Robert's Memory Pt. 2

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Robert P.O.V.
We arrived at the fair later that night. Neon light shades of greens, whites, pinks, yellows, and blues shimmered on my face. Macy held my hand and with a big smile we ran to the ticket both with the others. Miss Peregrine wrapped entrance bracelets around our hands and told us to behave. Macy and I were grouped up with the older kids Logan and Lola. They barely even noticed we were with them because they couldn't keep their eyes off eachother. I looked around at all the bright attractions around us. The Ferris wheel flickered with colored dots, the spinning saucer ride filled the carnival with screams of either fright or laughter. We went on many of the rides despite Logan and Lola not paying attention to us. Macy spotted a Yoshi plush in a game tent and we persuaded Logan and Lola to stop for us. We scrambled our pockets for change and gave them to the owner. He switched on the water shooting game. Macy tried her best but she couldn't get her angle right. I got off of mine and placed my hands upon her to adjust her angle shooting water into the clown face. She screamed with joy when we won the game. The owner smirked and gave the Yoshi to her.
"Thank you, Robert!" Macy smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed like mad. She had never done that before.
"You're welcome, Macy. Now my Yoshi and your Yoshi can be friends!" I smiled. Could anything ruin this day?
=Play song on the top now=
Later in the night we went to the circus, The Benzini Brothers' Most Spectacular Show on Earth. Macy's hand tightened on mine as she spotted a clown staring at us. He had his face slightly painted with lots of red blush. His head was almost bald but covered it up with his hat. As he played with the suspenders on his patched up overalls he smiled at us. I glared at him suspiciously and yanked Macy along with the others into the circus show. We sat on one of the last risers. We could see everything! The head of the circus, August Rosenbluth came of the the audience.
   "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the most spectacular show on earth!" August shouted. The audience clapped with enjoyment. Acrobats, clowns, jugglers, and even a woman on an elephant came out into the circus grounds! As everyone cheered I noticed the elephant was being mistreated by August to do tricks. He was lashing him with a whip! A tear escaped from my eye.
   "Stop! Stop! Please! Stop hurting him!" Macy shouted gripping her Yoshi with anger but was drowned out by the audience. She tried to climb over the barrier but the security officers didn't let her. She sobbed and ran right out of the circus. I looked once again at the elephant and ran out after Macy.
=Stop playing song on top now=
When I got outside I saw the clown from before was talking to her. He held a cigar in his out puffing out smoke. She backed up against the wall with fright.
   "Hey! Get away from her!" I shouted at him. He stomped over to me and fiddled with his suspenders.
   "What's your problem, kid? I'm just playing with the pretty lady." He smirked throwing away his cigar.
   "Get away from us! You're a sicko!" I screamed. He lifted me up and pushed me onto the ground. I gasped trying to search for air.
   "Stop!" Macy shouted trying to get him off of me. He lifted one of his hands and slapped her. She fell onto the ground with her Yoshi. Now I was very mad. I did the only thing I could do. I kicked him where it hurt. He yelped and fell onto the ground beside me. I lifted Macy up and shouted for someone to help us. I felt someone grabbed my shoulder.
"YOU BETTER SHUT THE HE-" The clown started to shout but stopped when someone whacked his head with a metal bar. He was out cold. We look up at our savior. He had brown hair a lightly shaved beard.
"Are you kids okay? Why are you out here?" He asked us.
"I'm sorry sir. I was sad seeing the elephant be hurt by that man." Macy cried. The man got down on his knees and hugged her.
"Shh. Shh. It's okay. I hate how they treat the animals and people here. My name is Jacob Jankowski and you are?" Jacob asked.
"I'm Macy and this is Robert." She said grabbing onto my hand.
"Nice to meet you two. You guys should go find your guardians. I'm sure they'll be looking for you." Jacob said. We nodded and just then Lola and Logan ran out to us.
"Guys! Don't do that! Miss Peregrine would kill us." Logan shouted.
"Oh Logan. I don't blame them. The people in there sucked. The clowns were creepy and the headmaster was abusive." Lola said. Jacob looked around the area and nodded to himself.
"I should get you kids out of here. I don't think it's safe." Jacob concluded. We obeyed and went out of the back of the circus area. In the front of the park we met up with Miss Peregrine.
"Oh there you four are! We were worried. Thank you sir for bringing them back." Miss Peregrine said. Jacob nodded and then looked back at the circus with fright when he heard a lion rawr.
"You folks should get out of here. Bye Macy and Robert." Jacob said before rushing back to the circus. We all looked confused but followed his orders since we were leaving anyway. What a strange and scary night. When we got back to the orphanage Macy and I collapsed on our beds in exhaustion.
"Hey Robert. Thank you for keeping your promise. I'll never be afraid of clowns with you by my side." Macy said to me. I turned to her.
"I'll always be here for you no matter what rough patch we go through." I smiled. She smiled at me back.
That was a nice end to a terrifying night.
The next morning I read in the paper that The Benzini Brothers' Most Spectacular Show on Earth had been closed. The animals had gotten loose. The only person that had died was no other than himself, August Rosenbluth.
Author's Note
This chapter was a reference to the movie Water For Elephants. Robert Patterson is the best. 😂 Anyway, I've realized writing this I want to keep Robert in the story and not have him separate from Macy for a long time. Thank you for reading!

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