Feb. 27th, 2016

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Feb. 27th, 2016

I literally was just laying on my bed wondering what I should do when I remembered that I haven't updated this book in a while. Plus, I have a whoooole lot to catch you guys up on. 

I guess I'll start with Soul Mate. 

I just created a new cover the for story just tonight, so I'm super happy about that. Here, I'll use the new multimedia thing to show you: 

So yeah. Haha, I thought it would be really good because I have a theme going. [You'll see it when the next book comes out. ;) ]

Okay, story time. 

To start off this story, I have to give you some background first. 

At the semester change, I switched into an advanced tech class -- the kind of tech class that works with auditoriums, plays, sound/light boards, and fly system. The people who bring musical theatre to life behind the scenes. 

Anyway, I am very out of place in the class. The people who have been in the class for multiple school years kinda push me aside, but I don't blame him. There's this kid -- Alpha as we call him -- who is in the same position I am. We're both newer to the class and neither him or I fit in. That's okay, though... I'm a tough girl. I can take some heat. 

This past week, some really profound opportunity came my way.

As some of you know, I participated in my school musical over the winter as both a tech and an actor. It was a challenge, but I got some pretty great rewards from that. My teacher found more respect for my work, I was offered a summer job, and I even got to set off a confetti cannon! I love that experience more than anything I've ever done so far in my life, besides writing a book series of course. 

This past week, as I mentioned previously, my drama/tech teacher came up to me and extended a very private offer to me: to be the stage manager for our next production. 

I was in absolute shock. 

As she actually asked me this question -- and while I was in total shock -- she gestured behind her at the white board. Covering, at least, half of it was a list of each techie in the class next to a specific job. It was a sign-up sheet if you will. 

On this "sign up sheet", I noticed that a number of people had signed up for the job of the stage manager. Many of which, I knew fairly well. 

I, the newbie of the group, was being offered a huge responsibility: TO RUN A SHOW. 

Now, for those of you who do not know what a stage manager must do, here is a VERY small list: 

- Call for props to be moved on and off stage

- Call for lights to come up/go down for black out

- Call sound cues/music

- Go to every rehearsal

- Take notes on every little detail that happens on stage 

- Creates/sets up prop table

- Comes early/Leaves late every night

We all on the same page now? Good. I have all kinds of other tasks I will be put in charge of as well. That will be me for the next two months. This whole experience is so nerve wracking, and yet so exciting. The fact that I will be in charge of the BIGGEST HOT HEAD in the whole tech class is a pretty great feeling, yet I don't know if I'm ready to take on the position of leader. 

I'm only a junior in high school, guys. 16, going on 17. *music starts to play but I wave it off* The point is this: I'm so terrified. 

On top of all of that, I also am participating in girls golf this year (as like previous years as well. I'm one of our best players *humble brag*). I talked to my teacher/director about the issue, but she told me I could miss some of the rehearsals for golf. 

One less thing I have to worry about, haha. 

Above, I briefly mentioned that I was offered a summer job. That is actually true. The special effects guy who came in for our musical came up to me the first opening night and talked to me about working the summer play that goes on at the community theatre. I accepted and he should be in touch with me as soon as practices/auditions begin. 

Guys... this is such a big deal in my life right now. I'm possibly going to be published by an actual publishing company (and if not, I'm self-publishing) and now I'm leader of a school production??? 

Gee, the next thing I need is a boyfriend! 

(*cough cough* NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! *cough*) Oh, sorry. Something in my throat there. 

I'm trying to think if there is anything else that needs some clarification on or if there is anything else I want to bring up... 

Oh. I know. 

Camille is doing well. She's moved on from her last guy who left for his mission at the end of January, and though I miss him, let's just say Cam had a really hard time. The poor girl cried on my shoulder during lunch for almost a week straight. She couldn't hold herself together. 

Now, about a month later, she's already boy shopping again. I swear she's always browsing, but once one guy leaves, she picks up her shopping cart and starts shopping. There is no chill with that girl, I swear. Then again, I can't blame her. She's an amazing young lady. She's got determination, spunk, and all kinds of characteristics that are amazing. 

It's just overwhelming sometimes, that's all... 

I also have been growing really close to my senior friends. They've been so sweet by taking me under their wings and taking care of me. I'm getting my daily dosage of social life with them, which I am extremely grateful for. 

OH! Here's another great topic!

Ash, one of the girls I've mentioned before, now has a boyfriend. If any of you know who I'm talking about in real life, I'm betting you would never have expected her to date the guy she is. 

Ash = Techie, loves the color black, spunky, shorter than most girls, curvy, sneakers, auburn hair always in braid or ponytail. 

The guy she's dating (Corbin) = Football linebacker, tall, wide shoulders, extremely witty, a grade younger, short-cut wavy blonde hair, loves internet memes. 

Can you see what I'm talking about? Haha, it's kinda amusing to see them walking arm in arm down the hallway. They're so adorable, but you would never have guessed that they would have gotten together. 

You know, I think you guys need a character guide/index. I may make that for you guys because I have a lot of friends and other people in my life. Comment if you would like something like that. 

Alrighty then! Hmm... is there anything else I wanna talk about...? Nope, I think that's it. 

I guess I better go to sleep now. It's kinda nice to talk to you guys again. I love chatting with you guys -- my readers and fans -- and I respect each of you very highly. If I didn't have you guys, I wouldn't be here today. Go figure, huh? Thank you for all of the love and support you give me, and I'm not lying when I say it hits me in the heart every time. 

Have the best weekend/week ever. You all really deserve it. Stay amazing!


Advice: No matter what life throws at you, grasp it with both hands and make it your own. 

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