Things Will Have to Change

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Macy P.O.V.
I rolled over in bed as I heard the phone chime.
"Who's calling?" I yawned. It was morning, two days after the party. I slowly walked downstairs leaving Jock in bed.
"Hello?" I yawned loudly in the phone and covered my mouth in embarrassment.
"Oops! Did I wake you up too early, Macy? This is Oliver!" I heard through the phone. My hands laced in my hair, listening in.
"Not at all! What's up?" I smiled. It was nice having a new friend who had become so close to me already.
"I couldn't wait to tell you! Uncle Felix convinced my parents to let me move schools. My old school wasn't so great..there was a lot of bullies and I had no good friends. I'm moving to your school!" He laughed. I gasped and gripped the phone in my hands.
    "Oh my god, Oliver! That's great! I didn't have friends in my school either. But recently my old friend Robert moved here from Canada, can you believe that? You can meet him too. We can hang out together and stuff." I explained. Oliver stayed silent on the phone before speaking.
   "Robert? When did he move here?" Oliver asked curiously.
   "Not that long ago. He surprised me the night of the party." I giggled.
   "That boy..was he that boy at the door before I left?" Oliver asked.
   "Yeah, him." I responded.
   "Hm. Okay. I'll see you and your new dude in school, I guess." Oliver mumbled. I slumped at his sudden change of tone.
   "Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" I asked.
   "No no no! Nothing wrong. I just have to go eat uh breakfast." Oliver stuttered.
   "Oh okay. Bye!" I responded. Oliver said a quick goodbye before hanging up.
I started to walk towards the stairs to go back to my slumber but the phone rang again.
"Ugh!" I huffed, picking back up the phone.
"Hello? Who's this?" I asked tiredly. A light chuckle was heard on the other end.
"Robert, silly. Good morning." Robert laughed. I grinned, glad this wasn't some telemarketing call.
"Hi! I miss you." I said quickly. I suddenly heard footsteps on the other side of the apartment. My parents must have woken up! That's a surprise!
"I miss you too. Hey, I have something to tell you! I'm going to your school. We'll be able to hang out and have classes together. Just you and me." Robert explained. I jumped in happiness.
"Yay! That's great. Oliver just called before saying he's going to our school too." I responded.
"What," Robert gasped. "I mean, oh that's cool! Would he be hanging out with us?" Robert asked.
"Yeah. We can all have a friend group. I don't have any friends besides you two. It'd be nice." I said quietly. Robert didn't say anything but eventually sighed.
"Okay, that's fine. I can't wait to see you again and just be with you in general, I guess." Robert nervously said. I blushed and bit my fingertips in nervousness.
    "I can't wait to see you too! I'll show you around."  I said back.
    "Macy! Are you awake?" Dan suddenly called from the kitchen.
   "Oh do you have to go?" Robert asked. I shrugged and looked around for my parents.
    "Yeah, probably. I think I have to eat breakfast now. I'll see you in school though!" I said.
   "That's fine! I'll see you in school!" Robert responded before we both hung up the phone.

   "Macy? Are you coming? —Oh, there you are. Come eat breakfast." Dan said walking into the area.
   "Sorry. I was talking to Oliver and Robert." I apologized and followed him into the kitchen, where I saw Phil.
   "What did you talk about?" Dan asked curiously. Phil ate cereal silently at the table. I went over to the table to sit and poured cereal of my own to eat.
    "They're moving to my school!" I said happily. Phil looked up from his bowl and Dan's eyes widened.
    "Both of them? They won't tell everyone that we're your parents, right? You know it's dangerous and people can assume..things." Dan blushed.
    "I know. They won't tell anyone." I rolled my eyes.
    "I'm sorry this is hard for you..I know you're having a tough time." Phil frowned. I got up from the table and didn't look at either of them in the eyes.
    "I have no friends because of your paranoia! Finally I do! You're not ruining this! Stop hiding secrets!" I clenched my fist in anger. My parents said nothing.
    "I'm going to feed Jock." I said quietly before I left.

Phil P.O.V.
   "Dan..she's right. We can't keep these secrets up. It's been so long." I sighed.
    "What secrets are you talking about?" Dan asked.h
    "Well our kid Macy for one but you know..the other thing." Phil blushed.
    "No..we don't know how people would react!" Dan panicked. I got up shakily and put my arms around Dan's neck.
    "Phil.." Dan sighed. He wrapped his arms around me in an embrace.
    "I don't know how long we could keep this up. I know you're afraid of being judged but-" I was stopped by Dan violently pulling away.
   "Bloody hell! I'm not afraid of being judged by the people of the internet. I don't know how safe it would be for us if we told people I don't want you to get hurt." Dan responded.
    "Dan..I won't get hurt." I tried to say reassuringly.
    "Sure, Phil. You don't know that. I'm sorry. I'll go make sure Macy is okay." Dan sighed and walked out of the room.
    "I love you, Dan."

Author's Note:
Thank you so much for reading this story. I know it's not that great and I really appreciate you guys for staying with me. I'm doing some major edits to this story in the future because I feel like it has much more potential but for right now I'm planning on making the second book. I'm sorry if this book is crappy, I'll try to balance my time out more and stay motivated.
Things in the second book:
• Oliver - Macy - Robert love triangle ;)
• Decisions Dan and Phil have to make for Macy and themselves.
• Macy's trauma of her past with her biological parents

I love you guys, thank you for reading ❤️

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