Chapter 15

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Bonnie stood by the corridor waiting for Clyde before he ran up to her and passed the keys. "What took you so long?"

"I've looked through the places you told me and she wasn't there. I found her at the art gallery." Clyde replied.

"The art gallery is closed off to transport the art exhibit to Amsterdam."

"That didn't stop her from giving her friend the tour. And that's not all, she had given her friend the keys of the control room long before I showed up." Clyde mentioned.

"Is she nuts?!"

"My thoughts exactly." Clyde commented.

"The boss won't like this one bit." Bonnie stated as they both headed to Vargas's office.

"You got that right."

"That friend of hers could be an infiltrated spy for all we know." Bonnie implied, Clyde agreed with her statement.

"She's my best friend, Clyde! I trust her as much as you trust Bonnie." Gail assured him. Gail headed to her workspace angrily before she locked the door.

"Why are you mad at me for?" Ember  caught up to her before she grabbed Electra's arm. Electra shot a glare at Ember before she shook Ember's hand away.

"Why am I not surprised? You raised an alarm with your announcement! Are you trying to get your coworkers to riot?!" Electra reprimanded.

"It's called subterfuge. I told them what they needed to know without making a big deal out of it." Ember stated.

"You used a bullhorn to protest like a feminazi, no one is going to take you seriously with that attitude of yours." Electra reminded her, though ot sounded more of an accusatory tone than the employed engineer liked.

"I got the point across. My colleagues aren't conspiracy theorists that question every little detail said to them. They know that there's a prick on the loose threatening their jobs."

"But they don't know who it is! How are they going to defend themselves if they don't know who they're dealing with?" Electra insisted.

"They'll do it just fine, they're trained professionals." Ember assured her. "We already warned our cohorts within our own divisions. What more do you want?"

"We need to heighten security. The interloper could be anyone." Electra mentioned as she considered sending a notice to the application.

"That's why we have to stay calm." Ember took Electra's phone.

"What are you doing?" Electra asked before Ember fished out her own phone from her jumpsuit.

"You already know that the signal around here is trash." Ember opened her phone and removed the chip. "The least we can do is deactivate it."

"No," Electra hesitated, "no no no. I'm not removing my chip." But Ember already did.

"It's only for an hour, don't worry, you'll live." Ember said sarcastically before Electra took her smartphone back.

"So how are we going to call each other without are phones huh?" Electra snapped at her.

"Ever heard of walkie talkies? I used to work as a security guard, remember?" Ember recalled before she gave a Cobra rx385 Walkie Talkie to Electra.

Electra carefully inspected it, "I can't believe they still make these." Ember turned it on with a turn of the knob.

"Are you still mad at me?" Ember asked through the walkie talkie. Electra rolled her eyes before she ellicited an annoyed sigh.

"I will if you don't give my phone chip back." She replied through the walkie talkie.

Abby, Henry, Hermina and John were at a fast food stand within the aircraft, since the aircraft was mostly designed based off a cruise ship for aerial travel. Abby pinched at the bridge of her nose in disbelief, "you gotta be kidding."

"C'mon, it'll be fun." Hermina insisted while she wrapped herself around Henry's arm, encouraging Abby to join them. It took a lot for Abigail to exhale the absurdity that she was getting dragged into.

"Fine, I'll do it. But it'll be the last time. Got it?" She warned.

"Sure thing." Hermina complied.
"We just want youbto have fun with us." John added.
"One break wouldn't hurt." Henry stated.
"I know a caramel frappuccino will get you in a good mood." Hermina suggested at Abby before the African-Canadian shrugged her shlulders, then Hermina brought Henry in line to wait to take their order.

I hate the fact that she knows me too well. Abby thought to herself before John walked up to her.

"Thanks for joining us, Abby." John started.
"Why not. I might as well get something to eat." Abby replied before she gave a quick glance at the exit before she saw two security bots carry a brunette while a short woman in a fairy costume ran after them. Well that's new. Abby admitted as an afterthought.

Dawn dashed as fast as she could, if the fairy wings of the costume wouldn't be a hindrance, she could've caught up to the security bots by now. "Autumn!" She shouted before she panted.

The security bots took a left turn to drop her off at the airship's infirmary. Autumn was brought to a nurse to make a quick check-up. "Your name?" The male nurse asked before Dawn called out to her sister.


The male nurse saw Dawn tredge up to her sister. "Miss, I've received a notification that this patient attempted to jump out of the aircraft."

"What?!" Dawn then looked at her older sister.

"As I said--" the male nurse started.

"I know what you've said. I still can't believe that she tricked me into getting on this flight, and atop of that, I have to make sure she doesn't kill herself." Dawn interjected as she placed her fists on her hips. "It's evident that she skipped her medication again. Look at her." The male nurse looked at Autumn's sad expression, her brown eyes, and her frizzy, wind-blown hair. "I'm gonna call Dr. Joy to change your medication."

Autumn grabbed Dawn by the wrist with a vice-like grip. "I'm not taking those damn pills."

"Autumn, let go." Dawn warned before the male nurse took the initiative to separate them.

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