June 14th, 2014

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June 14th, 2014

(yes I know. The date is off. I planned on updating yesterday, but I had no internet. So yeah.)


Well, I just got back from youth conference....

It was so much fun!

I got suuuupppeerrr wet, sunburnt, pretty fat, AND went to a dance!

Nobody asked me... It was sad... I just sat alone in the sideline watching all of my friends dance with cute guys... :'(

But hey! I drew a really awesome picture and I am perfectly fine with having no boys asking me. Apparently I'm not what they're looking for these days....

Anyway, the first day there, I thought we would be staying in hotel rooms, but no! We got town homes! (They're houses that are connected and have a door to the left house and the right house). I shared a room with one of my close young women friends and we had so much fun.

Anyway, after we unpacked, we changed into out swimsuits (with shirts and shorts over them cuz it was the rules, but personally, I didn't mind) and headed to the water games.

We got SSSSSSOOOOOOOO wet! Sure, it started to rain in the middle of it and the water was cold and there was a breeze that made it colder, but it was worth it!

After the water games, we went back and got dressed in church clothes. Then, we went to the chapel and had a devotional about our theme:

Armor Up!

Then, we left, changed Into normal clothes and met outside to watch a movie. What movie, you might ask?

The Croods!

I've never seen it all the way through before, and it's cool!

In the multimedia section, I put a drawing I drew while I was there. It is me and a person chasing each other with water buckets.

Since I couldn't think of anyone who would dump water on me, I drew a random person. Then, halfway through, I realized it looked like someone.

(Yes... It's you Tyler. I don't want to hear your complaints on how bad you look, cuz I tried my best!)

Anyway, that night, my friend and I stayed up until 2am talking. I couldn't sleep, and not could she, so we just talked.

The next morning, my mom came in (she was the only leader at the activity in our ward) and jumped on my bed.

"Get up! Breakfast in an hour!" She screamed. I has just groaned in response.

While my friend and I were getting ready, my mom was doing her hair in our bathroom, since she had to sleep in the living room on her blowup mattress.

Anyway, we went to breakfast then went to.., oh what was it...? I think we went to the "Badger Games"...? No... I dunno. I'll tell you anyway.

The "Badger Games" were just a bunch of stations with activities. It lasted for, like, five hours.

Here's what we did:

Uno-Go-Round-- (you memorized your color on your uno card and whenever the person pulled that color from the deck you would move. You would sit on people until you got your color, but only the top person could move)

Giant Twister-- (your normal twister only on a bigger scale)

Arm Band Tag-- (you had Velcro wrist bands around your arms with a flag. The point of the game was to get everyone on the opposite team's flag off. I was one of the last ones standing!)

Frisbee Quititch-- (like ultimate frisbee, only you had to throw the frisbee through one of the three hoops (duh, like Quititch))

Giant Fuseball-- (you were the little players kicking the ball. You could only move side to side and you had to stay attached to the end of a pole. Two people per pole)

Beer Goggles-- (you would get special goggles that would mess up your eyesight and have to read, walk, and run)

Dodgeball-- (self explanatory)

Rock Wall-- (again, self explanatory)

Snow Cones-- (*sigh* again... Self explanatory)

Two Bike-- (these were the kind of bikes that are connected. Ya know, the ones where two people ride them? Yeah. Those. I didn't go on them cuz they looked really scary)

So yeah. That's what the activities were. Afterwards, I went back to the dorm and crashed. I wish I could have gone to sleep, but I didn't. I finished the drawing instead.

Yeah! Be happy! I sacrificed my sleep for that picture!

Oh wait! I remembered what was before the "badger games"!

We did improvish skits! We had to make up lines and such for a topic and a theme. Ours were "Cleanliness" and "Nerds". So, we made up a skit based off of the story David and Goliath. The David Nerds and the Goliath Geeks!

There were two boys in our group who were on the Goliath Geeks, and one of them was on the other's shoulders. I was David, who volunteered as tribute, to take down Goliath with a duster!


*picks up a feather duster* COME AT ME!!

Nah, just kidding. *tosses it aside*

Anyway, after the "badger games" we had a testimony meeting. It was amazing and spiritual. Then.... After the testimony meeting...

We had the dance!!!

I danced... Oh... For maybe about an hour before I felt left out and sweaty and hot.

I was just sitting out in the curb, thinking about how useless I was when my mom walked up. She asked me if I wanted to go back to the dorm. I hesitated, but agreed. I left without saying goodbye.

I was tired, worn out, depressed and my heart heavy. I had gotten ready and pretty for absolutely nothing....

Anyway, I got back, plugged my phone into my moms speakers she brought and collapsed on the bed. I texted my friends, apologizing and feeling bad that I wasn't going to be with them for the next couple of weeks, then, slowly but surely, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke, feeling as good as new and ready to take on the world!

Except... One problem:

We were leaving that day.

We went and got breakfast (after getting dresses and such first) then headed back to pack up.

As I was unpacking, I looked around the room, sad that I wasn't ever going to come back.

I trudged down the stairs and threw my bag into the back of my moms car.

After a little while more of packing, we left the keys on the counter and left, closing the door behind us.

Driving home, I was sad, but also very grateful I went.

Then, just to ruin my day, the car started making weird sounds. My mom said our... Struts? Slits? Sluts? I dunno... The thing that absorbs the bumps and all, was worn out.

After driving all the way back home (45-60 mins), we dropped the girls off and went to Big-O-Tires.

We got there, my mom took care of stuff and the guys handed my mom keys and said:

"While we work on your car, you can drive the Big-O-Tire truck."

So, we got outside and found the truck. It was covered in the Big-O-Tire logo, but it was a car, right?

We drove to my grandmas house to meet the rest of my family.

The thing is, my grandma is on this trip in California. She was so nervous to leave her dogs, she left my family in charge of staying at her house to watch her dogs 24/7.


She has a little chiwawa named Lily and a little bit bigger one named Peanut.

Fun fact: I grew up with Peanut my whole life. She is two months older than me.

Anyway, I was hoping to go home and rest, but I was eating lunch with my family and the dogs.

Oh, and my sisters/brother got to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2.

But guess what?! My friend invited me to go see it and I just got back from seeing it!


And I didn't realize he was 20 years old... I saw him as more 17 or 18, NOT 20!

The movie was sad... But amazing! Great moral!

Although... Not enough romance between Hiccup and Astrid for me...

I mean, come on! They've been together for 5 years! Give me a little, just a little, more romance! They pecked each other twice and then had a small kiss at the ending....

More pwease?

But I shouldn't complain. Hiccups HOTTNESS made up for it. :D

Soooooo yeah. I'm sitting at my gmas house while the rest of my family is at a party.

Yay for me...

Oh well. The movie was worth it!


Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed, or hoped you enjoyed, my lovely blabbering on about stupid stuff.

Have an awesome weekend!!

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