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Chapter seven
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Trintiy's POV:
"You know who I am, don't you?" She asked. I nodded and said "you're Ursula. The sea witch." Ursula smirked and said "I'm assuming your father had told you about me." "He has. You're not what I thought you looked like." She chuckled and said "yeah. Seems that way don't it?" "How can you help me?" "Auntie Ursula will give you want you want. Prince Anakin." I sat up straighter. "How?" "Come and see me. I can give you everything you desire." "You can?" Coral's voice said. Ursula laughed and said "another one?! Two deals in one day! Oh yes. I can make everything happen. How much do you two want it?" Ursula pouted and the two moray eels awaited our answer. I looked at Coral who nodded. I did the same, not sure if my voice would tremble if I spoke. "Follow Flotsam and Jetsam. They'll bring you right to me." Ursula disappeared and I began to follow the eels, Coral hot on my tail. I was desperate. If Ursula could help me get to Anakin, I'd do anything. "Trin, wait." Coral said as she swam alongside me now. As we followed the eels, fear started to bubble up in my stomach. Flotsam and Jetsam lead us to the deep dark parts of the sea. Father had always warned me about Ursula. He said to never trust her and to stay away. She was a witch after all. I gasped as the eels went over a trench. "Come on." Coral said, leading the way now. I followed her down, my eyes widening as I saw a mermaid skeleton. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the unsettling feeling that was starting to take over me. Coral gasped as a plant grabbed ahold of her arm. I yelped in fear as one grabbed ahold of my hand, trying to get free. My tail was grabbed and I thrashed in the water, wanting nothing more than to get away. "Sorry about my garden. I have to protect myself ever since your daddy exiled me from the kingdom." Ursula's smooth voice said. Coral and I stopped in her cave. I looked around, finally knowing this is where desperate people come to do their bidding. "So, you're obsessed with the human world. I can make you human. You can trade your tail for legs. You won't need to breathe underwater so that ability will be gone." "What's the price?" I asked. Ursula chuckled and said "just your voice. We can't have you using that siren song of yours to make the prince fall in love with you, now can we?" I shook my head and said "I guess not." "Does that apply to me as well?" Coral said. Ursula nodded and said "of course, child." Coral gulped and looked at me. I took a breath and was debating on it in my head. Ursula could see that I was indecisive. She started to try and persuade me, telling me tales of mermaids that were in my situation. She told of how talented she was and how her spells almost worked. But that there were some people who failed and ended up being Ursula's playthings. "So here's the deal. I'll whip up a little potion to make you human for three days. Got that? Three days. For both of you. Before the sun sets on the third day, you and princey must share a kiss. And not just any kiss: the kiss of true love. If you do, you will remain human permanently." I gasped in happiness and Coral smiled really big. "But if you don't, you'll turn back into a mermaid, and you belong to me. We got a deal?" Ursula awaited for me or Coral to answer her. A shaky breath left my lips. "I don't know." I replied. Ursula shrugged and said "life's full of tough choices, in'it?" I shook my head and said "no, this is wrong. I can't do this." I started to swim towards the exit of the cave, Coral not following me. "Fine then, forget about the world above. Go back home to daddy and never leave again!" I shuddered as she said those words. "If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet, then you have to pay the toll. Pluck a scale from off your tail. A drop of blood inside the bowl." I pulled a scale off my tail, wincing at the pain. I watched as blood floated upwards. Coral did the same, holding the scale in her hand. Ursula took the scales from us, putting them into her concoction. "Beluga! Sevruga! Come, winds of the Caspian Sea! Amnesia, glossitis et max laryngitis, la voce to me! Now sing!" I started to sing my siren song, watching the smirk on Ursula's face get wide. I got higher in pitch, feeling my voice be stripped from my body. "Keep singing!" Ursula encouraged. My voice was then taken from me, going into Ursula's necklace. Coral's voice was just muted, not taken all the way from her. I immediately couldn't breathe, starting to swim upwards to the surface. Coral followed me. I was desperate to have air fill my lungs. Lungs? I had lungs now. When I reached the surface, I gasped loudly, trying to catch my breath. Coral surfaced next to me, panting and coughing. The both of us quickly realized we had made the biggest decision of our lives. And that it could change everything.

Here's the update!! This chapter was so fun to write and Trinity and Anakin will be meeting face to face soon?!?! Holy shit! Sorry for psyching yall out earlier with the update! I published by accident and didn't mean to!!

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