I'll Stay, I Promise.

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Robert P.O.V.
"W-Who was that? I stuttered out, feeling a sudden mix of emotions. I started trembling and couldn't feel my feet.
"I'll just-" I started to walk out the door because I felt dizzy, but Macy grabbed my arm.
   "You really came all this way to see me?" Macy asked me. Her eyes fluttered with shock.
   "I moved in with my uncle, actually. He lives here." I said, stepping back closer to her.
    "So..you'll be here for awhile then?" She quietly asked as she twiddled her fingers.
"Yeah. My parents suck. They left on another long-time trip." I shrugged. Her eyes immediately lit up.
"I really...I really just.." Macy stuttered and started to tear up.
"Really what?" I asked. Tears started slipping out of her eyes.
"I really missed you." She said as she wiped her tears away. I panicked because I felt my eyes water so I pulled her into a tight hug, wrapping my arms around her. She hesitated before resting her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around my neck.
   "I missed you too." I said trying not to awkwardly stutter. We stayed like that for a minute until we were interrupted.
"Macy? Who is that boy with you?" Dan asked and pointed at us with wide eyes. Phil walked up behind him and held a broom in his hand.
"We have a broom! We're not afraid to use it!" He said pointing the broom. A small dog walked up behind them and growled. Macy let go of me and face palmed.
"It's Robert! Put down the broom! You guys are so embarrassing!" Macy complained.
"Oh Phil. We've slipped into that part in our lives where we are now the embarrassing parents! Bloody hell! ...Macy, don't repeat that." Dan said.
   "Don't have an existential crisis, Dan." Phil responded.
   "But..I always called my parents the embarrassing ones. I never thought I would one day be the embarrassing one.." Dan whimpered. His knees started shaking but Jock nudged his leg.
   "Oh god. You're a cute dog." Dan said mesmerized and picked Jock up to pet.
   "I'm sorry about that, Macy. Hi Robert, I'm one of Macy's fathers? You can call me Phil. And the guy next to me is Dan." Phil explained.
   "Are you two together?" I asked casually. Dan looked up from petting Jock and blushed.
   "N-No!" Phil responded. He smiled awkwardly.
   "Oh, sorry for asking." I apologized. Macy giggled and nudged my arm.
   "It's alright. So, who dropped you off here, Robert?" Dan asked.
   "My Uncle Eddie. I know it's really late, I'm so sorry. There was a lot of traffic. I'm so sorry I missed the party but I just had to come. I wanted to see Macy and give her this." I said pulling out a light green box with a purple bow.
   "Robert! You didn't have to get me anything!" Macy laughed.
   "I wanted to." I said, placing the small box in her hands. She opened it slowly and gasped when she saw what it was. She held her hand to her mouth.
   "...Are you going to tell us what it is or are we just going to sit here-" Dan thought out loud. Macy pulled out the gift, a small Yoshi necklace.
   "I thought you'd like it." I smiled. Macy hugged me while Dan and Phil stood there awkwardly.
   "Well, it's late but we can play some board games and have leftovers! Would your uncle like to come inside? Atleast I hope that's your uncle, and not some creepy guy." Phil laughed. We looked at the door to where my uncle was standing, not sure what to do.
   "Oh! Oh. I'd love to! Thank you!" Uncle Eddie said, stepping inside.
   "Hi I'm Macy! Nice to meet you!" Macy introduced herself.
   "Hi there. I'm Eddie. I'm Robert's Uncle as you may know!" He smiled.
   "We're Macy's fathers. You can call me Dan and that's Phil. We are not romantically together." Dan said with sweaty palms.
   "Yep! So..let's go play a board game. Who likes Monopoly?" Phil asked as we walked into the kitchen.
Time Skip to Later in the Night
   "We better get heading out." Uncle Eddie suggested, picking up his coat.
   "Already?" I frowned and looked at everyone yawning.
   "Yeah, already?" Macy asked trying to hide a yawn.
   "I think that would be best. I did my social interaction for the year and you two have to get home. You have our number if you want to come over again." Dan laughed. Uncle Eddie gave me my jacket as Macy frowned. She walked me out to the hallway.
   "Can I talk to Macy alone for a second?" I asked my uncle.
   "Sure. Meet me in the car outside." He responded and jingled his keys down the hallway.
   "Come back in when you're done." Dan winked at us and shut the door.
   "So..I'm glad I got to see you again." I began. Macy smiled at me.
  "I'm glad I got to see you again too. I had so much fun with you." Macy responded. I wobbled on my feet for a minute before blurting out a question.
  "Um..hey..when I was first here, who was that uh boy with you?" I asked. Macy shrugged.
   "Just a friend. I met him today. He's really nice. He hung out with me the whole party. We had lots of fun." She giggled. I tried to hide my jealousy with a smile.
   "Oh." I just responded. I was jealous that he got to spend the day with her, I was jealous that he had fun with her, and I was jealous that he got to kiss her. When Macy started looking around the hallway and yawning, I knew it might be a right time to go but I felt the need to do something. I wanted to be better than Oliver. I didn't want him to steal Macy away.
   "How did my parents--kiss?" I thought. Macy was yawning and began to walk back to her door.
   "I'll see you-" She started but I grabbed her arm.
   "Wait." I said and pulled her closer. I inched my face closer and pressed my lips to hers.
   "I hope I did that right" I thought to myself as I let her go.
   "Robert.." Macy blushed. She brushed her hand through her hair. I went closer again and held her hand.
   "I'll see you whenever. Call me anytime you need and I'll stay, I promise. I won't leave you this time." I said, gently squeezing her hand.
   "O-Oh. Okay. Wow, I will..I will call you. We can hang out again maybe or see eachother in school if we go to the same one." Macy stuttered.
   "Yeah." I smiled and let go of her hand. She walked back to her door.
   "Bye Robert." She smiled. I grinned back at her.
   "See ya, Macy." I said before walking down the hall and outside.
   "Over here!" I heard Uncle Eddie call from his car. I walked over and jumped in.
   "How'd it go?" He asked. I blushed and excitedly clenched my hands.
   "It was perfect!" I cheekily smiled.

Author's Note
Thank you so much for 6k views! It means so much to me. Thank you for also sticking by me when I have unpredictable updates. I appreciate it so much. I love you guys. ❤️

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