June 7th, 2014

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June 7th, 2014


Hey! I’m back!

I just got back from a long and tiring girls camp. I had a lot of spiritual experiences and I might share my testimony… I don’t know yet…

Anyway, I had one of the best weeks of my life and I learned so much.

Man… I think I might cry…

Anyway, lets get to the fun parts. We got lost in the woods! It was one of my favorite parts! Like, seriously.

We were hiking on the trail and since there was construction going on, we lost it. Our leader went scouting and we found another trail. Then that trail disappeared. We all ended up going bushwhacking, which means we trudge through the trees and brush. It was one of my favorite experiences ever. Our leader was fun and knew exactly how to get back.

Let me tell you this, when we could see the dirt road that lead into camp, my eyes filled with tears and I ran for that road. You know how dirt roads are brown? Well, this one looked pure white. Almost like glass. It was absolutely amazing. All the way down the dirt road, we sang so many songs off key, I couldn’t count.

We got back to the lodge and checked ourselves for ticks, which none of us had. On of the girls, though, had hurt her knee and was lightheaded from dehydration. She got better though.

Over all, the hike was amazing.

Hmm… OH!

The first night there, which was Monday, we got together for FHE (Family Home Evening) and watched Up. It was a lot of fun!

Since our theme for camp this year was “Come Up Unto Christ” we had all kinds of fun Up stuff. Adventure books, tiny houses with a balloon, bottle cap pins and necklaces. I was so much fun! Hmm… Oh, sad part:

We had to use Porta Potties. Since the construction workers turned off all the water, we had to haul in a water tank, and that was just for washing hands and dinner and such. The toilets didn’t work, so yeah. Yeah…

I thought of this when I first saw them:

I hope Dirt Women isn’t gonna form in the potty sludge…

*smirks* Sometimes, I love my brain!

Anyway… There is so much to talk about.

The last week of school was fun for me. On the last day, we went to our friends house to see puppies, then we went to my gmas house and had food, then we went to my other friends house and we did night games! We had a water fight, played truth or dare for four hours straight (not kidding) and played a game called Curses when it was starting to get dark.

We were going to watch a movie, but I left because I was too tired and worn out. When I got home, I feel asleep and didn’t wake up until 1pm the next morning.

Yep… a really fun day.

But I can’t forget Lagoon day, no no no!

Lagoon is an amusement park an hour from where I live. Every year for Jr. High school kids, you have the chance to go there at the end of the year. You have to have good grades, no tardies or unexcused absences.

My friends and I all made it in and I had the funnest time with them! We got wet, went on roller coasters, and pretty much had a ball! For a last year thing for me, I got a stuffed killer whale.


Anyway, this year was my last, since I’m moving on to High School. Technically, I am in high school (since I just finished 9th grade), but my district is weird that way. I officially am going to be a high school this next year…. It’s so scary to think about…

Anyway, I got all A’s in both 3rd term and 4th term! I did it! I’m so happy! High school’s going to be harder, but I’m ready for the challenge!

Bring it on Honors English and Honors Math! (they are right after each other on my A day. D:) Let’s see… did I forget anything…? *taps chin*

I don’t think I did. Please comment about what you want to hear about and I will try to update as soon as I possibly can! I have all day today, and I plan on getting a lot done!

Bye bye! See ya!

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