New beggining

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Some things were changed, like Kiara comes back at 8 not 18 like she does in the novel, also instead of novel's white hair, Cosette is blonde like in the manga 

"Young lady! You can't go alone" A maid said, while brushing my hair. No, not my hair. Cosette's hair. That's right. I became a character in the freaking novel. And not the main character, or the love interest, no. A villain. Someone who's destiny is death.


As if my suicide wasn't enough in my past life, now I was meant to die again. And, in some horrible way, like villains do. Beheading, gouging out my eyes or being stabbed. 

No, thanks. 

I knew the novel, but the situation itself was confusing. Like, wasn't Cosette possessed by a demon? What does it mean for me? Am I a demon or did I destroy it? Does it still exist? 

There were so many questions, and no answers. I knew one thing - I didn't want to die again. 

I was reborn as a baby, and so ever since I was born I had my memories of the past. From what I recall, right before she died, Rowena, my birth mother in this world birthed me and gave me to a maid from her brother's house. I've been here ever since. I decided to just give up on the Duke's household. I didn't care about that "real/fake daughter" drama. Especially since I didn't know if I was alive enough to have the spirit powers. In the novel, this body was just a corpse. 

All I ever wanted was a peaceful life, and it was amazing. Uncle who loved me and treated me as his own daughter, a mansion in the mountains, where pretty much nobody ever goes saved me from unwanted attention. 

This face was a problem, though. Striking red eyes and beautiful blonde hair. A face exactly, no, much prettier than the Duke's. If I ever went to the Capitol or met with someone who knows how the Duke looks like I'll be in trouble. They might try to kill me or make me enter the duchy. 

That face wasn't the only problem. This body was really weak. I almost died, multiple times, as a toddler. I started to build up tolerance doing exercises and training and so at 8 years old I was able to get it under control. It still sucked, but the episodes stopped happening often. 

But, being imprisoned for life wasn't very fun to begin with, and so, at 10 years old I asked my uncle to take me to the town. And that's what I was fighting over with my maid. 

"Why not? I am not a child" I said, looking at her in the mirror.

"But you are! What if you get lost? Or kidnapped? My lady is very pretty, so it's dangerous" She said, finishing up my hair "All done. As I said, I am just worried about my lady"

"It'll be fine Lucy. I'll be fine" I reassured her. Someone knocked on the door and with my permission, butler came inside my room.

"My lord wishes to dine with lady Cosette" 

"Yay! Uncle!" I yelled and ran out of my room, followed by "Don't run in the dress" screamed by Lucy and butler's laugh. Playing a child wasn't that hard... But I also enjoyed it. My family in my previous life never understood me, and now I was happy. Well, happier at least.

My old family... Years went by, and I can't remember their faces anyone. I cried about losing them as a baby, but now, it's just the feeling of emptiness that fills my heart when I'm thinking about them. 

"My niece looks a little blue in the morning. Why's that?" My uncle's voice brought me back to reality. He was sitting in the dining room, but he stood up when I entered the room.

"I just missed you" I lied "And I want to go outside!" 

He picked me up and sat me in the chair beside him.

"Well..." he spoke "After breakfast I'm going to the Capitol to manage a business.. So, if you promise to behave, I'll take you with me"

"Really? Thank you! Thank you uncle!"

"Eat your breakfast. And you have to behave"

I promised to be good. After we ate, Lucy dressed me up in a light cape. We entered the carriage and went on a journey. 

"The distance is 3 hours, it might be boring to you" Count said.

"Not at all!"

"What do you want to do when we get there?" he asked.

"I wanna go shopping! And see shops, people and maybe street food?" I asked, looking at him with puppy-like eyes. 

He sighed and nodded. 

"Fine. One of our knights will go with you. And don't spend all your money" 

"I won't" 

We talked throughout the whole ride. He asked me about what I'm learning and what I'm planning to buy. Uncle advised me to be cautious and I wished him luck on his business. After we arrived, we separated. He went off to who knows where and I, with one of the knights went shopping. I had my hood on, to avoid attention. I also avoided entering famous shops, and went to the less known ones. I bought a lot of dresses and accecories. After an hour of shopping I was so tired I almost fell down. My knight carried me to the bench and went to get some food for me. I looked around. There was a festival going on. People were laughing, dancing and enjoying it with their families. I sighed and looked up at the sky. I wished my uncle was here. Then, I spotted  a stand with very few people next to it. From the distance I could tell they were selling some colorful stuff. I looked around for my knight but when I couldn't spot him I just walked up to the stand. There, I saw very pretty ribbons. I was wondering whether I wanted one, when I overheard a girl next to me talking to someone. She also had the hood on, so I couldn't see her face.

"I wonder which one would suit her best..." She spoke to her companion. A grown men, also in a cape with hood on. 

"I have no idea" he replied. 

"Um, excuse me" I interrupted their conversation. "If you're choosing, maybe I can help? I'd advise to either go for that person's eye color or their favorite one. Black and white are a little basic but they suit pretty much everything" 

The girl turned to me, with shocked face. She probably didn't think anyone would interrupt her conversation. She looked a little younger than me, maybe a year or two. Her hair was dark black, and she had unique purple eyes. She was very pretty. 

"Um, thank you?" she spoke again, in a quiet voice. Oh, she was probably very shy!

"Is it your first time shopping?" I asked. She nodded. "Mine too! Who are you choosing the ribbon for?"

"A pri... My precious friend" she answered.

"Nice! Your friend is lucky to have you" I smiled at her. "What's your name? I'm Co..Cozi" Holy crap, I almost used that name! I can't introduce myself as Cosette, just in case. 

"I'm Kia" the girl said after a while. I reached out my hand to her and she shook it.

"Nice to meet you Kia! So, about the ribbon to your friend, what do you think?"

She turned to the stand after a while, but was still looking at me with the scared look. She was probably very shy. Even her companion looked surprised. 

"She has golden eyes, so I was thinking golden ribbon? According to what you said"

"Nice choice! I personally like both purple and blue, but I think purple is my favourite" I said, looking at purple ribbons "What color do you like?" 

"Red" she replied.

"Valid, you'd probably look great in it" I complimented her. "Red is not my first choice. Because it reminds me of blood, doesn't it?"

"Maybe a little" 

"You're not a big talker aren't you? Don't worry I talk a lot" I said and then realized "Oh, am I annoying you? Sorry, I talk too much"

"No, not at all" she smiled lightly at me. "So, Cozi, do you live around here?"

"No, it's like three hours away... I like it there. I'm not really a people person, even if it seems otherwise"

"And you don't wanna move here?"

"No, not at all. Although I would enjoy visiting once in a while... How about we trade adresses so we can meet up if I'm ever back here, no?"

Before my new friend had a chance to reply, my knight came, with food and an angry look on his face.

"Here you are! Lady, you cannot go on your own as you please" He stopped scolding me once he took a good look at the people I was with. At first he was shocked, then angry. He violently took my hand and started dragging me away from the stand.

"Let's go lady!"

"Hey! I want to talk to Kia!" I protested but nothing worked and before I knew it, I was in a carriage waiting for uncle. At least I got my food. But with that came a good scolding on how I was supposed to sit down and wait for him. I just regretted not being able to exchange letters with that girl. She was cute, and maybe we could've become real friends, if it wasn't for my knight. 

Before my uncle came to the carriage, I fell asleep. When I woke up, we were already back home and he was tucking me into bed.

"Goodnight uncle" I muttered, with my eyes half-closed.

"Goodnight Cosette..." he said, patting my head. "Do you know who was the girl you spoke to today?"

"Yeah, that was Kia... She lives in the capitol..." I yawned. 

"Oh.. okay then" he replied and left the room. I fell asleep again very quickly. 

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