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Chapter six
Never Leave Again
Ursula's POV:
"She's in love! Kriff, it's too easy! She's almost in my grasp! All I have to do is tell her I can make her human. Then my revenge on Triton will be finalized. I'll wield the trident and then have all the power." I said as a laugh erupted from my throat. Trinity would fall right into the trap I've been setting up. She was infatuated with the Jedi that would soon rule this planet. "She'll come crawling to me. I'll send the two of you to bring her here." Flotsam and Jetsam looked up at me, an evil admiring glint in their eyes. "My boys...everything will go well for us. Everything will turn around for us soon. I'll soon be the queen. No longer Ursula the Sea Witch. I'll be Ursula Queen of Atlantis and the sea."

Kaia's POV:
"We're off to find those mysterious girls of yours. And Anakin said you'll know what they look like. Is that true?" Obi Wan asked me. I nodded and said "of course. Where are you going to start?" "Well, I was thinking the surrounding areas around the castle. Then the village and maybe down towards the sea? There are some little huts and houses out there." I followed Obi Wan and the men who were tasked with finding these girls that had rescued Anakin and I. It felt like they were just out of reach or something. They were nearby but we just didn't know where. Walking through the village was practically a bust. I didn't see either of the girls at any of the little shops and such. None of the patrons shopping looked anything liked them. I distinctly remembered orange and purple hair. The girl that rescued me had vibrantly colored hair. Which was sort of odd but I think it's what made her so pretty. I didn't get a super good look at the girl who rescued Anakin. I just remembered the curls that adorned her head. And brown skin. But that could be any of the villagers here in the kingdom. My eyes went to the ocean, longing for the girl who had saved my life. "The sea is so pretty isn't it?" Obi Wan said. I looked at him and said "yes. It is." I followed him through another path full of vendors, selling all sorts of things. After a while I became convinced the two girls were not in the village today. I had slowly drifted away from Obi Wan, my sketchbook in hand. The ocean seemed to call me. My feet carried me towards the shore. I sat down on the sand, my hand starting to draw the girl with the orange and purple hair. I was drawing her completely from memory and I had to get it on paper. I needed to get her likeness on paper so maybe then we'd have something to work with. My eyes would flicker up to the ocean every once in a while. It felt like she was here somewhere, she or I was connected to the ocean. Most likely because that's where she had saved me and Anakin. "Are you drawing her?" Obi Wan asked. I jumped at the sound of his voice and said "yes. I am." He squatted down next to me and observed the drawing in my hands. "Wow. She's beautiful." "The other girl is as well. She had the prettiest curly hair. And her brown skin seemed to shine in the sun. It's a shame Anakin didn't get a look at her. Well, a good look. He probably had a somewhat fuzzy look at her. And he definitely heard her voice." I told Obi Wan. Obi Wan smiled and said "yes, it seems that way. He keeps mentioning her voice." "Do you think this is good for him? To have someone he could love? Someone that could rule the kingdom with him?" Obi Wan sighed and said "his mother's wanted it for a couple of years now. But, maybe this will be the one for him. If we can find her that is." "You don't have faith?" I asked. Obi Wan shook his head and said "I didn't say that. Well look for the girls for as long as Anakin wants. But eventually, if we don't find her, he'll have to accept that fact and move on." I nodded in agreement and hoped for mine and Anakin's sake we found these mystery girls who seemed to captivate both our minds.

Trinity's POV:
"Come on, Flounder! I'm just dropping these things off and then we can go back to the kingdom." I said. Flounder sighed and said "it's late, Trinity." "It'll only be a little bit. I promise." I giggled as I entered my grotto. "You disobeyed me." My father's voice said. I gasped and dropped everything in my hands. "Father." He came out from behind the statue of Anakin. "You went to the surface. Why?" I took a deep breath before speaking. "There was a shipwreck. He was going to drown. I had to save him, father." "You should've let him drown. He's a human!" "Anakin is not a bad person." My father's eyes widened and he said "Anakin?" I gulped and tried to hide the fear that was about to spread across my face. "He's a human! You're a mermaid! You cannot be with him! I forbid it!" "Father, he's not a bad person. Why do you think all humans are bad? He's compassionate and kind. He cares about the sea. I heard him talking. He wants to change everyone's opinions on mermaids. Anakin is interested in being friends with us." My father's face morphed into anger. "They're all bad, Trinity! Every single one. They killed your mother. How could you even want to be around them?" "Mother wouldn't blame them." My father scoffed. "Promise me you'll never go back up to the surface." I shook my head and said "I can't." "Trinity." "I wont lie to you. I can't." My father nodded and I watched his trident start to glow. I watched him aim it at things in my grotto. "No! Please!" I watched as the human things started to crumble and dissipate into a million pieces. I tried to stop him, begging for him to stop. He aimed the trident at the statute of Anakin. "No! Not the statue! Please!" I grabbed his trident, trying to aim it anywhere else. My father shook me off of it, glaring at me. "This is for your own good." He spat. I gasped and said "father, no!" The statue was then broken into a million pieces. My heart sank and my lip quivered as I grabbed pieces of the statue. My hands shook and I sniffled. "Never leave again." My father then left the grotto. A soft sob left my lips as I sunk onto the rock ledge. "Trinity...." Sebastian said. Flounder swam up to me and said "don't be sad." "Leave me alone. Just go away, please." I told my friends. As hard as I tried, no tears would come out of my eyes. The sadness I was feeling in my heart wasn't enough to make me cry. "Oh, poor sweet child." A haunting voice said. I looked around and saw Ursula the Sea Witch, speaking to me through some kind of spell. Two moray eels spun in a circle, showing her image to me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I can help you. Make all your sadness go away." I played with Anakin's statued hand in mine. "H-How can you help me?" I asked.

Here's the update!! I'm so glad my best friend got me back into writing this book!! I've also missed writing for Anakin so much!

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