A New Friend?

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Author Note
This new character "Robert" is one of my favorite Youtubers. He is a big fan of Dan and Phil so I thought it would be cool to put him in this story. I have to make him as young as Macy at the moment for this story though. His YouTube & Wattpad is RobertIDK Enjoy!
Macy P.O.V.
     I stared at the staircase waiting for whoever was going to show me around. My eyes widened as I saw a boy coming down the stairs. He was about my age with straight brown hair that went across his forehead a bit. His pale blue eyes found me and he smiled. When he started walking over to me I tensed.
      "Hey! I'm Robert!" He introduced himself with a big grin.
      "I'm Macy." I said quietly. I was shy around him some reason.
      "That's an awesome name! I'll show you to your room now." Robert grabbed my hand which caught me off guard at first, but then I tightened my grip on his hand. He smiled and we walked up the staircase together.
      "This is our room!" Robert said putting his hand on the doorknob.
      "Our room?" I questioned. He blushed and looked down.
      "Well you could go to one of the other rooms if you want. But you are allowed to room with me. I just don't have any friends...I was excited to meet you without you running away." He blurted out. I blushed a bright red. This sounded kind of strange to share a room with a boy some reason. As I thought about it more I realized I had no friends either so I knew where he was coming from.

     "Uh I guess so." I muttered. He stared at me wide eyed. I wondered if how I said it came out too rude.

     "Really? I can't believe I have a roommate!" He started hopping up and down, and I couldn't help but join in! 'Maybe this Robert kid could help me..' I thought. We finally went into my new room. It was small but it would have to do. Once I got settled in we starting having a conversation.

      "If you don't mind me asking what brought you here, Macy?" I tensed up and stared at the wall. Pictures of my Mom and Dad both dying in my arms appeared.

     "Are you okay? I didn't realize it was a touchy subject. I'm so sorry. I'm here if you want to talk about it ever." Robert said in a worried tone. At that moment tears started streaming down. Robert rushed over to me not sure what to do, but then he leaned in and hugged me.

     We just sat there without awkward silence. It was more of a peaceful silence. My breathing slowed down once Robert was hugging me. His warmth made me feel calm again. I knew right there this boy would be a huge impact on my life.

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