The Party

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~Morning of the Party~
Macy P.O.V.
   "Macy! Come down!" I heard Phil's voice shout as I woke up from my sleep. My dog Jock cuddled into my feet. I looked out my window and gasped realizing what today was. Before my dad's could say another word I launched out of bed and ran downstairs to knock into Dan. Jock happily trotted behind me.
   "Happy Birthday Macy!" Dan said wrapping me in his arms.
   "Thank you, Dad!" I said before I leaped into Phil's arms. He whisked me into the air and swung me around.
"Happy Birthday!" Phil told me also. I looked over Phil's shoulders to see our decorated house.

   "I know it's not the best.." Dan stuttered. I jumped out of Phil's arms and ran around the house in excitement. There was hanging rainbow circles and white lights scattered throughout the apartment along with multiple balloons.
   "I love it!" I squealed as I jumped around. Dan gently lifted me up into his arms.
   "Thank god! That was my exercise for the year." Dan sighed. I giggled as he set me down.
   "Who's coming today? I mean I don't have any..friends.." I frowned. Jock walked up to me so I could pick him up to hug.
    "Well, our friends are coming. You know some of them like Felix, Marzia, Pj, Chris, Anthony, Louise..." Phil listed.
   "Anyone my age?" I asked. "I doubt Robert is coming.." I mumbled. Phil began to tap his chin thinking.
"Oh yeah, Felix's nephew is coming. His name is Oliver!" Dan added. I cocked my head thinking of what Oliver would be like.
"I'm sure you'll get along. You don't have to hide you know, that youtubers are your parents." Phil said.
"I'm going to go get ready. I'm in my pajamas." I giggled. Dan and Phil nodded their heads as I took Jock up to my room.
"I'm going to go take a shower, Jock!" I said, setting him down on my bed. He cocked his head cutely in confusion because obviously he can't understand English.

~Later at the Time of the Party~
Macy P.O.V.
   I sat Jock in my lap as we waited for the first doorbell to ring. It was great Dad and Daddy's friends were coming, even one of them bringing their nephew along for me but I couldn't help but wish most that Robert would ring that doorbell. I stroked Jock's fur and slumped on the bed, anxious for what would happen today.
   "Ding dong!" I heard downstairs. I picked Jock up in my arms and rushed downstairs to see Dan and Phil opening up the door. Many tall adults with different hair colors and accents walked in. I got tackled with hugs and kisses, making me wipe my face in slight disgust. The faces looked familiar but a connection to them didn't click. I didn't see Felix or Marzia anywhere either but suddenly a familiar face walked through the door.
"Pj!" I squealed running to the door.

Pj has been a longtime friend of Dan and Phil and he was one of the first people to find out that they adopted me. The decision of them adopting me confused him at first but then he just accepted it.
"How's my favorite kiddo?" Pj said kneeling down to me. He patted Jock on the head.
   "I'm alright..I just wish everyone wasn't a million years older than me." I frowned.
   "I'm not that old! I'd be dead!" Pj laughed. I looked over his shoulder to see a boy that looked about my age. He was by the snack table, stuffing nachos in his mouth.

   "Pj! A boy broke into the apartment!" I gasped pointing my finger. Pj turned around to see the boy.
   "Oh, that's just Felix's nephew, Oliver. You know 'Pewdiepie', right?" Pj chuckled. I nodded my head.
   "I'm scared..what if I'm awkward?" I stuttered.
   "Kiddo! You'll be fine! Get your butt over there!" Pj said nudging my back. I sighed and held Jock closer to me as I trudged to where the boy was standing. The apartment was flooded by people but I couldn't spot the one person I wanted to be here.
"Hi.." I greeted Oliver. He quickly swallowed the nachos and blushed in embarrassment.
"Oh! Hi!I'm Oliver! Happy Birthday!" He responded. I giggled at him wiping nacho crumbs off his shirt.
"Sorry about the mess..parties make a little uncle left to talk to his friends." He frowned.
"It's fine! Hey, want to meet my dog? His name is Jock!" I smiled. Oliver gasped at Jock in my arms.
"Oh my god! He's so small and cute!" Oliver jumped up and down.
"I got him the day I was adopted by my Dad and Daddy." I grinned at the memory.
"Oh your dads make a great couple! My uncle and his girlfriend haven't decided to get a kid yet." He rolled his eyes.
"Oh-they aren't-I don't think they are..a couple." I blushed. Oliver blushed also.
"Ah! I'm so sorry. I thought they were!" He apologized frantically.
"It's alright! Hm..want to ditch the old folk and head upstairs? I have a WiiU. I'll dominate you in MarioKart!" I challenged.
"You're on!" Oliver accepted before we raced upstairs with Jock trotting after us.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

~Meanwhile in London Traffic~
Robert P.O.V.
   "Uncle Eddie! You said we'd get there on time!" I whined. Uncle Eddie tapped the steering wheel.
"At that moment of time, I didn't predict the traffic this dang city would present me so proudly!" Eddie pouted.
"Macy is going to hate me more than she does already!" I cried, holding my face in my palms.
"On the bright side, she won't expect you coming," Uncle Eddie squinted his eyes. "So it'll be the biggest entrance ever when you walk through her door!" He grinned. Suddenly a car tried to fit in our lane, where there was barely any space.
"What the bloody hell are you doing, buddy? You can't fit in the lane! I'm trying to get my kid to meet the love of his life!" Uncle Eddie shouted out his window. The annoyed driver met eye contact with Uncle Eddie, and that is when Uncle Eddie realized this guy had huge muscles and hands capable of murder.
"Uncle Eddie! Shut up! He's going to kill us!" I stuttered. He rolled up the window and stared straight ahead of us.
"Please don't kill us...please don't kill us..please don't kill us..." Uncle Eddie whispered. The traffic suddenly sped up slightly and we cheered.
"If the traffic keeps up on this rate, I can't get you there for dinner!" Uncle Eddie smiled. Right after Uncle Eddie's claim, the cars began to slow down and we were back in the horror of traffic.
"Nevermind?" He nervously chuckled. I sighed and smacked my head against the head of my seat.
"You jinxed it!" I said gripping clumps of my hair in frustration.
"Don't worry. I'm getting you to that party if it's the last thing I do!" Uncle Eddie said, holding his hand on his heart.
"A bit dramatic..but I hope you're right." I sighed.

~Back at the Party After Dinner~
Macy P.O.V.
"Time for cake! Let's get..fat?" Dan cheered. I sat down at the chair next to the counter.
   "Thank you everyone for coming today..." I said traveling my eyes across the crowd of people, my dad and daddy, their friends, Pj, and my new friend Oliver. Maybe my only friend at the moment.
   "Get ready to sing everybody!" Phil said resting a candled cake on the table.
   "Are you 1? Are you 2? Are you 3?..." I couldn't focus on the singing, I just focused on the door, hoping the boy I invited might still possibly come.
   "Are you 7? Are you 8? Are you 9?" Everyone continued. My eyes traveled to connect with Oliver's joyful gaze.
   "Maybe I should just get over Robert.." I thought to myself.
   "Are you 10? Are you...11?" Every stopped waiting for my answer.
   "Yes!" I shouted, out of my trance. Dan and Phil ran up behind me and their friends took pictures.
   "Make a wish!" They both said. I thought what I should wish for in my head, and instantly knew what to wish for, to see Robert again. When I blew the candles out I looked at the door, hoping somehow something magical would happen. Robert did not walk through the door. Dan and Phil started working on cutting the cake to serve. I moved out of the way turned to Oliver, who was smiling.
   "Happy Birthday!" Oliver hugged me. I blushed and wrapped my arms around him. My eyes suddenly squinted at a bright flash. Phil just took a picture of the tight hug Oliver pulled me into. Phil shrugged when I glared at him.
   After the cake was served, Dan and Phil's friends piled out the door, saying their goodbyes. I spotted Pj and ran over to tackle him in a hug.
"Bye Pj! Will you come visit soon?" I asked with puppy eyes.
"Of course, love! Happy Birthday!" He said leaning down and kissing me on the head.
"Thanks Pj! Bye!" I said as he walked out the door. I turned around to see Oliver standing there with a reddened face.
" uncle and his girlfriend are waiting in the car. I wanted to say bye to you!" He said, wobbling on his feet. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.
   "Here's my home phone number..if you want to hang out again! I live pretty close to my uncle so maybe he can drive you and I somewhere." He stuttered out. I stayed silent for a moment but nodded.
   "I' that very much." I smiled. Oliver slowly leaned closer to me then hesitated, but he leaned in again to kiss me on the cheek.
   "I had a lot of fun today. Bye Macy." He said walking out the door. I watched him go but soon was caught with the gaze of very confused and possibly hurt eyes.
   "Robert?" I gasped.
Author's Note
   Thank you so much for staying with me during my break. It means so much to me. I love you guys! ❤️ I tried making this chapter extra long for all the time I've been gone. I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much. -Julie

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