Chapter 1

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(Ashley's P.O.V)

Walking down the stuffy hallway with my sister, Zoey , tears prick my eyes. Once in the small dark room Zoey slams the door. "I can't take this anymore!" she says angrily, but ends up breaking down in tears. I walk over to my older sister and hug her " I know, but we can't leave." I say softly "Ashley, why do they hurt us? Have we done something wrong?" she sniffles "I don't know." I say

Suddenly the door slams open and my dad walks in. "You brats better stop crying like babies and clean or you won't get meals for a week. Your mom and I are going the bar tonight, so this place better be spotless when we come back." he says and comes up to me and picks me up by the collar of my shirt. I smell the alcohol on his breath and grimace. "And if you even try escaping like last time, the punishment will be more severe. Got it?" I nod quickly and he throws me into the wall. The tears come back as he slams the door behind him. I slowly get off the floor.

"What are we gonna do?" I say. Zoey gets up off the floor with anger in her eyes and her face streaked with tears." Were getting out of here." She says and roughly pulls out a bag and throws stuff into it. "But we can't go." I say, my voice cracking. "Yes we can." she says "How?" I say. She stops and looks at me " I have waited for the day where we couldn't stand to be with our so-called parents." She grimaces with disgust " I am sick of it so I devised a plan. Tonight is our only chance to escape since our parents are going out. I have saved up enough money to buy a bus ticket for each of us and we can get out of here and as far off as we can. We can change our names and appearances and go off so they would never find us." I stand there eyes gleaming with happiness and tears and run up to hug her. "Let's get going then."

With the small amount of clothes and personal belongings we had it didn't take very long for us to pack. One item that one of our friends gave us for Christmas is a laptop. That was when we went to school. Our parents took us out so we could work more, clean more, and be hurt more. The computer was an old laptop computer and the screen was cracked, but we didn't care. We also like to watch YouTube...a lot. It is actually the reason we stayed here most of the time and One of the reasons was him. Pewdiepie. Even though he cursed sometimes, we didn't care. We listen to our parents curse all the time. He kept us laughing through hard times and sad. 

We hook up the computer and go straight to his channel. He recently posted a new video saying that he was coming out for Vidcon. "Hey that's not to far from here." I say. Zoey nods and we continue watching.


Time Skip to when Parents Leave by the Doctor


We hear the car bump into the trash can and swerve out. "Crazy people." I mutter. Once the lights and booming music of the car were gone, Zoey opens the window and slips out. She slides a bit, but her old shoes hold on to the paneling on the roof. I hand her the nearly empty bag and we shimmy down the side of the house.

I don't understand how our parents were able to afford this house, but it doesn't really matter anymore. I cover my face with my hood and sprint down the side walk with Zoey right beside me. My right ankle hurts from when the male monster threw me with each step. Suddenly Zoey pulls me aside behind a trash can. I look to see what was the matter and I see a police man. Our neighborhood is actually considered one of the nicest (See why I question how my parents were able to afford the house) so police men usually patrol the neighborhood keeping the other residence safe.

The man must have saw us because he marches up to the trash can where we were and pulls us out. His actions were so rough that before he could say anything I shout "Ahhh please don't hurt me! I am sorry for everything that I've done just please don't hurt me." I cover my eyes and brace myself for the hit but it never came. "You think that I am going to hurt you?" The man questions. "Sorry about my sister, but we need to get out of here fast, our parents-" Zoey answers, but stops. There was silence and then the police man hands her a piece of paper. "If you situation is one of the following then I will be glad to take you away from the place you are staying."

Zoey hands back the paper nodding and crying. The man looks at us with sadness and gestures for us to follow him. As we walk, Zoey tells the man our story, how when we were little our parents started making wrong choices and how it soon it led to hurt, drugs, and abuse. Once we got to the police car, we hear blaring music and lights up the road. Me and Zoey look at each other and quickly get into the car. We see our parents drive by and see there cruel faces actually enjoying themselves. I guess me and Zoey were a mistake and they should be alone.

We start driving and out in the distance I hear the car pull in and the shouts of our parents. I sigh in relief as we start our journey to a new life.  

Once at the destination. I am surprised to see the orphanage in front of me. As we walk in I hear the laughs of happy children. The lady at the desk was busily typing away before stopping to look at us "Hello officer, how can I help you today?" she says is a sweet secretary voice. "I was hoping you have a spot in the orphanage for these two young ladies. They had...let's just say an unfortunate household situation." he says "Oh yes of course your just in time for the monthly allowance. This is where every child in the orphanage gets $100 to spend once a month. Please come with me...uh...." "Zoey and Ashley Carshon." we say in sync. We look at each other and laugh and follow her to our room.


Hey guys I am finally Editing this story. If you are reading this for the first time then you should know that I have edited and rewrote parts of this story. Anyway hope you enjoyed this first chapter remember to vote comment and follow! 

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