Invitation To...?

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Macy P.O.V.
It's been about 3 years now of living with Dan and Phil. I've just started my year in sixth grade but I don't have any friends really. Does having a dog named Jock count as a friend? I get a few compliments on my last name Lester because it's the same as Phil Lester's who people don't know is my daddy.
My parents still haven't released to their fans I'm their child. It makes me sad. Maybe they regret adopting me and don't want people to find out.
"Hey kiddo!" Phil said sitting down next to me on the couch. Dan soon walked in with a glass of water.
"Have you thought about your eleventh birthday party?" Dan asked taking a sip of water.
"N-no. I haven't. I don't want anything special." I shrugged.
"I'm sorry you can't invite any of your friends from school but you know.." Dan trailed off.
"Yeah. 'Friends' that's funny, Dad." I chuckled sadly. Phil frowned at the statement.
"What about we invite Ro-"Phil started to suggest but Dan rushed over and clasped his hand on Phil's mouth. They both stared at me seeing if I knew what Phil was going to say.
"Y-you think I should invite Robert?" I stumbled out. Dan unclasped his hand from Phil's mouth.
"If you want to there's no harm in sending him an invitation." Phil shrugged.
"Don't worry. We'll invite our YouTube friends and we'll all celebrate!" Dan grinned picking me up to swing me around in the air. I giggled at his actions. He put me down and walked me over to the kitchen to give me a card and envelope.
"If you want to invite that you go." Dan smiled lightly. I squeezed the papers in my hands and ran up to my room to slam the papers on my desk. I looked over to see Jock snoring on my bed.
"Jock! Wake up! Should I invite Robert to my birthday party?" I asked. Jock opened his eyes sleepily and cocked his head in confusion. I took a pen from my holder and sat on my desk chair.
"T-there's no harm in trying." I told myself and wrote out the invitation.
Dear Robert,
I'm having a birthday party and I'd love if you would come to celebrate with me. I hope to see you there!
P.s. You can pet my dog if you come!
"Done!" I squealed sealing the envelope. I ran downstairs and gave the envelope to Dan.
"I'll send it out soon. Want to help write the other cards with us?" Dan said pointing to Phil and himself.
"Sure!" I said sticking out my tongue playfully and sitting down in a chair.

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