Aug. 17th, 2013

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Life.... Why can't it just be simple?! Noooo.... It has to be complex and irrational! I mean, why can't I just have a 'normal day' of summer?! Let me explain:

School starts in 5 days.

My sibs think it is 'funny' to loose my phone.

And there was a FIRE near my HOUSE!!!!

I mean, how crazy could life get?!

Until I got this device I am holding in my hand. Yes... An iPhone. *shakes head* life is all around crazy, weird, lucky, irrational, and completely OUT OF CONTROL!!!!

Lets start with topic 1. School. I am going into 9th grade, go figure, and my one thought is: high school. Well... Technically I am not in the high school building yet but the grades count as high school.

I know I know.... What is the problem when you get straight As anyway?

IT IS HIGH SCHOOL!!! Need I say more?

Like, in less than a year, I will be learning to DRIVE!!!! How flipping scary is THAT?! But, my mom says that it isn't much different from driving a golf cart (which BTW I am deathly afraid to do). Can you see why I am stressed? Good. I hoped you would.

Topic #2: phone issue.

My sibs think it is the funniest thing in the world when they make me angry. (Well, not really but it feels that way!). Soooo....

We were driving home from my grandmas house, which is only like a ten minute drive from my house, with all of my sibs there. My grandma had helped us go school shopping, so we had bags of clothes in the car. I had set my uncharged phone and charger in a bag (I know,.... A dead phone and a charger. Stupid of me huh? Well, my phone is very touchy. If the charger doesn't go in right, it won't charge). Anyway, I realized I needed something on my phone so I went searching for it. We looked through all the bags, but guess what! It wasn't there!! I kept searching and searching, but it was no where to be found. My dad finally said,

"You probably left it at grandmas house. Lets go back and you can go inside an look for it." I wasn't really for the idea, but we went back anyway. We drove into the driveway and I hopped out of the car and ran inside. I looked and looked... Couldn't find a thing. Soon enough, my sister, Amanda, opens the door an says,

"Clover! We found it! It was in the car the whole time!" I said goodbye to my grandma and went back out to the car, my sister in tow. When I sat back down in the front seat, my sister, Zoe, handed my phone to me.

"Thanks!" I said, "where did you find it?" Amanda answered my question.

"By Zoe's foot!" I said thank you again, but I was thinking, Really? The games? Now of all times? I rolled with it until....

I will come back to this topic in a sec.

Topic #3: Fire!

Now, my dad told me that while he was on his way to pick us up from my grandmas, he noticed some smoke up a canyon that we leave nearby to. He realized that a small part of the mountain was on fire! He hurried to get us, then, once we were picked up he drove up to the highest and best point we could see the fire. We watched as the smoke rose into the air and the wind actually helping the situation. See, the wind changed direction after it had burned for a while, so then the fire backtracked and went back over itself. It was put out later, but it was just interesting to watch it devourer the mountain slowly.

Topic #4: new phone.

As I said before, I was going to get back to my phone situation. Well, here's the rest. My dad took my old phone and handed me his old IPHONE!!! I was having a freak out moment inside, but kept cool on the outside. My dad showed me how to work things, the restrictions, and how to personalize it! Soooo there you go! I am on my lovely little beauty right now! Me is happy! *dances across a rainbow with pink fluffy unicorns*

Soooooooo....... There you have it. August 7th all wrapped up! Hope ya enjoyed! Another update coming tomorrow! :D

Advice for this chapter: NEVER LET YOUR SIBS FIND YOUR PHONE!!!! Bad idea!!!

PS- does this remind you of Dork Diaries if you have read it?

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