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Chapter two
Adventures in the Sea
Trinity's POV:
"Trinity, wait up!" Flounder said as he swam behind me. I looked over my shoulder and said "come on." Flounder sighed and struggled to keep up with me. I giggled as he was starting to catch up. "Trinity, the trench!" I went to stop and felt a hand on my wrist. Coral was now next to me. I looked over the cliff, seeing the dark black water below. "We shouldn't be here." Coral said. Flounder panted softly and said "it's so scary." I gulped and said "you're right. Let's go. We can go find some sand dollars and shells. I wanna make a new necklace. And I wanna go to the shipwrecks." Coral and I started to swim to the shipwrecks, Flounder following us. I wanted to collect some more things. It seemed the human ships always sank in the same area. It was practically a graveyard. "Trinity! What if there's sharks?" Flounder asked. I looked at him and said "I'll protect you. Don't worry." He sighed and Coral swam into a ship, her purple and orange hair disappearing from my sight. "Coral." I called out. "Yeah?" "Stay close." "Will do, Trin." I wanted to find something that I'd never seen before. Something that was super cool. Flounder yelped in fear and I immediately turned around to look at him. "Flounder, it's your reflection!" I said. He panted softly and said "oh." I shook my head and said "come help me find some stuff." Flounder swam over to me, going in the smaller places I couldn't go. I looked at myself, not used to seeing my reflection often. My red curls seemed to float around my head as they always did. I wondered if I was pretty like human girls or was I prettier than them. I hadn't ever seen one before. "Whoa!" Coral said as she looked at herself. She chuckled in disbelief and said "my hair. That's so cool! I don't know if I've ever seen myself." I half smiled and said "really?" Coral nodded and said "so, is this how humans look at themselves?" "I think so." "Trinity, I found a smaller reflection thingie." Flounder pushed it out from under something. I picked it up and looked at my face up close. "Wow, they make them smaller too?" I shrugged and said "I guess so." A shadow swam over us and Flounder said "sh-sh-shark." I covered his mouth and stuffed my trinkets in my bag. I grabbed Flounder and went to hide. Coral hid in one of the lower parts of the boat and I watched the shark circle the ship. "We have to sneak out of here." I whispered to Flounder. He looked up at me and nodded. I removed my hand from Flounder's mouth. "Coral, come on." She slowly poked her head out and said "I think we can escape from down here." I waited for the shark to pass us again before going down where Coral was. "Flounder, if you can't keep up, get in my bag." Flounder nodded again and said "ok." Coral grabbed my arm and said "look." I looked over to where she was looking and gasped. Beautiful sea shells and sand dollars sat on the bottom. I smiled to myself and started to gather some of them. The shells were brightly colored and the sand dollars were in perfect condition. Flounder swam down and said "these are cool." I nodded and said "aren't they?" Coral grabbed some she liked and told me to hang onto them. "Come on. While the shark is gone." Coral said. I followed my friend as we slowly made our way out of the boat. Flounder whimpered and immediately got into my bag. I shook my head and said "you guppy." "I'm scared, Trin." Flounder replied. As we made it to safety, Coral reached into my bag, grabbing her things. Flounder shot out of the bag to avoid Coral grabbing him. I laid on the sand and looked up at the sun shining through the water. I hummed softly, my hums turning into singing as my siren song left my lips. A ship passed over us and Flounder looked up, watching the ship go by. Coral did the same, her lips parting in awe. The chuckle I heard the other day broke me out of my singing. I gasped softly and went to swim up towards the ship when Coral stopped me. "You can't." I looked down at her and said "can't I just look? He sounds so happy. So pretty." "Pretty?!" Flounder exclaimed. Coral swam up to my level and said "falling for a human's voice and you've never even seen him? What's he done? Laugh? And you're swooning. Come on, Trinity." I shook my head and said "I'm not swooning. He just sounds pretty. That's all." "I'm looking for sharks, Ani." A female voice said. Coral's head snapped up towards the surface. "Sharks. And do you think they'll be kind to you? They're eating machines!" "I can convince them to be friends with us. You have to trust me." He chuckled again. That beautiful chuckle. Coral swam up a little bit and I stopped her. "If I can't go you can't go." I said. Coral rolled her eyes and said "kriff. You're right." I nodded and said "a girl? You've only heard her voice. You swooned." Coral shook her head and said "no, I didn't!" "You did!" "You both did." Flounder mumbled. Coral and I looked at him and Coral said "shut it, Flounder." Flounder's eyes widened and I said "you don't know what you're talking about, Flounder." He scoffed and said "ok. Sure." "I'd better check in with my father before he searches the whole ocean for me." I told Coral. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't go up there and see that boy." She said. I shook my head and said "I won't. And you'd better not go up there and see that girl." Coral rolled her eyes and said "I won't." She swam off and I went to check in with my father. "Trinity, where have you been?" Sebastian asked me. I shrugged and said "nowhere. Just out." "Out where?" "The shipwrecks." "The shipwrecks?!" My father's voice boomed. I gasped softly and turned around to be met with the angry face of my father. Sebastian slowly sunk to the ground, going to hide. Flounder hid behind me, his eyes wide. "I just went there to collect stuff. That's it." I told my dad. A deep sigh left his lips. "Trinity, it's not safe. Humans could be there. And not to mention sharks. They scour the area for food. And other things. You're the perfect sized snack for a shark. Flounder is an appetizer." Flounder immediately fainted at hearing that and I was quick to grab him before he sunk. "Dad." I said while rolling my eyes. "It's the truth, Trinity." "Your father's right, you know." Sebastian added. I held Flounder in my hands, shaking my head. "Look, I only went to collect some stuff. For my grotto. That's it." I held the bag out to my father to look. He slowly leaned down to look in the bag and then crossed his arms over his chest. "Humph." I reached for some of the shells and sand dollars. "I also went to get these." "Those are nice." He said. I smiled and then put them back in my bag. "What happened?" Flounder asked groggily. I pulled on his fin lightly and said "you fainted, guppy." Flounder looked at my dad and then me. "Oh. Yeah." Sebastian shook his head at Flounder and said "such a wuss." "Says you!" Flounder replied. I shrugged at my dad as the fish and crab began to argue. "After you drop your things off at your grotto, come back here for the night." I nodded and then kissed my father's cheek. "I'll be back soon, dad." He smiled and then sent me on my way.

Anakin's POV:
"Ashoka was miserable out here. She also wasn't learning anything. It's a lot better when you're here." I told Kaia. She looked up at me and said "Ashoka is meant to be on land. You and I are meant to be out on the sea." I nodded in agreement and looked out towards the water. My mind started to travel back to what my mom said about mermaids. I'd read about them in books and heard countless stories from my mother and Yoda. My mother couldn't have possibly come in contact with one but I'm sure Master Yoda had to at some point. "Kaia." "Yeah?" "What do you think about mermaids? Do you think they're as bad as everyone says?" Kaia shrugged and said "I don't know. I think I'd have to meet one to find out." "Master Windu thinks they'll kill me with their siren song." I said while laughing. Kaia nodded and said "that'd be something. Especially since you're not looking for anyone to love." I pushed her and said "it's not that I'm not looking for anyone to love it's just...I haven't found someone yet." "Girls throw themselves at you everyday, Anakin." "Yeah and I don't like that. They're beautiful and all but they just want me because I have a title. Not because I am who I am. I'd like a girl who's not afraid to explore and loves the sea like I do. Someone who doesn't care that I'm a prince." I said as I looked down at my shoes. Kaia patted my shoulder and said "I'm sure you'll find the one for you." "And I believe you'll find a beautiful princess to be with." Kaia blushed and said "Anakin, it's a pipe dream." "Don't say that. You never know. She's out there somewhere. Right now. Probably wondering where you are." Kaia nodded and opened her book full of shark facts and things she'd recorded while being out on the sea. "I want a pet shark." Kaia said. I chuckled and shook my head. Kaia grabbed a spyglass and started to look around. Just as I went to question her, Kaia answered my question. "Im looking for sharks, Ani." "Sharks. And you think they'll be kind to you? They're eating machines!" "I can convince them to be friends with us. You have to trust me." I chuckled again and said "that'll be the day." "I'll own a pet shark one day. Trust and believe, Anakin. Trust and believe." I left her alone as I went to check on the rest of the ship. "Hello, R2." The little blue and silver droid beeped at me. "We're just exploring, R2. Nothing dangerous." He beeped at me again. "What?! No! Mermaids are not going to kill us and sink our ship! Where did you hear that?!" R2 beeped offensively at me. "Windu? Of course. And my mother I assume?" R2 beeped affirmatively and I said "I figured." "They do have a point, sir." 3PO said. I sighed and said "maybe so." I went into my quarters on the boat and looked over the map. I was hoping we'd find some undiscovered lands or things to trade with other kingdoms. Some day I wanted to explore the galaxy. But I was stuck on this planet because I had a prince title. One day I'd be able to explore. I just hoped it wasn't until I was old and barely able.

The end is dumb but I'm having so much fun with this book omg!!

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