June 15th-June 18th, 2015

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Well, I think I have gone through a lot these past few weeks. Here is a list:

A) School gets out 

B) Temple Celebration 

C) Trek/Girls camp 

D) Ward Camp out 

And finally 

E) I lose my boyfriend to my best friend.  

Now I know most of you are all like: "wow clover! That's a lot! How did you even survive all of that?!" 

My answer is: I have no idea. Must have been all the scripture study  

Now, I am going to briefly touch base on each subject, just because I don't want to make you guys sit here for hours on end listening to my blabbering. There's so much substance that I'm going to have to pick and choose what I talk about. 

Let's start with A

School got out about three weeks ago for me, which seems like a long time when I think about it... Anyway, a few days prior, my boyfriend (Ryan) was told by the counselors to take the rest of the school year off. So because of that, he wasn't there for the last day of school. 

It was the usual kind of thing-- sign year books and chill with friends. We were all supposed to go to each class, but since the majority of the students didn't, the administrators gave up. My friends, being the people we are, we went to each class anyway. Melody didn't come to school cuz she's a poohead like that, so I hung out with my other best friend (we'll call her Camille) and Josie. Camille and I have just recently become best friends-- like only 3-4 months recent. We're so much alike though, so it's kinda interesting. 

Anyway, we signed year books, met up with some friends here and there, then we hung out in the dance room. A couple of my other buddies were in there messing around and we just joined in. Mrs. Amber (the dance teacher) was cleaning some cabinets out and found all these dance journals no one used or picked up. Camille and I went to town on those things! I came home with at least three new notebooks and four used ones. Also in the dance room, Cam and I played around with one our our guyfriends (we'll call him Chase). Chase, Camille, and I were laughing and dancing around like freaks. Then, the bell rang and school ended! 

My sophomore year was finally over! 

Camille and I cleaned out my locker then met her mom out front of the school. We went to her house and chilled out on her tramp tanning. We talked about a lot of things and basically had a lot of fun. After about an hour or so, Cam's mom came out and asked if we wanted to go shopping. 

Like, heck yeah! 

Camille and I were totally into the idea, so while Cam's siblings and mom are lunch, we went into a lot of stores to browse. We had so much fun-- finding the ugliest dresses and daring each other to wear them. Sure, we didn't buy anything, but who cares? We had fun! 

After that, we stopped at a few other stores with Cam's family, then headed back to their house for dinner. It was sooooo good. That night, Cam and I slept down in her TV room. We giggled, ate chocolate and other candy, and just enjoyed each other's company. The next morning, Cam and I decided to clean up then paint. 

Long story short, we made some pretty cool paintings before I had to go home that night.

And now B

I was involved in a LDS Temple Celebration. We had practices now and then, but now we were pumping out the actual performance. My ward had a Hebrew dance that we danced to with scarves that had been imported from China. 

We had two long, hot, day practices. It vaguely reminded me of Stadium of Fire-- if any of you know what that is. It was the funnest thing I have ever done. Well, that's debatable, but whatever haha. The night we were supposed to perform, It started raining and hailing. There was even some lightning! Soaked and a little worried, my sisters and I took shelter under the bleachers of the stadium. 

Our ward and a bunch of other kids in our temple district began singing primary songs, and whatever song popped into our heads! We even sang Christmas songs. Don't judge. It was the coolest experience to be a part of. Instead of being canceled, the rain stopped around 8pm, an hour after it was supposed to stop. The performance went well and was very spiritual. 

Cool fact: The lady who put the whole thing together had a brain tumor and was barely able to make the performance-- thanks to the rain. She also got a special blessing from Pres. Eiring. 

Next C

Girls camp/trek. 

Ugh, this one will be a hard subject to talk about... I'm still kinda ticked off about it. 

I was a YCL this year, right? (youth camp leader) You would think the girls would treat you with respect, right? You would totally think that you would understand what's going on like the stake camp leaders, right? It was my younger sisters' first year and it was going to be great, right?


There was this one girl I was ready to slap upside the head and make her walk home. We'll call her Syd. Syd was one of the... gosh, I can't say what I wanna say. She was mean. She backtalked both me, the other YCL in my ward, AND our camp leaders! Since she's just one of those girls who is all like "i am the princess so everything is about me and nothing else matters unless i say so this tent sucks these girls are rude i hate you" etc etc etc... 

My poor sisters-- Amanda and Zoe-- had to be pushed around by her and I literally was about to give up trek and go home. It sucked. 

Good news is, I had a couple really good spiritual moments. 

And now D

Okay, this one is kinda going to mix with E, but I think it will give a good introduction to it. 

Trek ended on Thursday and then I was shipped off to ward camp out from Friday to Saturday. I was so tired of everything and everyone, but I went and tried to enjoy myself. Because of that, I was able to set my best friend up with a guy (MELODY AND HUNTER ARE SO CUTE). Hunter's sister is my age and we totally thought they would get along great, so we set them up! Melody was very hesitant, but Hunter was all in with the idea. He graduated this year while Melody is my age, so there is a gap, but they both enjoy the same things. No doubt, I think they'll work out really nicely. 

Although... later that night, E was introduced... 


So I was sitting around the campfire, minding my own business, when I get a text from Camille and Ryan. I was worried at first, because I didn't know if Ryan was okay or not. He had been talking to Cam a lot and he was starting to become attached. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about... For being his girlfriend for... how long did I last in his book... maybe a month at most? 

Anyway, they text me and they're being kinda mysterious... They kept telling the other to tell me something and I was starting to get really anxious. Had something horrible happened? 


Cam was the one who finally told me: Ryan and her had feelings for each other and Ryan wanted to get together with her. 

*dumb face*

*stares at phone*

*dreams shatter*

*eyes flare with anger and fear*

*flips table*

*punches wall*

*stabs pillow*

*burns phone and building and everything/everyone around me*

My response?

Me: I...o-okay... 

Then I left the conversation. 

Now, you're probably thinking: "What a jerk! They both need to die in a hole! They didn't even think about how you felt!"

Cut them some slack, guys... I had at least a week or two since he broke up with me and they thought I would be able to handle it. Cam felt horrible afterward, and she wanted to tell me in person, but the damage had been done. I felt betrayed, unloved, and basically like a piece of trash. The boy I had emotionally invested in had thrown me away and chased after my best friend instead. I was basically a bridge from her to him. 

That's it. 

No matter how many times they tell me that they're sorry... I just... I don't believe them... 

Anyway, my mom told me that if I wanted to keep Camille as a best friend, I had to stand by her in her decision. I liked that advice, so I went with it. 

Cam and I hung out the other day, telling each other that there were no hard feelings or anything. Well... I broke down really badly. I fainted twice (don't worry, it's normal when I'm emotionally drained. I blame the tumor or low blood pressure). *sigh* We haven't talked since... 

Oh, but it makes me so mad... I still care about him, but I hate his guts so freaking much... *sigh* Whatever. I don't care anymore. 


Advice: ___________

I have none for this one.

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