Hugs and Tears

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Macy P.O.V.
   I rushed down the stairs to Miss Peregrine and my future dads.
   "Are you sure you have everything, dear?" Miss Peregrine asked me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I looked at suitcase and nodded back to her.
"I have finished everything I need to do before I leave but I still need to say goodbye to one of my best friends. You." I said. I ran up to her and hugged her waist. She wiped a tear coming down her face and kneeled down to be at level for me.
"Oh Macy..I'm so happy you've gotten adopted. You deserve this." She whispered to me. I hugged her tighter.
"I'm happy too but I will miss you! What if they don't read bedtime stories or cook breakfast the same?" I asked.
"Then you'll get used to their way. New stories! New breakfast meals! New ways to have fun!" She cheered with tears running down her face.
"Why are you crying, Miss Peregrine?" I asked her with a frown.
"Like you said for me, I will miss you too. You're like a daughter to me. I still remember when Cameron brought you here." She said smiling.
"I can call and visit! Will my new parents let me do that?" I asked.
"Oh Macy. You're so sweet. I'm sure they can figure something out." Miss Peregrine confirmed. I nodded and kissed her on the cheek.
"Goodbye, Miss Peregrine!" I said giving her one last hug.
"Goodbye, Macy. Have fun with your new family." She said smiling before releasing me from the hug. Miss Peregrine turned me around to show that Dan and Phil were waiting at the door for me. Phil was holding his arms out for a hug and Dan was cheekily smiling with his arms crossed. I looked at Miss Peregrine with a big grin and ran with my suitcase in hand. I let go of my suitcase and jumped into Phil's hug. We started laughing out of happiness and even Dan joined the hug, wrapping his arms around Phil and I. Phil soon put me down and we waved goodbye to Miss Peregrine. She quickly raised her hand to wave goodbye back and blew a kiss to me. I took one last look around the orphanage lobby and took Phil's hand. Dan took my suitcase and soon we were out the door. New adventures await.

Robert P.O.V.
   I walked back to our, I mean my room. I felt the presence of emptiness. Something felt missing. I looked around the room and saw Macy's stuff was gone. I sat down on my bed sadly. Macy was gone. It really happened. I heard a crumble noise from underneath me so I got up to look. A paper was there. It had my name on it. I fought the urge to look at it because I knew it had to be from Macy, but I couldn't hold back anymore. I snatched the letter and read it.

Dear Robert,
I'm sorry that I'm getting adopted. I'm sorry it's causing me to leave you. But we could've still talked on the phone! I could've visited you when I had time. Why do you have be so stubborn? Anyway, I know you hate me. I know you're mad. I know you think our friendship is trash but I love you still. I love you, Robert. I'll miss you. I'll miss you a lot actually.
Love, Macy
I held in my tears as I read the last sentence. Had I screwed up? I gripped the letter in sadness and anger. I'm a horrible friend. Macy doesn't deserve me! I made her feel this way. Why was I so ignorant? Then, I realized something. It might not be too late! I looked out the window the see Macy and her new adoptive parents getting in the car. I dropped the letter and ran as fast as I could to the orphanage lobby. Please wait for me, Macy! Miss Peregrine wasn't in the lobby when I came down. She must've been working on paperwork. I pushed open the lobby doors and paused a second to catch my breath. I lifted my head to see the car was starting across the parking lot. I screamed to wait but they didn't hear me. They speeded away with my Macy. She was gone. I was too late. A tear rolled down my cheek. Maybe this was a sign. Macy was too good for me. I didn't deserve a wonderful friend like her. I was right before when I said she'd be better without me. Apparently, the universe thought so too.

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