padawan. Ashoka sighed in relief and said "I'm so glad to be back here on land!" Kaia laughed and I noticed Mace standing a few feet away. "Master Windu." I greeted. Mace nodded and said "Master Skywalker, will you be staying on land with us?" "Not at the moment. I wanted to drop off the things I've collected. I also wanted Kaia to come with me this time. Ashoka needs to learn some more of the Jedi ways. Some teachings from the books and simple exercises. After this expedition, I'll train Ashoka full time. But, I want you to stay here and learn some things from Master Windu." Ashoka looked at me and said "but, Ani-" Mace looked at her and she said "Master Skywalker, how long will you be gone. I want you to teach me." "I'll be back soon. I won't abandon you, Ashoka. I'm here." She half smiled at me and Kaia did the same. The call of the sea was something I couldn't ignore. I sometimes wished I didn't have to be so involved with the Jedi. My eyes went to the crashing waves as the sea seemed to roar. There was something about it. Something so hypnotizing about the sea. I wanted to explore every inch even though it wasn't possible. The sharks, the dolphins, the fish were mesmerizing. "Watch out for mermaids." Ashoka said. My mother laughed and said "mermaids! Id forgotten how much of a threat they could be." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "mermaids? Aren't they supposed to be beautiful?" "Master Skywalker, if they sing their siren song and lure you in, you'll drown. It would be an automatic death. Something that we couldn't save you from. You must be careful out there on the water." Mace said. I nodded to him and said "yes sir." Kaia grabbed me by the arm and said "so, what should I pack?" I chuckled and said "whatever you'd like. Bring your shark stuff too." "Anakin, you'd better not bring a shark back to this kingdom." Mom said. "Where would I keep it? It'd have to be alive." I replied. My mother shook her head and I followed Kaia and Ashoka as the two of them talked my ear off about future plans.

Trinity's POV:
I gasped as I picked up a shiny colored object. It was small, flat on both sides. "What do you think this is?" I asked Flounder. He swam closer to my hand to get a better look at it. "I don't know. It's shiny though." He said. I nodded in agreement and continued to swim. The seaweed tickled my stomach as I swam over it, looking around for anything else I could take back to the grotto. "Trinity." Coral's voice said. I smiled really big as the orange and purple haired mermaid approached me. "Look what I found." She held up something I'd never seen before. I gasped and said "that looks like the trident I picked up!" It was a little bit smaller but looked the same. "What are you going to do with all this stuff?" Coral asked. I shrugged and said "I don't know. I like to look at it." Something shiny caught my eye as I talked to her. I swam down to the sand and noticed it. It was circular and I held it up to my eye, looking through it. Everything looked small and far away. "Hi." Flounder got right in my line of sight. "How'd you get over there?!" I said. I removed the tube from my eye and saw that Flounder was right in front of me. I then looked through it again, Flounder being far away. I examined the tube in my hand as I brought it down from my eye. I pulled on the smaller end and it extended. I gasped softly and looked through the smaller end, everything being up close. "Wow!" I was amazed at the small item in my hand. Coral took the tube from me, looking inside it. "That's cool." Coral said. I nodded in agreement, smiling really big. A flash of white brought my attention to the surface. "Scuttle!" I said. I swam up to where the bird hand landed which was on a rock. "Trinity! Been on any adventures lately?" I shook my head and said "nothing too crazy. But I did find a small trident!" I held it out to Scuttle who said "that's not a trident." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what is it then?" "That there is a uh dinglehopper." "A dinglehopper?" "Uh huh. Humans use it to comb their hair." I took the dinglehopper in my hair and started to run it through my curly red strands. Flounder watched in curiosity and I held out the tube thing that I'd found. Scuttle looked at it and before he could identify what it was, Sebastian's voice entered the air. "Trinity!" I waved at the crab and said "hi, Sebastian!" "Trinity, your father needs to see you. He made me come all the way out here and find you." Sebastian replied. I nodded and said "ok. Bye, Scuttle!" Scuttle bid me farewell and headed off into the sky. I slowly grabbed my things and put them in my bag. I went to swim downwards when a chuckle entered the air. I looked up towards the surface. The ripples and waves in the water meant there was a boat nearby. The chuckle ran out again. It had to have been a human on the boat. I started to swim upwards and just before I broke the surface, Sebastian's voice rang out. "Trinity! You can't go up there!" I stopped in my tracks and said "I know. You're right. What am I doing?" I said the last part quietly to myself. I swam down to where Flounder was and made my way to the kingdom. "Trinity." My father said as I entered his throne room. "Father." He sighed and beckoned me closer. "You leave so early in the morning." "I'm sorry. I was exploring!" I held up my bag full of trinkets and he nodded at me. "Just stay nearby. There's bounty hunters around. They could easily take you and sell you for credits. This isn't the worst place to live in the galaxy but there are dangers. Especially humans." I nodded at my father, even though I didn't think the humans were all that bad. But, my father was convinced that every single human was bad. That there weren't any good ones. How were we to know if they've changed? They might've become better. "You must promise me that you'll continue to stay away from the surface. The humans are up there with their flying ships and their blasters." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "blasters?" Dad shook his head and said "nothing for you to worry about, Trinity. As long as you stay here in the sea, I can protect you. It's safer here. You must promise me." I nodded and said "I promise." Dad then told me I could go. As I swam to my grotto, thoughts ran through my head. He was right. I needed to stay away from humans. I could be hurt. Or even worse, killed like my mother. "You're quiet. Why are you so quiet right now?" Coral asked. I looked at her and said "I don't know. Just thinking." "Thinking? About what?" "What my dad said. About the humans. He's right." Coral laughed softly and said "I think that's the first time I've never heard you agree with your dad." I rolled my eyes playfully while laughing. "Maybe so." Flounder swam in between us and hummed softly. "Humans are so wondrous. The way they do things." Coral said as she swam on her back so she could face me as she talked. "You've been up to the surface?!" I asked in shock. Coral shook her head and said "no. But I've gotten close to it. Right underneath it. At night. Where they couldn't see me. I want to see a human up close but I'm scared. Your dad has so many stories. And he's battled them. He's had wars with the humans. But at the same time, they can't all be bad. Just like us. There's bad mermaids isn't there?" I'd heard of Ursula the Sea Witch and how she used to be a beautiful mermaid but was banished from the kingdom for using dark magic to get her way. I'd never went out to seek her. Mermaids and Mer-Men had disappeared going to look for her. I wasn't sure if I'd do the same. "Sure. I guess if you look at it from that point, anyone could be good. There just might be good in everyone." I said. Coral nodded in agreement and said "I think so. But, for now we should stay under the sea." "Yeah. I think so too." Staying under the sea seemed like the perfect option. I wouldn't get hurt and the humans wouldn't get hurt. I could always collect their things from shipwrecks. Which was so much fun. I could wonder and admire humans from under the sea, couldn't I?

Here's the update!! Trinity is heavily based off of Halle's Ariel but you can put yourself in Trinity's shoes!! This is basically an x reader fic but you just have a name instead of your own lmaooo

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