August 28th, 2014

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Well, for starters, life is okay.


The football game on Friday is against our rivals, and, being awesome, I decided that I would go.


My mom was gonna force me to go, but I decided, "No. I will decide my fate." So, my threesome close group of friends are going to the football game AND the stomp afterwords!


I'm really excited. I've never gone to a football game before, because I'm, you know, the girl who sits in the corner and writes, not caring about anything else in life. Other than friends of course. Oh, and one of my guy friends is coming, so it will be a lot of fun!

Lets see...

Oh! I can't forget to mention this:

Mean girl gets mad. Mean girl gets jealous. Mean girl steals best friend. Mean girl steals everyone else, but two of my closest friends who hate her. Mean girl basically gets revenge after we get the spotlight for once.


Good, that part is out of the way.

My sister Amanda got hurt the other day... I feel bad for her...

So, she was climbing a fence- in her new jeans no less- and fell. The top of the fence cut her pretty badly on her wrist, so she had to go the doctor. Luckily, she didn't have to get stitches, but she still had to have her cut "super glued".

I feel really bad because I didn't know about this until, like, before they left. My sister, Zoe, was freaking out. Amanda and Zoe are really close. They share a room together, they're twins, and they both love each other so much. Zoe was twiddling her thumbs and asking me to call them every five minutes.

Anyway, Amanda was okay and my mom bought her new jeans, so everything is good now!

*sigh* School is starting to become normal, and I hope it stays that way... Crying to sleep isn't fun...

OH! Percy Jackson's Greek Gods is amazing! LOVE YOU PERCY!!!

Well, got to go before my mom finds out I'm on her computer.

ADVICE: Life is hard, but keep going. It will help in the end.

PS: I tackled a guy during PE! WOOHOO!


Sorry, I had to go. My sibs got home from school and I had to turn of the comupter real quick. I'm back on cuz my dad let me use his tablet. YAY!

Anyway, I wanted to mention A LOT more than I put, so lets get started!

Yesterday was the first time EVER that I have gone boating! It was amazing! Except for the part when I almost drowned when I tried to get in the tube, and walking across a rock beach barefoot. It was so much fun! When we were speeding across the waves, I immediatly thought I was on the Argo II. It was awesome... I felt so free!

So yeah... We also found a taranchela! It was sooooo cool! I named it Annabeth Squishy. (we then figured out it was a boy, but I didn't care. The irony was the best part)

Anyway, classes are good.... Lunch is a bit iffy, but whatever. Everyone has to deal with a mean girl sometime in their life anyway right?

There you go. I'm now "offically" done. I may update this soon.

And for those of you who think my life is eventful: It's really not. It's about as eventful and cool as everyone else's life.

OH WAIT! How could I forget taping my friends phone to my face!

So for drama, we had to do these skits right? My job was to be the girl who everyone said that I had something on my face. I kept telling them: "NO! There is NOTHING on my face!" (*wink wink*)

The thing was, the audience only saw the half of my face the phone WASN'T tapped to, so you couldn't see it! HA! How clever is that?!

Anyway, we made everyone laugh when his phone rang on my face! It was pretty epic.

Okay, NOW I'm done!

This is dedicated to my friend Sarah. Hope you feel better! :D

Advice #2: Always keep in character (for allyou drama people)

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