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Chapter five
Under the Sea
Trinity's POV:
I sighed as Anakin filled my mind. That's all I seemed to think about these days. The human boy that lived above the water. "Trinity, are you thinking about that boy?" Sebastian's voice filled my ears. I nodded and said "yes, Sebastian." The crustacean shook his head and said "you'd better stop. Why would you want to go up there when you've got everything you could ever need down here?" I rolled my eyes and said "not Anakin." "A human, Trinity! A human! Who would put you on a display and you'd be ogled at the rest of your life." Sebastian said. I looked at Sebastian and said "I don't believe that. You haven't met him, Sebastian. He's kind." "You saved him! He was unconscious, Trinity. He didn't speak to you. If he saw that tail of yours, he'd be sure to kill you." I swam away from him as he was annoying me with his talk. "He might be right, you know." Flounder said. I shook my head and said "he's wrong, Flounder. There's nothing for me here. Under the sea. Well, I mean there is but...I'm in love. I've never been in love before. I've never seen someone so beautiful. Anakin Skywalker is so beautiful. I just want to do what humans do. Is that so bad?" Flounder shrugged his very small fins which made me giggle. "Ok, ok listen to me. The human world is a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got going on up there." Sebastian said as he now swam in front of me. I stopped swimming with a gasp. I rolled my eyes playfully at him as he started to list the things about the ocean. How it wasn't as dangerous down here, how fish end up on humans plates. I listened to Sebastian's spiel about the sea. It was my home after all.

Anakin's POV:

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Just you and me, and I could be part of your world

I woke up with a soft gasp. Her voice echoed in my mind, entrancing me. "Did you dream about her again, young Skywalker?" The voice of Yoda said. I cleared my throat and said "yes, Master Yoda. You've sensed it?" He nodded curtly and said "troubling you, is it?" I shook my head and said "I wouldn't say it's troubling me. I think I'm in love." Yoda laughed and said "not love, Anakin." "Master, I am in love with this girl. She saved my life. I'd love to at least thank her. She could be the Queen one day. My wife." Yoda sighed and said "then find her you must. Jedi's never get happiness. Deserve it, you do." Yoda walked out of my bedroom, closing the door. I ran my hand through my hair, wishing I could see her face. I only could hear her voice. I remembered the sun shining down, I was slowly coming to, not knowing I had been in accident. She had the voice of angel. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed. I headed to Obi Wan's office. "Have you started preparations for finding the girl?" I asked him. Obi Wan looked over and said "I have. Do you want me to send the searchers out now?" "Yes, Master. I want both of the mystery girls found. Immediately. Leave no stone unturned." "Do you want to come with us?" I sighed deeply and said "I cannot. My mother will not let me leave the castle. I am trying to stay under her radar." "Well that's surprising." I rolled my eyes and said "just go." "I'll take Kaia with me. I'm sure she'd recognize them?" I nodded and said "she would." "Ok. We shall return." Obi Wan left me and I headed towards the balcony in my room. I sighed as I looked out at the sea. The star port seemed to be buzzing with life as usual. The ships that would come and go in the sky were amazing to me. I'd only been off the planet a few times. I never thought to leave. But if I had a special someone, maybe I would. It seems so much nicer that way. I hoped this mystery girl would make herself known. I would treat her as if the world was hers. She'd have everything she ever wanted. She wouldn't need to ask for anything. Ever.

Trinity's POV:
"He looks funny." Flounder said. I shook my head and said "well, that's because he's a statue. This is what Anakin looks like." "He has long hair like a girl?" He giggled. I rolled my eyes playfully at Flounder. The statue of Anakin now sat in my grotto. The sun shined down on the statue, making it shine. I cupped the statue's cheek, wishing so badly it was actually Anakin in front of me. "Kriff." Coral said. She swam over and I said "he's so pretty, isn't he?" Coral examined the statue and said "is this what he looks like up close?" "Well, in a statue form." Coral nodded and said "he is kind of pretty." "See?!" I gushed. Coral sighed and said "you'd be better be careful that the king doesn't find out." "He won't. This is our secret." I told everyone in the grotto. After a few more minutes of us hanging out there, we all returned back to the kingdom. I hummed to myself as I went to go to my chambers. "Trinity." My father's voice said. I looked over and said "yeah?" "How've you been? I hardly ever see you. What's going on in that head of yours?" I sat down in front of him and said "nothing really. I spend all my time with Flounder and Coral. We sometimes gather human things but other than that, nothing. It's the same day every day, dad." He sighed and said "I really wish you'd give up this obsession with humans. We recently had a sinking ship nearby. You didn't go near it, did you?" "Well." I started but my dad interrupted me. "Trinity!" He scolded. "Dad, nothing happened! I promise. I gathered some things and left! I never stay at the shipwrecks long." "I don't want you going to them at all." I nodded and said "I won't anymore. I promise. I was going to go up and get some sleep." Dad nodded curtly and I gave him a kiss on his cheek before leaving. I continued to hum as I left the room, Anakin Skywalker flooding my every thought. I couldn't stop thinking about the human in my mind. He was so beautiful. If I could only have a chance. Just to talk to him. To make him see that him and I could be together. We could be...so beautiful.

I know this chapter is a little slow and chill but the book is getting ready to pick up!! I also know it's been a while and I apologize for that!!

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