Heading to a New Place

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Macy's P.O.V.
A Child Services man came to get me. He seemed pretty young to be in the Child Services industry. I guessed he was in his 20's. He also had a nice smile and spoke kindly which made me feel a little more calm. His hair was black and slick like he was going to a special occasion. I don't think picking up a abandoned seven year old girl was very fancy.
"So your name is Macy? That's a pretty name." The man told me as I looked out the window. I wasn't in the mood for talking, but he seemed like someone I could talk to.
"Thanks...what's your name again?" I asked him.

"My name is Mr. Peters. Pretty basic name, right?" He chuckled. I smirked a little because it was true.

"Can I call you something else...maybe?" I asked. He smiled while looking at the road ahead of us.

"My first name is Cameron if you really want to call me that." He answered. I changed my view to Mr. Peters.

"Sure I guess. I'll call you that instead of that boring name you have." I joked with him. He flashed his bright white smile at me.

"The people who adopt you are very lucky. You're a nice kid." He said to me. I suddenly felt very sad. First of all, I didn't want new parents and second of all, who would want a stupid six year old? Mr. Peters noticed my mood change drastically and gulped nervously. He probably thought he reminded me of what happened which he kind of did, but I know he didn't mean to. We drove in silence with the sound of the tires hitting the road. I opened my window to get some fresh air but it ended up messing my curly brown hair up. I gave up on trying to stay awake and let my eyes swiftly close as I drifted into my dream zone.

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