No Call

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Macy P.O.V.
"Dan! Watch out! Stop!" I heard Phil shout. Dan immediately focused and hit the brake pedal. If it weren't for my seatbelt I would've flown out of my seat.
"Macy, are you okay?" Dan turned around to ask me.
"Yeah..but why did we stop?" I said before looking out the front window to see a black fur-ball. I opened the car door to investigate despite my dads telling me not to. Slowly I approached the creature in front of our car. The poor guy was shaking with fright. I launched over to it so I could cradle it in a hug. As I hugged it I realized it was a puppy. A Scottish Terrier to be exact. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes full of hope. He was like me, an orphan who needed a family. I knew I had to help him. Would I be allowed to keep him though?

Phil P.O.V.
Dan and I got out of the car to see Macy holding a Scottish Terrier in her arms. He was small and frightened. I felt bad we caused him this fright. He didn't have a collar so he must've been a stray. I knew Macy would want to keep him. He was small and cute. Maybe we could? I don't know if we're ready to have a dog. Would Dan be okay with having a dog? I heard Dan sigh as he stared at Macy and the puppy. I looked at him sadly and decided to go over to Macy.
"Is he hurt, Daddy?" She asked me with tearful eyes. I hid the excitement from her calling me that for the first time and examined the puppy. I saw his front right leg was limp.
"His front right leg is" I looked at Dan for approval about what I was going to say. He face palmed and rolled his eyes before nodding his head yes with a smirk.
"We'll take him to the vet." I said finally. She looked surprised like she wasn't expecting us to say that. She latched her arms around me.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." She said crying into my chest.
"You're welcome, Macy." I smiled hugging her back.

Dan P.O.V.
Why did I feel sad looking at Phil hugging Macy? They're just bonding with one another. She called him Daddy though. Would she ever call me that? Did I deserve to be called that name? Atleast Phil could be a good father. Will I ever be that good? What if I can't be the great dad Macy needs? Phil will always be a better father than me. I guess I have to accept that.

Macy P.O.V.
We all got back into the car with the puppy. I sat in the backseat with him on my lap. I stroked his soft black fur. He was truly adorable. I hope we decide to keep him after he gets fixed up at the vet. I suddenly felt the need to tell someone what just happened but I didn't know who. A picture of Robert flew into my mind. My eyes welled up with tears. How I wish he would get in touch with me somehow. I miss him. I know he hates me now but I wish he would forgive me. A tear fell on the puppy on my lap and he looked up at me with worried eyes. He licked my hand and snuggled closer to me. I loved this puppy so much.

Robert P.O.V.
I sat on my bed in defeat. I lost my best friend, the one I loved the most. I smashed my head into the pillow trying to drown out the memories. I could hear her voice. I could see her smile. I could see her sad eyes staring at me. A hand touched the top of my head. I looked up to see Miss Peregrine staring down at me.
"You have to talk to Macy. Here is one of her guardian's phone numbers. His name is Dan." She said handing me a phone and a piece of paper with Dan's number on it. I stared down at it with no emotion.
"Go ahead. I'll leave you alone. I'll come back in a few minutes." She said stepping out of the room. I sighed and sorted out if I should call or not.
"Just call, Robert." I mumbled to myself. I dialed the numbers in and listened to the phone ring.
"Hello?" Dan picked up. I parted my lips to speak but I heard laughing in the background of the phone. I knew it was Macy.
"Daddy! Look! The puppy wants his belly scratched!" She laughed.
"Sorry about the background noise! I just adopted a little girl named Macy. She's certainly a happy one. Anyway, who's this?" Dan asked. My voice went numb. I couldn't speak. Macy sounded so happy. Who was I to ruin that? I panicked as I held the phone. My hands were shaking with fear.
"Um, sorry I think I have the wrong number. I hope you're happy with Macy. She deserves the best." I shakily got out.
"Oh..well thank you! I am happy with her. I hope you find whoever you meant to call! Bye!" Dan said.
"Thanks bye." I said quietly hanging up. That was the hardest thing I ever did. I knew it was for the best. Macy doesn't need the stress of me. The knock on the door brought me back into reality.
"Robert? You okay?" Miss Peregrine called out. I fixed up my hair and fake smiled as she walked in.
"Yeah! I'm okay! Thank you!" I said handing her the phone.
"You're welcome. I hope everything worked out." Miss Peregrine kindly said. She rustled my hair and left the room. I felt empty. I knew I could make it through this though. It will just be hard without my best friend. I hugged my Yoshi plushie tightly remembering a memory of Macy and I.

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